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Neil Finn — Anytime
Album: One All
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Total ratings: 1038

Released: 2002
Length: 3:21
Plays (last 30 days): 5
See a dog upon the road
Running hard to catch a cat
Car is pulling to a halt
Truck behind me doesn't know
Everything is in the balance
Of a moment I can't control
And you're sympathetic strings
Are like the stirrings in my soul

I could go at anytime
There's nothing safe about this life
I could go at anytime

Find the meaning of the act
Remember how it goes
Every time you take to water
You swim against the flow
And the world is all around us
And the days are flying past
And fear is so contagious
But I'm not afraid to laugh

I could go at anytime
There's nothing safe about this life
I could go at anytime

Come without a warning
It could be so easy
A walk in the park
Maybe when i'm sleeping
See the clouds come over
Rain or shine
I make you so unhappy
So lets make it right

I feel like I'm in love
With a stranger I'll never know
Although you're still a mystery
I'm so glad I'm not alone

And I won't let it go
Of the first clear moment
I saw you
Make it so easy to fly in the night
I could go at anytime
There's nothing safe about this life
I could go at anytime
Comments (110)add comment
 garrettb wrote:

Born: Te Awamutu, Waikato region, North Island, New Zealand

That just sounds so neat

As one who was born and raised 20 minutes away from Te Awamutu...<sigh> it really isn't! ;/ 
This track along with the rest of the album is fantastic
Neil is great!  Love him in all incarnations.
Born: Te Awamutu, Waikato region, North Island, New Zealand

That just sounds so neat
 NorthernLad wrote:
Neil is now a member of Fleetwood Mac.  They fired Lindsey Buckingham
OK, that ^^ was funny! 
Neil is now a member of Fleetwood Mac.  They fired Lindsey Buckingham
More Neil  Finn please. 
 rdo wrote:

interesting to note that Seinfeld did not have a song of any kind to open or close with.....
I'm pretty sure that TV show had at least a closing theme.
More Neil Finn!
 ziakut wrote:

Actually, this comment made me chuckle. Thanks Stingray. By the way, I think this tune is supreme!

interesting to note that Seinfeld did not have a song of any kind to open or close with.....
 Stingray wrote:

That is because you have no clue...!!!!
STOP watching "JERRY"!

Actually, this comment made me chuckle. Thanks Stingray. By the way, I think this tune is supreme!
Finn's, Crowded House, Split Enz...it's just all so good{#Sunny}
 alph wrote:
To me, every Neil Finn song sounds like an 80s/90s TV sit-com intro theme song.

Well...not every song. This one, kinda yeah. But I still love it. 
This is quite good, but somehow the version on Seven Worlds Collide just seems a bit better for some reason.
 alph wrote:
To me, every Neil Finn song sounds like an 80s/90s TV sit-com intro theme song.

You need to be more specific.  I don't watch sit-coms on TV very often, but I've never heard a song that sounded like this featured on any television program.

 alph wrote:
To me, every Neil Finn song sounds like an 80s/90s TV sit-com intro theme song.
 alph wrote:
To me, every Neil Finn song sounds like an 80s/90s TV sit-com intro theme song.


You maybe right, but that doesn't mean it is not good.
I like the live version on Seven Worlds Collide a lot better, altho I'm not sure why.
 alph wrote:
To me, every Neil Finn song sounds like an 80s/90s TV sit-com intro theme song.


That is because you have no clue...!!!!
STOP watching "JERRY"!
 ziakut wrote:
This song adds an element of the human condition. All of us are fascinated with our own mortality even if it's not pleasant. This is a pleasant look at an uncomfortable situation. Nice contrast, Mr. Finn.{#Flamed}

Well put!
To me, every Neil Finn song sounds like an 80s/90s TV sit-com intro theme song.

