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Zaz — Si Jamais J'oublie
Album: Sur la Route
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Released: 2015
Length: 3:24
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Rappelle-moi le jour et l'année
Rappelle-moi le temps qu'il faisait
Et si j'ai oublié,
Tu peux me secouer
Et s'il me prend l'envie d'm'en aller
Enferme-moi et jette la clé
Aux piqûres de rappel
Dis comment je m'appelle
Si jamais j'oublie, les nuits que j'ai passées
Les guitares et les cris
Rappelle-moi qui je suis, pourquoi, je suis en vie
Si jamais j'oublie les jambes à mon cou,
Si un jour je fuis,
Rappelle- moi qui je suis, ce que je m'étais promis
Rappelle-moi mes rêves les plus fous
Rappelle-moi ces larmes sur mes joues
Et si j'ai oublié, combien j'aimais chanter
Si jamais j'oublie, les nuits que j'ai passées
Les guitares et les cris
Rappelle-moi qui je suis, pourquoi je suis en vie
Si jamais j'oublie les jambes à mon cou,
Si un jour je fuis,
Rappelle-moi qui je suis, ce que je m'étais promis
Oh oh oh ooh
Rappelle-moi qui je suis
Si jamais j'oublie les jambes à mon cou,
Si un jour je fuis,
Rappelle-moi qui je suis, ce que je m'étais promis
Si jamais j'oublie, les nuits que j'ai passées
Les guitares et les cris
Rappelle-moi qui je suis, pourquoi, je suis en vie
Rappelle-moi le jour et l'année
Comments (95)add comment
 …this is me trying to follow along with my uke. I have no idea what she is singing to me but I love love love this song. I wanna go get on my 3 speeder and toss flowers at all the ppl I pass by, blasting this. 
une artiste incroyable i lov..

the lyrics are absolutely powerful. a love song to her art, her life, in such a simple format. no grand light show, no theatrics, just a simple love song. makes me wish I understood french better than I do. 


I just watched the video. you have to watch the video. it's even more powerful in that format. It makes it so clear that to her, music _is_ life, and love, and joy, and to take her music would be her death, and the song is an anthem to that. 

All her songs seem to embrace that. She sings about life and joy and love, with life and joy and love. 

And she's cute as all hell. 

 martyz wrote:

I've been on her concerts here in Czech Republic 2-3 times and twice in Poland. ZAZ=Star in Europe for 10 years at least...  Glad to hear her on RP, Thx Bill & Co.

Unknown in France ?  thats not the case at all.
 Kajukenbo wrote:

+1 for cool band name.

It's an abreviation of her name: Isabelle
+1 for cool band name.
The smoky voice reminiscent of early Sam Bettens 
 Greyerwrit wrote:

Au contraire mon ami!  IMO, it is by far the prettiest of the European languages.  Even when they cuss, it sounds nice.  My first wife's pet name for me was "my little pig" in French.  When whispered in the dark it was wonderful.
Your name bespeaks German heritage.  Perhaps you might find Yiddish more melodious.

Personally I think Italian is prettier than French, but it's purely a matter of taste.  Maybe it's because I can speak French but I can't speak Italian.
Just saw her live, and she is fantasctic, so much energy and generous.
just cuz she is hot doesn't mean the song is any good. . . 
 mjbaumann wrote:

French is such a vulgar language; but she makes it tolerable!

mjbaumann is both vulgar and rude.
a real grower
 Edweirdo wrote:

It's the diet of black coffee and Gauloises.

Personally I preferred Gitanes sans filtre
 ThierryP wrote:
As French guy, I wonder how you could find this woman from USA !
Quite unknown in France at the moment.... and it's not really a loss !!! There are so many other French bands or singers more interesting and original !

