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Total ratings: 965
Length: 3:53
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Agreed. Time to bump it down.... oh.... it's already pegged at 1.

to boot they stole this song from some no-name indie band..
C'mon, this is a great tune. Thanks Joe!
floydoftherocks wrote:
to boot they stole this song from some no-name indie band..

sorry for my english!! I'm learning

I heard Son Volt at "Home Depot"! WTF.
I realize Son Volt has been mammothly eclipsed by Wilco since Uncle Tupe splintered, but when I first read that, I imagined Jay Farrar & the Boys were really having a tough time of it lately, taking any friggin' gig they can get!

I'm not a CP hater, but this one's definitely overplayed, at least here in the Netherlands, so i wouldn't mind not hearing this one for the next couple of years...
Can I just lodge a friendly complaint that I would really enjoy NOT hearing here on Radioparadise?
This is my refuge from all of the above. . .

I heard Son Volt at "Home Depot"! WTF. I never would even of known who it was if it weren't for RP.
On the other hand, before the Porcupine Tree concert in Buffalo in May, I heard "Time Flies" on the jukebox at TGIFridays! But I think the hostess was just playing the audience for a better tip. And it worked!
Coldplay is one of those like/dislike bands. I am still on the fence with these guys. But I mostly dislike their music. Oh well, at least Bill followed this up with Wish You Were Here.
All is forgiven.
Same here.
nope just plagerism
Same here.
no, but if you'll hum a few bars, i'll fake it
"enough is enough"
jlind wrote:
Are you guys having fun yet?
https://jasonlind.wordpress.com/ <— chaos is order, hot is cold, P is NP... everything we ever knew is right and wrong at the same time Q.E.D.
Read the top, then the bottom and make the middle truly your own!!!!! :) :) :)
Bill is the greatest living proof I know of that, and thank you all for playing so effectively.
Jason L Lind
President / Chief Software Architect
Lind Innovation
Are you guys having fun yet?
https://jasonlind.wordpress.com/ <— chaos is order, hot is cold, P is NP... everything we ever knew is right and wrong at the same time Q.E.D.
Read the top, then the bottom and make the middle truly your own!!!!! :) :) :)
Bill is the greatest living proof I know of that, and thank you all for playing so effectively.
Jason L Lind
President / Chief Software Architect
Lind Innovation
Absolutely, and a suck ass song is a suck ass song regardless of its exposure too!
Oh God, it's the Bono factor all over again. Just listen to the music.... it's actually not bad.
Yo! Some can't handle it I guess.......
I think we're married to the same person!

Can I just lodge a friendly complaint that I would really enjoy NOT hearing here on Radioparadise?
This is my refuge from all of the above. . .

agreed. Why,apparently suddenly, all of this Coldplay "airplay" on RP ?
Can I just lodge a friendly complaint that I would really enjoy NOT hearing here on Radioparadise?
This is my refuge from all of the above. . .

I'm am no Coldplay h8er but this song sucks.
No, it's Steve Vai

Joe Satriani ~taught~ Steve Vai how to play. They are friends as well as mentor/student. It was a Joe Satriani instrumental "If I Could Fly" that the Coldplay guitarist used whether he intended to or not.
To RedGuitar: Satriani & Coldplay have reached a settlement, however they chose not to make the details public.
It makes me happy each time I listen to it, with intensity. It's jubilant.
I walk with this in the streets of Beijing and nothing matters, nor the crowded sidewalks, neither the grey avenues. Just incredibly happy.
Bravo per Bambini!
Yeh, kinda like George AND the Beatles all rolled into ONE!
maybe it's because the album isn't as horrendously crappy as you think it is. I liked this one. It's not stellar, but it's decent, and there are some inklings that the boys are finally finding their own style.
I don't understand these problems with the ego of the lead singer. The fact is, that if you're going to get up in front of tens of thousands of people and perform your work for them, 300 or more nights a year, for however many years, you need to have a big ego. One could argue that a "big ego" is a requirement for the job. Why then should we have so much trouble tolerating this ego in performers who give us pleasure?
Besides, as far as frontmen go, I always thought Chris Martin has much less ego than most: if you've ever heard him in interviews, he's always quick to credit his, er, influences, and downplay his own talent. Much different than some of the performers he still idolizes.
Why couldn't he be normal, like Tiger Woods?!