More Finn Bros., Crowded House, Sqeeze, Glen Tilbrook, Del Amitri, fank you fank you very much oh and Talk Talk!
This song adds an element of the human condition. All of us are fascinated with our own mortality even if it's not pleasant. This is a pleasant look at an uncomfortable situation. Nice contrast, Mr. Finn.{#Flamed}
Grammarcop wrote:
While in the car a few minutes ago, I heard on the CBC that Mr. Finn is 51 years old today.
That's a delicate age. Leads to songs like "Anytime." I'm sort of in that age range (or was not too long ago) and tend to have rambling discussions with my associates regarding the impending train wreck that is aging and we spend a good deal of creative thought on how/when it would be appropriate to check out.

Earth, that nourish'd thee, shall claim
Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again,
And, lost each human trace, surrendering up
Thine individual being, shalt thou go
To mix for ever with the elements,
To be a brother to the insensible rock,
And to the sluggish clod, which the rude swain
Turns with his share, and treads upon. The oak
Shall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy mould.

William Cullen Bryant

 radiojunkie wrote:
Any Finn is fine.
         — Fin —

{#Clap}{#Laughing}very funny!

Instant 8, heading upward.
Not bad, not bad ))
While in the car a few minutes ago, I heard on the CBC that Mr. Finn is 51 years old today.
 radiojunkie wrote:
Any Finn is fine.
         — Fin —

Agreed. Even his more mediocre material is great, he who can do virtually no wrong {#Tongue}
 radiojunkie wrote:
Any Finn is fine.
         — Fin —

{#Lol} funny.
Any Finn is fine.
         — Fin —

Love this.
 westslope wrote:

Interesting. So how are American audiences 'different' from other presumably western country audiences?

They remixed it by putting in some violence, but took out any conceivable reference to sex or bare breasts-
 MinMan wrote:
....is a kiwi.
Eddie dosen't know his geography.