But congrats for your curiosity 

I've been on her concerts here in Czech Republic 2-3 times and twice in Poland. ZAZ=Star in Europe for 10 years at least...  Glad to hear her on RP, Thx Bill & Co.
This makes me feel good. What a fun tune. Thanks RP1
 timmus wrote:

Female French singers always seem to have a husky or sandy voice... I wonder if that's the language itself or if it's more the style of vocals that are popular there.  Or maybe with France still having some of the highest smoking rates in the West I wonder if it's something to do with smokers' voice or the exposure to it from touring.

It's the diet of black coffee and Gauloises.
Female French singers always seem to have a husky or sandy voice... I wonder if that's the language itself or if it's more the style of vocals that are popular there.  Or maybe with France still having some of the highest smoking rates in the West I wonder if it's something to do with smokers' voice or the exposure to it from touring.
Bonne music
 ThierryP wrote:
As French guy, I wonder how you could find this woman from USA !
Quite unknown in France at the moment.... and it's not really a loss !!! There are so many other French bands or singers more interesting and original !

But congrats for your curiosity 

Je veux has 162,889,915 likes on spotify. Then again, no one country is the center of the world anymore, so there is that. I don't speak french, but it was a happy song brightening my mood until reading your comment. Thanks for that!
la touche française !!!!!
ZAZ on Radio Paradise!  :-)
 ThierryP wrote:
As French guy, I wonder how you could find this woman from USA !
Quite unknown in France at the moment.... and it's not really a loss !!! There are so many other French bands or singers more interesting and original !

But congrats for your curiosity 

Are you sure that she is quite unknown in France?
At least, this is what Wikipedia.de writes about her debut album:
"Zaz recorded the debut album named after her in the spring of 2010 in Québec and France. It reached number one in the French album charts and stayed there for half a year."

Apart from that: I really like her music, but I would also love if you could tell me some other interesting and original French bands and singers!
As French guy, I wonder how you could find this woman from USA !
Quite unknown in France at the moment.... and it's not really a loss !!! There are so many other French bands or singers more interesting and original !

But congrats for your curiosity 
If I may allow myself...

Remind me the day and the year
Remind me how the weather was like
And if I've forgotten,
You can shake me
And if I suddenly feel like leaving
Lock me up and throw away the key
When comes booster time
Tell my name
If ever I forget, the nights I spent
The guitars and the shouts
Remind me who I am, why, I'm alive
If ever I forget the legs at my neck, (no good translation here, french expression, "prendre ses jambes à son cou" ("to take one's legs to one's neck" is to run away)
If one day I flee,
Remind me who I am, what I promised to myself
Remind me my wildest dreams
Remind me these tears on my cheeks
And if I've forgotten, how much I liked to sing
If ever I forget, the nights I've spent
The guitars and the shouts
Remind me who I am, why I'm alive
If ever I forget the legs at my neck,
If one day I flee,
Remind me who I am, what I promised to myself
Oh oh oh ooh
Remind me who I am
If ever I forget the legs at my neck,
If one day I flee,

Remind me who I am, what I promised to myself

If ever I forget, the nights I've spent
The guitars and the shouts
Remind me who I am, why, I'm alive
Remind me the day and the year

lovely voice…
Harmless feel-good song
One step above a Eurovision entry
iM french, sorry for may bad engligh 
ZAZ Comes fron the road , the french tube, she s an amazing woman
feeling, sensivity
i lov ! 
sings along
aux piqûres de rappel COVID-19
 carmelmik wrote:

we really don't need any booster, nor jab.

Not a doctor?
Just another crackpot?

 nu11 wrote:

Funny she is singing about a booster shot in 2015!  now we need one for COVID

we really don't need any booster, nor jab.
Sa voix me donne des beaux frissons...  :-)
Hearing her voice makes me happy so I just moved it to a 10. Happy is a good place to listen from. :)
 mjbaumann wrote:

French is such a vulgar language; but she makes it tolerable!

