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Norah Jones — Light as a Feather
Album: The Fall
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Total ratings: 1726

Released: 2009
Length: 3:51
Plays (last 30 days): 1
While love seasons will undo your soul
Time forgives us and it takes control
We separate our things to put us back together

We're light as a feather
Heavy as the weather
If it was rainstorms

Put our hands together to plough obey
It's like a show was over
But we're too scared to walk away
All for the better
Worst for the way

We're light as a feather
Got you and I together

Meanwhile inside of me it was rainin' storms, hm,
You didn't know, hm
God bless your soul

We're light as a feather
Heavy as the weather
We're light as a feather
Got you and I together
Comments (102)add comment
 Proclivities wrote:

What Clive Davis connection? She's on Blue Note Records, not any of Davis' past or current labels; if there's any "connection" it would be from her father.  I'm not a big fan but she's far from "no-talent".

I wouldn't call an alum pianist in the UNT 1 O'Clock Jazz Band "no talent." That's as ignorant as suggesting the earth is flat.
I didn't love Norah Jones' debut album as much as others seemed to. I found her singing style to 'breathy'.
THIS is beautiful and her singing style works perfectly. 
I just love how the intro of this feels like a slowed-down version of the intro of Black Sabbath's "Fairies Wear Boots," and part of this artist's appeal for me lies in her ability to get the best music behind her to showcase her absolute genius-level skills of timing and timbre.
Amazing artist. Saw her live in Oakland, CA
 InTexas wrote:
She does a fun duet of "Baby It's Cold Outside" on Willie Nelson's excellent "American Classic." She also appeared with Nelson and Wynton Marsalis on an HDNet concert. Wonderful.
Indeed a very good duet with Wille - the best version of that song I have heard
One of those I'd-neva-a-gessed-it-was-her moments.

Bosh... that one is straight on my Tidal playlist.
love this womens voice.
Norah seduced me with Come Away With Me and I've been hooked ever since.
 Tomasni wrote:
Long Live     Radio Paradise
My rating 7 - Quite Likeable   but only barely

Whew, what a relief. Hey everyone, he's given us all the green light to listen to this!
 xkolibuul wrote:

Whatever, king.  
This 'king' is going 6 to 8 on this one...not sure why it wasn't at least a 7 before....Long Live RP!!
Long Live     Radio Paradise
My rating 7 - Quite Likeable   but only barely
What a voice!!!
 thewiseking wrote:
perfect segue from Nat Merch. Both artists of no significance
Whatever, king.  
perfect segue from Nat Merch. Both artists of no significance
Mellow vibe, just right for getting the job done today.  Cheers, RP.
 GeorgeMWoods wrote:
Lame. As per usual.
But enough about your song comment.

Another fine tune from Norah.
Lame. As per usual. 
love her voice - if she doesn't have talent then I wonder how she's managed to make a career in music? Life is so easy really, you just say you want to be something and you are...
 thewiseking wrote:
Here's a no-talent who appeared out of nowhere and had a career. Must be the Clive Davis connection.

Most people don't need talent, just music they can sleep/fuck/cry/dance to.
But yeah she is very bland and insignificant
 thewiseking wrote:
Here's a no-talent who appeared out of nowhere and had a career. Must be the Clive Davis connection.

What Clive Davis connection? She's on Blue Note Records, not any of Davis' past or current labels; if there's any "connection" it would be from her father.  I'm not a big fan but she's far from "no-talent".
Not sure if it's the singing (voice is ok, but the singing style on this song is terrible), or just the boring music, but this is just plain bad.
Never mind the lyrics...  {#Frustrated} 

A rock solid 1 from me...
Here's a no-talent who appeared out of nowhere and had a career. Must be the Clive Davis connection.
{#Hearteyes}   .... always enjoy listening to Norah - great voice and a very nice person

That song is actually penned by Ryan Adams. It's my favorite on Norah's album.
Sounds like Norah has found her more true sound/style/self with this album and since
Good song writer, lovely voice, nice arrangements. Still — somehow — the songs begin to sound alike. Moody, sultry, sincere — and light as a feather. Not sure there's a lot of there there. 

Terrible cover - fantastic music!

Wonderful guitar work!