 lemmoth wrote:
Eddie Vedder's favorite Aussie.
  ....is a kiwi.
thanks bill...another moment when i needed to hear neil's melodic voice
SoundChaser wrote:
IMO - Netwerk America killed this album when they insisted that it be remixed for american audiences. The original (One Nil) was a far better mix, and far better sequencing.
Interesting. So how are American audiences 'different' from other presumably western country audiences?
Eddie Vedder's favorite Aussie.
SoundChaser wrote:
IMO - Netwerk America killed this album when they insisted that it be remixed for american audiences. The original (One Nil) was a far better mix, and far better sequencing.
I couldn't agree more. What the hell were they thinking?
flandersdog wrote:
one of Neil Finn's more straightforward songs, lyrically. I'm not crazy about the production on this song/album, but Neil really can do no wrong, musically, in my book...
IMO - Netwerk America killed this album when they insisted that it be remixed for american audiences. The original (One Nil) was a far better mix, and far better sequencing.
If anyone uses aMule to find music, take a look for Neil Finn, Johnny Marr and Lisa Germano doing an interview on Dutch radio. They play three songs acoustically from this album.
Yet another example of the superb artistry of the Brothers Finn.
I'm still patiently waiting for some of the new songs to be on the playlist!!!
I love this song. Neil Finn/Crowded House are touring later this year, as a kiwi living away from home I can't wait!
elliotgoettelman wrote:
could it get any better?
Agreed. Two great songs with a great transition.
Darkmatter wrote:
Wilco segues into Neil Finn. I love this place.
could it get any better?
Alrighty now... RP is on a true roll tonight... Neil Finn is undeniably one of the best singer song writers to come out of New Zealand (or is it Australia?) Word has it he is working on a new album, I'll majorly be looking forward to that.
Mangoman wrote:
It's amazing how many Neils there are in the popular music world. Yet, I've never even met a guy named Neil. Odd.
I have. And he was odd. But this one is by far the most melodious.
Wilco segues into Neil Finn. I love this place.
Marr wrote:
I've been through a moment like what's descibed below in the first part of the lyrics. That moment when all the crashing of metal and glass is over and you are actually still alive/intact is a rare moment of clarity and joy at just being alive. This song catches me every time. I see a dog upon the road Running hard to catch a cat My car is pulling to a halt The truck behind me doesn't know Everything is in the balance Of a moment I can't control And your sympathetic strings Are like the stirrings in my soul I could go at anytime There's nothing safe about this life I could go at anytime
Wow thanks for the lyrics and the interpretation. That really made joyful feeling of the song hit home.
Marr wrote:
I've been through a moment like what's descibed below in the first part of the lyrics. That moment when all the crashing of metal and glass is over and you are actually still alive/intact is a rare moment of clarity and joy at just being alive. This song catches me every time. I see a dog upon the road Running hard to catch a cat My car is pulling to a halt The truck behind me doesn't know Everything is in the balance Of a moment I can't control And your sympathetic strings Are like the stirrings in my soul I could go at anytime There's nothing safe about this life I could go at anytime
Wow. Ok, I'm going to gather myself now... Wow.
When I hear Neil Finn, I think Crowded House, which makes me think of the life stories they sung of London and life there.....hummmm pleasant thinking, I drift along, I drift along.....
First time hearing this one. His voice just grabs me right away. I love this man.
Bumped my rating from 9 to 10!
It's amazing how many Neils there are in the popular music world. Yet, I've never even met a guy named Neil. Odd.
Sorry, but I find this somewhat annoying. For some reason. I'll keep listening, and it may grow on me.
This is one of the songs of Rp that i love..
lotus_65 wrote:
Bill plays WAAAAYYY too much Finn-related music.
I'm not so sure that that's possible....
Unbelievable talent.... truly an amazing song-writer. They (Neil and Brother Tim) were scheduled for here in the states this summer and cancelled due to the death of former Crowded House member Paul Hester. We miss you Neil! RIP P. Hester :(
So beautiful! How can such a musical genius like him be ignored by all radios? Such a shame... In all case, I prefer the live version on "7 Worlds Collide".
What I have always liked about Neil Finn is that he makes songs written in the minor key seem happy and not completely bumed.
Any Finn is fine.
I've been through a moment like what's descibed below in the first part of the lyrics. That moment when all the crashing of metal and glass is over and you are actually still alive/intact is a rare moment of clarity and joy at just being alive. This song catches me every time. I see a dog upon the road Running hard to catch a cat My car is pulling to a halt The truck behind me doesn't know Everything is in the balance Of a moment I can't control And your sympathetic strings Are like the stirrings in my soul I could go at anytime There's nothing safe about this life I could go at anytime
one of Neil Finn's more straightforward songs, lyrically. I'm not crazy about the production on this song/album, but Neil really can do no wrong, musically, in my book...
drH wrote:
Makes me want to relive my entire life in New Zealand. Neil, you are nearly peerless.
Yup. Apart from being such a parallel to Middle Earth, NZ has produced some neat musicians. WOULD be cool to live there. Lahv thee ick sint...
julz wrote:
I gotta second that. I love the variety on RP, but Neil Finn gets way more airplay than necessary in my modest opinion.
Well, considering he gets virtually NO airplay on FM radio, it is nice to see that his talents are appreciated somewhere. And if you are a fan like I am, then I think the amount of airplay for Neil, Crowded House, Finn Brothers, or Split Enz on RP is just perfect. Whereas a group like Cake (who I can't stand) gets played too much on RP AND on FM radio.
loveslave wrote:
Since *everybody* who has commented on this seems to love it, I just have to give my POV too: I think it's boring. Sorry. :oops:
I gotta second that. I love the variety on RP, but Neil Finn gets way more airplay than necessary in my modest opinion.
Heathen wrote:
Oh god no... please no... the Counting Crows make me want to smash things.....
like pumpkins?
Three wrote:
ALL Finn-related projects are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! ANYTIME!
Bill plays WAAAAYYY too much Finn-related music.
what an amazing pop craftsman. and I mean that in the most flattering way!!!
drH wrote:
Makes me want to relive my entire life in New Zealand. Neil, you are nearly peerless.
Yeah. I wish I'd never left Kiwi Land.
Makes me want to relive my entire life in New Zealand. Neil, you are nearly peerless.
The live version is better, but this song is almost perfect lyrically. The bridge doesn't do much for me, but the rest of it can be downright chilling if I hear it in the right mood. Carpe diem, people. We all could go "Anytime."
jasong wrote:
too much neil finn - not enough Counting Crows.
Oh god no... please no... the Counting Crows make me want to smash things. But this is a great song....
Originally Posted by Betty: tee hee hee i love hearing him on the radio; i agree with awamutu though, stuff from the first record, Try Whistling This, would be cool to hear here
I uploaded the song "Sinner" from Try Whistling This. It got he dreaded "Probably Not". Which is totally lame.
Originally Posted by allg63: I have not heard this guy before but i live in the uk and we don't have a station like kpig or radio paradise in fact we non't have a station worth listening to
You obviously don't live in London then! The great XFM 104.9! Almost as good as RP!
Just bought Seven Worlds Collide yesterday. That has a great version of this as well. Almost passed on RP today to listen to it again.
ALL Finn-related projects are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! ANYTIME!
Originally Posted by theSiren: " Fear is so contaigous, but I'm not afraid to laugh " Masterful. ) :)
Originally Posted by philarktos: impermanence and desire, essential themes, expressed with energy and elegance
I agree phil. It's about the WORDS, folks.
impermanence and desire, essential themes, expressed with energy and elegance
Originally Posted by loveslave: Since *everybody* who has commented on this seems to love it, I just have to give my POV too: I think it's boring. Sorry. :oops:
I have to agree.
Just about any Neil Finn is nice, Thanks!
Since *everybody* who has commented on this seems to love it, I just have to give my POV too: I think it\'s boring. Sorry. :oops:
to sum up most of the comments: more finn more enz, more ch and neil\'s twt across the airwaves would trulay make for a better world :) anytime...catchy enough, yes...but more from neil\'s 1st record would be fantastic :)
Originally Posted by noladq: I love his voice. I uploaded a song from the Finn Brothers album that was rejected though :( I uploaded Suffer Never and it shows up as added but hasn't been played and doesn't show up in the music search. Oh well :(
\"I\'m so in love with it all.\" Hey soulspin, you know the Finn Boys do a song called \"In Love With It All\"? It\'s on the Hotel du Love soundtrack.
too much neil finn - not enough Counting Crows.
I love his voice. I uploaded a song from the Finn Brothers album that was rejected though :( very sad as it\'s a lovely song - like this the melody gives me goosebumps... More Finns - Crowded House, Split Endz...
Now, let's band together and lobby for some Crowded House! There's NONE on the playlist!
That is a DISGRACE!!!! There should be lot's of Crowded House on Radio Paradise! Oh well, there is "Don't dream it's over", like we haven't heard THAT before... and 2 Split Enz songs. At least that's something. How about adding: "Chocolate cake" "There goes god" "Four seasons in one day" etc. etc. Ab-so-lu-te-ly won-der-ful songwriting
Originally Posted by Thea: Saw all three of his L.A. shows last week... I'm still on a high.
I'm beyond jealous!!! :)
My man-friend and I are currently in a Neil Finn trance. We\'re buying everything we can afford and find since we picked up the 7 Worlds Collide DVD. We listen to him every day... As has been said, the 7 Worlds version of this is great as well. This stuff is just wonderful music. Lyrically, instrumentally and just as a whole. I\'m so in love with it all.
Fantastic - the live version from 7 Worlds Collide is also great. For a great collaboration listen to "there is a light that never goes out" (Smiths)from this disc too.
I finally got this CD and LOVE it! Now, let's band together and lobby for some Crowded House! There's NONE on the playlist!
oh dear, I've already posted here, haven't I? Well then, this is just to commend you for *continuing* to play Finn. :) Saw all three of his L.A. shows last week... I'm still on a high. oh, this is the new version of this song! (lovelier, in my opinion...)
Someone like Neil Finn doesn\'t need to provoke people, nor gimmicks, scandals etc., his songs are good enough to draw attention without all that.
SHOOT! I was away from my desk and missed this! Can\'t wait to hear it.
the more you play any Finn, the better off we all are. airplay, airplay, airplay! :D
Love the Finn brothers, solo or in a group.... great melodic pop.