Au contraire mon ami!  IMO, it is by far the prettiest of the European languages.  Even when they cuss, it sounds nice.  My first wife's pet name for me was "my little pig" in French.  When whispered in the dark it was wonderful.
Your name bespeaks German heritage.  Perhaps you might find Yiddish more melodious.
Well, I like her Gives me a chance to practice my French!
Funny she is singing about a booster shot in 2015!  now we need one for COVID
NO MORE R>E>M!!!!!!!!!!
She could sing about a particularly difficult bowl movement and it would still sound wonderful.
 mjbaumann wrote:

French is such a vulgar language; but she makes it tolerable!

Try to speak it instead of making nonsense remarks 
A stop work and listen song. Thank goodness for the current work for home situation, I can sit here and sway to the music...
 mjbaumann wrote:
French is such a vulgar language; but she makes it tolerable!
 ...after struggling with this "Romance Language" in high school, I find it is wonderful when sung. Not so much when spoken. Nasal? Should have taken Latin.

Just got done with French class and this comes on. Nice! 
 mjbaumann wrote:
French is such a vulgar language
There's something you don't hear every day.
 vincent7771lebert wrote:
Her first band:
Not the same style at all.
Not a fan. 
This solo song is just lovely, much much better. 
I may have to bump it up from 8 to 9.
Zaz's voice touches me deeply 
French is such a vulgar language; but she makes it tolerable!
mathieu.robert2990 wrote:
In France we call that kind of music "soupe"... Meaningless lyrics sung with the nose. Heeerk
What an RP mistake !

In France all of artists are hole af ass, they always fart too high for their ass (that's what is said in Belgium...)
Remind me the day and the year
Remind me the weather it was
And if I've forgotten
You can shake me
And if the wish to go away takes me
Lock me up and throw the key
To the picks of recall (vaccine...)
Say me how do i call me
If ever I forget, the nights I did live
The guitars and the screams
Remember who I am, why am I alive
If I ever forget the legs at my neck
If one day i flee
Remember who I am, what i did promise to me
Remember me my crazier dreams
Remember me these tears on my cheecks
And if i have forgotten how much i loved to sing
If I ever forget the nights i did live
The guitars and the screams
Remember me who I am, why I am alive
If i ever forget the legs at my neck
If one day i flee
Remember me who i am, what i did promise to me
Oh oh oh ooh
Remember me who i am
If i ever forget the legs at my neck
If one day i flee
Remember me who i am, what i did promise to me
If one dy i forget the nights i did live
The guitars and the screams
Remember me who i am, why i am alive
Remember me the day and the year

Thanks to Zaz for the pick of recall....
 mathieu.robert2990 wrote:
In France we call that kind of music "soupe"... Meaningless lyrics sung with the nose. Heeerk
What an RP mistake !

Please suggest some other songs then, without understanding the lyrics her voice is beautiful and tinged with a little sadness. 
 mathieu.robert2990 wrote:
Well I am in Canada & I quite like this tune.

 PLEASE don't do that .... 
In France we call that kind of music "soupe"... Meaningless lyrics sung with the nose. Heeerk
What an RP mistake !
Wow what a voice 
One more example why RP is so unique. Really like her singing. Thanks Bill and Rebecca. 👏
Thanks Bill. This is quality stuff.
 Jelani wrote:
 tsundeen wrote:
Check out her live performance and be prepared to fall in love (with the quality of her singing and her enthusiasm!)...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?...   
 Thanks for that. It was awesome! Made my  otherwise shitty evening more tolerable.