Well done, Norah


This is pleasant and safe...then again...so is vanilla. Wait...I like vanilla. Hmmm...
 d-don wrote:
Not a huge Norah fan, but I rather like this.
Wow it must be opposite day.  2nd comment in a row on the top of a page that I am 100% diametrically opposed to.  Normally a huge fan but find this lacklustre.  I like the album she did with the Peter Mallick Group best by far. 
Not a huge Norah fan, but I rather like this.
 oldslabsides wrote:
Has anyone besides me noticed that the first three or for notes of this tune are the very same little riff at the beginning of the old Black Sabbath song Fairies Wear Boots?

Yeah, I did think it was Sabbath at first. Shoulda known better.
 oldslabsides wrote:
Has anyone besides me noticed that the first three or for notes of this tune are the very same little riff at the beginning of the old Black Sabbath song Fairies Wear Boots?


Yes! Great riff {#Bananajam}
 oldslabsides wrote:
Has anyone besides me noticed that the first three or for notes of this tune are the very same little riff at the beginning of the old Black Sabbath song Fairies Wear Boots?

Moderator: "Name that tune!"
Contestant: "Hmmm...'Fairies Wear Boots' by Black Sabbath?"
Moderator: "No, sorry, it's 'Light As A Feather' by Norah Jones, but thanks for playing!"

Has anyone besides me noticed that the first three or for notes of this tune are the very same little riff at the beginning of the old Black Sabbath song Fairies Wear Boots?

Light and delicious like blueberry sorbet. {#Tongue}
Norah Jones is so boring....
To me, this song is pure "Farfegnugen" for all of my German dissenters as listed below...

I love the song, even though it sounds much like The Cardigans' "Couldn't Care Less." I think this is Norah's best album so far.
is bland the word?
best song on this cd {#Daisy}
Her song Stuck is a pure jewel.
Thank you, Bill!
I love the new direction in which Norah Jones is going with this album — hope her next one is much like this one!

Quiet is the lew loud!  Very nice song from Norah!!
 yodasan_magoo wrote:

Keep the hat, lose the dress.

"You can leave your hat on" {#Whistle}

Just the hat?
 a_genuine_find wrote:
lose the hat
slash too confusing of an associated image ....

for me personally .... lose the hat, but
VERY nice song

Much better than her older stuff!
 yodasan_magoo wrote:

Keep the hat, lose the dress.

She's got a great live show if you can see her in a smaller venue.  
I like that new approach she's taking
I'm really digging this new album. I hope she continues down this path.
 a_genuine_find wrote:
lose the hat

Keep the hat, lose the dress.
 drews wrote:
She looks like she just got married to guitarist Slash and his dog...in fact shame he's not guesting on this track, as it needs a kick of something; too languid
Slash? You takin the piss? 

She looks like she just got married to guitarist Slash and his dog...in fact shame he's not guesting on this track, as it needs a kick of something; too languid
lose the hat
 drife wrote:
This song is gorgeous from start to finish, and let me remind you that, to this point, I have been no fan or Norah.

You have been no fan, OR Norah? I haven't been Norah either.
 gumbo73039 wrote:
Got the album, had to wrangle it from my daughter's vice like grip, like this a lot.
Very easy to listen to, she's got a good vibe going on this album, where I wasn't so bothered by the earlier albums.
i must agree. this album is such a great surprise, good groovy stuff, no more boring miss jones. love it to bits!

 drife wrote:
This song is gorgeous from start to finish, and let me remind you that, to this point, I have been no fan or Norah.
Sorry, I had forgotten. Silly of me...

Got the album, had to wrangle it from my daughter's vice like grip, like this a lot.
Very easy to listen to, she's got a good vibe going on this album, where I wasn't so bothered by the earlier albums.
{#Cheers} Photo-John wrote:

It's good. But it ain't *that* good! {#Lol}


This is a good song from a really solid album-wasn't a fan of Norah's until recently. Track 8, You've Ruined Me, is a keeper. {#Daisy}
 shutter wrote:
Half-listening, the past couple times I heard the intro to this song I thought it was Jack the Stripper / Fairies Wear Boots by Black Sabbath.  After a bit I realized it wasn't Ozzy singin'.
It's good. But it ain't *that* good! {#Lol}

Wow - I keep being surprised that this is Snorah Jones. I like it!
 michaelgmitchell wrote:
Nice groove. Stupid album cover. Why do artists do this?
man,this cover = SUPACOOL ! get youself a pair of eyes b4 u judge this special lady
THIS = SUPADUPACALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS ! stop hatin&give the lady the respect she deserves,word!
 OCDHG wrote:
Well at least it isn't that stupid Chasing Pirates drivel.  /relieved
Well at least it isn't that stupid Chasing Pirates drivel.  /relieved
Groovy album cover. Stupid song. Why do cover artists let this happen?

