The topic should be that a convicted felon and a psychopathic billionaire are running the country and our party seems powerless to do anything about it.
Liberals, pick an important topic, please. This is why the GOP keeps making headway: distractions.
Point taken.
The topic should be that a convicted felon and a psychopathic billionaire are running the country and our party seems powerless to do anything about it.
Liberals, pick an important topic, please. This is why the GOP keeps making headway: distractions.
I must admit, I agree. Splitting every hair with outrage accomplishes nothing. My concern is laser focused on Musk & Minions' access to information that could be digitally used against those who didn't support Trump - voting records, SSI, IRS, Medicare, etc. Along with the gutting of needed information regarding the Nation's Health, particularly with Bird Flu and low rates of vaccination are resurrecting the breakouts of diseases from decades ago. Example, 22 people in Texas, all infected with measles. All unvaccinated.
All this other stuff is picking fleas off a rabid Grizzly. I agree, it's time to focus.
Pro-birth... because it's a human from conception. Saying that out loud proves I am holy, and a good person because I support life.
Once it's born, it's just a drag on services and needs to fight like everyone else to prove their own merit and chart their own path. I am good, because I teach self-reliance and individualism. I never had any breaks... you'll be fine (and those programs are expensive!).
If your parent made bad choices...that's on them. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me.
Pro-birth... because it's a human from conception. Saying that out loud proves I am holy, and a good person because I support life.
Once it's born, it's just a drag on services and needs to fight like everyone else to prove their own merit and chart their own path. I am good, because I teach self-reliance and individualism. I never had any breaks... you'll be fine (and those programs are expensive!).
If your parent made bad choices...that's on them. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me.
Matthew Grimm... Back when I took part in the Mixtape Culture Club, I did a mix where I asked my Facebook Rockstar Friends to recommend something I haven't heard. I was directed to Mr Grimm by Howie Klein.
* Republicans are trying to create $4.5 trillion in tax cuts.
* Tax cuts will be skewed in favor of the mega rich and corporations. Average American making under $400K will see $1/day tax cut.
* An American in the 1% richest income group will enjoy $80,540 tax cut.
* Republicans are looking for $1.5-2 trillion in budget cuts to help pay for the tax cuts.
* GOP has directed Energy and Commerce Committee to find $880 billion in budget cuts. The Committee runs Medicaid.
* Medicaid cuts will be called "Work Requirements" and "Per Capita Limits."
* Half the children in the US get their health insurance from Medicaid. Two out of every five births in the US is funded by Medicaid.
* The GOP has directed the Agriculture Committee to cut $230 billion from its budget. Funding for SNAP, a program that "helps feed 40 million of the most impoverished Americans,"
is the target for budget cuts here.
* The GOP has directed the Education Committee to find $330 billion in cuts. The Committee has discussed increasing payments made by students for student aid and getting rid of grants.
* Under the GOP plan, an average student loan payment will increase by $200/month.
* The budget would kill the ACA's tax credits, so that 20 million Americans will pay far, far more for health insurance. Four million Americans would no longer be able to afford health insurance.
* Republicans want to kill green energy tax credits.
* Republicans want to give $200 billion for their "anti-immigrant agenda": Homeland Security gets $90 billion to deport people, DOJ gets $110 billion for criminalization and detention.
* The group Americans for Tax Fairness called this proposed budget "All told, this bill would amount to one of the largest transfers of wealth from working people to those at the top in our nation's history."