WOW!! What a joy to watch her!! She really seems to be down to earth, VERY into her performance!!! Great stuff!! TY!
 ps4570 wrote:
Remind me what day and year we are in today
Remind me about all the time that has passed
And if I have forgotten about all that
Only you can bring me back to life
And if someday I feel like getting away
Lock me up and throw the key
Inject me a booster shot
And make me remember my name
If someday I forget about all our nights
About the song of the guitar and all our screams
Remind me who I am
And why am I feeling so full of life right now
If someday I forget how to run away
And yet, if I still manage to do it somehow
Remind me who I am
And whatever I have promised to myself
Remind me about all my craziest dreams
Remind me about all the tears on my cheeks
And whether I have forgotten
How much I used to love to sing
If someday I forget about all our nights
About the song of the guitar and all our screams
Remind me who I am
And why am I feeling so full of life right now
If someday I forget how to run away
And yet, if I still manage to do it somehow
Remind me who I am
And whatever I have promised to myself
Remind me who I am
If someday I forget how to run away
And yet, if I still manage to do it somehow
Remind me who I am
And whatever I have promised to myself I
f someday I forget about all our nights
About the song of the guitar and all our screams
Remind me who I am
And why am I feeling so full of life right now
Remind me what day and year we are in today
Thank you very much!! The lyrics in English certainly gives this song some "earth"!! But, her voice, and singing in her french.....and, eye candy to boot....how might one resist?!!?
When I first heard this song on here, I instantly loved it. But, I had the bizarre feeling I had heard it somewhere before. Despite much Googling, and brain-wracking, I cannot find out if I have nor where. Does anyone else know where this might have cropped up before? A movie? An advert? A TV show?
Wow, I wish Zaz had been around when I was studying French at high school, all those years ago.  Our class was lucky enough to be introduced to Barbara, and Gerard Lenorman, and Edith Piaf, and many others, and we would have all enjoyed Zaz, as well.  Better late than never, thanks RP.
 lizardking wrote:

Agreed, in fact often times the translation doesn't 'feel' the same as the original and that's the case with this one.  https://lyricstranslate.com/en...

I'm also going to +1 this, 7 to 8, just cuz....Long Live RP!!
Another +1 due to the wife liking this too....it's a Neuf now...LLRP!!
 Jelani wrote:
Check out her live performance and be prepared to fall in love (with the quality of her singing and her enthusiasm!)...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?...   
 Thanks for that. It was awesome! Made my  otherwise shitty evening more tolerable.
Your comment just made me watch it too and now my shitty evening got better aswell - thank you OP and wish us all less shitty evenings and more joy!
Her first band:
Not the same style at all.
 tsundeen wrote:
Check out her live performance and be prepared to fall in love (with the quality of her singing and her enthusiasm!)...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?...   
 Thanks for that. It was awesome! Made my  otherwise shitty evening more tolerable.

Check out her live performance and be prepared to fall in love (with the quality of her singing and her enthusiasm!)...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?...   
Remind me of the day and the year
Remind me of the weather
And if I forgot,
You can shake me
And if it makes me want to go away
Lock me up and throw the key
With booster bites
Say my name is
If I ever forget, the nights I spent
Guitars and shouting
Remind me who I am, why, I'm alive
If I ever forget the legs on my neck,
If one day I flee,
Remind me who I am, what I promised myself
Remind me of my wildest dreams
Remember those tears on my cheeks
And if I forgot, how much did I like to sing
If I ever forget, the nights I spent
Guitars and shouting
Remind me who I am, why I am alive
If I ever forget the legs on my neck,
If one day I flee,
Remind me who I am, what I promised myself
Oh oh oh ooh
Remind me who I am
If I ever forget the legs on my neck,
If one day I flee,
Remind me who I am, what I promised myself
If I ever forget, the nights I spent
Guitars and shouting
Remind me who I am, why, I'm alive
Remind me of the day and the year
Though I do not know the meaning of the lyrics, this song always sounds like a hopeful prayer to me. I am uplifted each time I hear it. Zaz!
This kinda cutesy cartoonish millenial crap is bad enough in English
I don't know why, but I always enjoy hearing songs in languages other than my native tongue.