Nice groove. Stupid album cover. Why do artists do this?
 shutter wrote:
Half-listening, the past couple times I heard the intro to this song I thought it was Jack the Stripper / Fairies Wear Boots by Black Sabbath.  After a bit I realized it wasn't Ozzy singin'.

I came here to post the same observation, but you beat me to it.

wow- I thought this was Minnie Driver singing at first.

 siandbeth wrote:

Nice interview with her and the studio producers in EQ Magazine. Yep, I like this album.

Me too. Very nice

Half-listening, the past couple times I heard the intro to this song I thought it was Jack the Stripper / Fairies Wear Boots by Black Sabbath.  After a bit I realized it wasn't Ozzy singin'.
 parrothead wrote:

Do you know who her daddy is ? I would tell but I'm not to sure how to spell the name. Hint..he hung out with the Beatles...
I think it was the other way around....

Her half sister takes more after her dad, she plays a mean sitar.

This song is gorgeous from start to finish, and let me remind you that, to this point, I have been no fan or Norah.
 scottflory wrote:
very Eno-esque synthesizer - like it
Nice interview with her and the studio producers in EQ Magazine. Yep, I like this album.

 Crawlmeister wrote:
This is a sweet album! Went ahead and bought it. Except for a few songs, never really was a fan, but this one clicks.

Oh yes! I got to seriously dislike her, may be because I didn't like her previous work and because she is overplayed here, everywhere.
But this album, it's genuinely beautiful. Thank you Bill to allow such re-discovery of an artist I lost interest in...
 parrothead wrote:

Do you know who her daddy is ? I would tell but I'm not to sure how to spell the name. Hint..he hung out with the Beatles...

Ravi Shankar...

A nice change from that MOR lounge music she was becoming a little too comfortable with.
 That_SOB wrote:

Norah Jones is a huge talent with nearly 50 million albums sold and multiples of every award offered musicians.                                

 She writes her own music, plays a dozen instruments,  and is the most successful female artist of the 2000's. She is simply exquisite and getting better with time.  

Do you know who her daddy is ? I would tell but I'm not to sure how to spell the name. Hint..he hung out with the Beatles...

This Mortal Coil - Song To The Siren > Norah Jones - Light as a Feather

very Eno-esque synthesizer - like it
 keller1 wrote:
A beautiful woman and a great album.

What's not to like?
A great big slobbering dog on the front?
This is a sweet album! Went ahead and bought it. Except for a few songs, never really was a fan, but this one clicks.
A beautiful woman and a great album.

What's not to like?
I often think that I prefer her old Living Room CD, all live performances, it was unforgettable !
 Geecheeboy wrote:

Odd wardrobe choices.


But I love the dog.
She does a fun duet of "Baby It's Cold Outside" on Willie Nelson's excellent "American Classic." She also appeared with Nelson and Wynton Marsalis on an HDNet concert. Wonderful.
She was gorgeous on Jools Holland, Chasing Pirates is another cracker, might pop out and buy the thing
Best cut I've heard off this record so far. And I want that hat! 
 Geecheeboy wrote:

Odd wardrobe choices.

Yeh.  But she pulls it off nicely.

She was on Colbert last night - very good.

Norah Jones is a huge talent with nearly 50 million albums sold and multiples of every award offered musicians.                                

 She writes her own music, plays a dozen instruments,  and is the most successful female artist of the 2000's. She is simply exquisite and getting better with time.  

 drife wrote:
To this point, I have been no fan of Norah Jones. But every piece I've heard from this newest effort immediately capture my attention and keep me listening. A very nice departure from her previous work.
This is what I'm thinking as well.

To this point, I have been no fan of Norah Jones. But every piece I've heard from this newest effort immediately captures my attention and keeps me listening. A very nice departure from her previous work.

Odd wardrobe choices.