Mind you, it's not a BAD song. Maybe you just need to be in the right mood...
It gets the "meh" score from me: 5
Ever? EVER?? Let's re-think that one, OK?
"Cat Stevens: 'Coldplay stole my song!' "
"Acknowledgements to the original Cat Stevens 1973 classic Foreigner Suite are due"
actually, you clearly can't see that all of the low ratings add up to at least as much as the high ones
most of us have good taste
that said, parts of this song have merit... it's just his voice that ruins it
Ady Ady Ady.......who do you mean when you say "us"?
Do you have a roomful of people with you right now, or just many personalities?
Or are you trying to imply that the "us" you refer to are other listeners who comment on these pages in an attempt conjure up an imaginary majority of people who support your opinion?
That said, .... I'm not even sure what your vague definition of good taste is, or if you even have what would be considered good taste, I believe you only have an opinion.
Probably the Coldplay Backlash Syndrome.

peter_james_bond wrote:

Still doesn't compute:


actually, you clearly can't see that all of the low ratings add up to at least as much as the high ones
most of us have good taste
that said, parts of this song have merit... it's just his voice that ruins it
The "parts that have merit"...did Joe Satriani write those too? TEE HEE!
Agreed. Enough already.
most of us have good taste
that said, parts of this song have merit... it's just his voice that ruins it

Still doesn't compute:

Is this your justification for not opening your wallet? Pretty pathetic. Based on the ratings it looks like Coldplay probably brings in more donations then it scares away.
actually, you clearly can't see that all of the low ratings add up to at least as much as the high ones
most of us have good taste
that said, parts of this song have merit... it's just his voice that ruins it
Is this your justification for not opening your wallet? Pretty pathetic. Based on the ratings it looks like Coldplay probably brings in more donations then it scares away.
Yep... there is something about it that reminds me of an old AM radio hit @ Christmas time.
Lame, it is.

That's OK. Bill won't miss your $1.50. I'm sure you can find some auto-shuffle deep indie channel to listen to.

This, from a knucklehead who has rated exactly FIVE songs since joining RP in 2007??
I like some Coldplay songs, but they're not one of my favorites. Some of my husband's friends got us tickets so we went to see them last month. It was your typical big arena show. It reminded me of those old-style amusement park machines you put a quarter in and they do the same thing every time. Like robots. Zero connection with the audience (admittedly hard in a big arena, but I've seen it happen). Booooring. Might as well stay home and listen to a CD.

ridiculous for you to think you have to like every single last song on the play list.

Alas some lack a musical ear. Each to their own
PS It would be interesting if all the hip Coldplay-haters would give us an objective reason for why they think this is so bad. Surely overplaying cannot change the inherent quality of a piece of music, just your reaction to it?

Yes, it is.
No, it's Steve Vai

I think we're married to the same person!

Yes, it is.
Exactly. The rating too.
(Plus, I get tired of muting it, and then forget to unmute, and then I miss good RP stuff that plays later. Dammit!)
I have the same muting problem any time Coldplay or Natalie Merchant comes on LOL!!! Forget to turn the volume back up!
(Plus, I get tired of muting it, and then forget to unmute, and then I miss good RP stuff that plays later. Dammit!)
I have a very high tolerance of odd behavior, but their performance on SNL was just plain goofy/weird
Saturday Night Live has turned into a goofy, weird parody of itself so Coldplay acting that way was probably appropriate.
I can take or leave Coldplay. They put out some solid commercial product just like Bruce Springsteen (using what was played before them) and ELO (using what was played after). All the indie angst here is amusing.
(I still like the song...)

I have a very high tolerance of odd behavior, but their performance on SNL was just plain goofy/weird

My subscription to "Dynasty Weekly" ran out in '91...do you know if Yanni is still with Linda Evans?
Then again I feel like we got lucky. When I see them performing live, sometimes Chris is really solid and inside the music, and sometimes he's flailing around like a maniac, yelping and laughing, with no idea of his place in the music or the band. Like for example their appearance on Saturday Night Live a few months ago. Anyone else ever notice that?
nice song - #8 with no doubt!
Dam it J!, where are they hiding that talent? It's gotta be there somewhere.Take them down to radiology and run some tests. A few X-Rays and an MRI scan should turn something up. If not, try an EKG and then an EEG. If that still doesn't pick up anything, try the electron microscope.
Why does this band get so much air play on such a great radio station?
This is like an AM station band. Can't detect an ounce of talent anywhere near these guys....

I agree on this song, but not the ratings of the band. Let's see where the next couple of albums head off to
Or let's not!