Perhaps it's because since I can't understand I'm relieved of the responsibility of understanding and responding to the meaning of the lyrics and can simply enjoy the sound of the human voice as I would any other instrument.
More I hear more I like!!!
Uping to 8 right now.
I don't understand a word, but a lovely melody and beautiful voice. I like it!!
Thanks for the translation, dear unknown poster on RP. Touches me quite deeply right now.
Just fell in love with this girl.  Thank you RP for opening up YET ANOTHER amazing artist!
C'est juste "TOP" !
Merci RP
 tsundeen wrote:
This is an extraordinary song. Even without knowing the meaning of the lyrics...It touches my soul.
Agreed, in fact often times the translation doesn't 'feel' the same as the original and that's the case with this one.  https://lyricstranslate.com/en...

I'm also going to +1 this, 7 to 8, just cuz....Long Live RP!!
This is an extraordinary song. Even without knowing the meaning of the lyrics...It touches my soul.
As a frenchman, I would not have expected to discover french artists on RP. Thank you Bill.
 Ayejoe wrote:
Really nice ! First time I've heard of her...thanks again, Bill !

ZAZ on RP - very nice
 Andy_B wrote:
Even looking at the lyrics I have absolutely no idea what she's saying in song,...but I don't care.  It absolutely wonderful!

Zaz is naze.
 ps4570 wrote:
Remind me what day and year we are in today Remind me about all the time that has passed And if I have forgotten about all that Only you can bring me back to life And if someday I feel like getting away Lock me up and throw the key Inject me a booster shot And make me remember my name If someday I forget about all our nights About the song of the guitar and all our screams Remind me who I am And why am I feeling so full of life right now If someday I forget how to run away And yet, if I still manage to do it somehow Remind me who I am And whatever I have promised to myself Remind me about all my craziest dreams Remind me about all the tears on my cheeks And whether I have forgotten How much I used to love to sing If someday I forget about all our nights About the song of the guitar and all our screams Remind me who I am And why am I feeling so full of life right now If someday I forget how to run away And yet, if I still manage to do it somehow Remind me who I am And whatever I have promised to myself Remind me who I am If someday I forget how to run away And yet, if I still manage to do it somehow Remind me who I am And whatever I have promised to myself If someday I forget about all our nights About the song of the guitar and all our screams Remind me who I am And why am I feeling so full of life right now Remind me what day and year we are in today
Thank you!
Remind me what day and year we are in today
Remind me about all the time that has passed
And if I have forgotten about all that
Only you can bring me back to life
And if someday I feel like getting away
Lock me up and throw the key
Inject me a booster shot
And make me remember my name
If someday I forget about all our nights
About the song of the guitar and all our screams
Remind me who I am
And why am I feeling so full of life right now
If someday I forget how to run away
And yet, if I still manage to do it somehow
Remind me who I am
And whatever I have promised to myself
Remind me about all my craziest dreams
Remind me about all the tears on my cheeks
And whether I have forgotten
How much I used to love to sing
If someday I forget about all our nights
About the song of the guitar and all our screams
Remind me who I am
And why am I feeling so full of life right now
If someday I forget how to run away
And yet, if I still manage to do it somehow
Remind me who I am
And whatever I have promised to myself
Remind me who I am
If someday I forget how to run away
And yet, if I still manage to do it somehow
Remind me who I am
And whatever I have promised to myself I
f someday I forget about all our nights
About the song of the guitar and all our screams
Remind me who I am
And why am I feeling so full of life right now
Remind me what day and year we are in today
 Andy_B wrote:
Even looking at the lyrics I have absolutely no idea what she's saying in song,...but I don't care.  It absolutely wonderful!

Absolutely, love Zaz, and her latest album is very good too, thanks Bill !
Even looking at the lyrics I have absolutely no idea what she's saying in song,...but I don't care.  It absolutely wonderful!
What a pleasure to hear more and more of French music, thank you Bill 
Degusting  . Good voice but bad music. A French boy 
Moja Zaz, dzięki!!!!
Une grande chanteuse !
Ah, Zaz! More of her,  please!
Très bon, ça!
Really nice ! First time I've heard of her...thanks again, Bill !