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Artists on RP
Nick Drake
Popularity Index: 13.31
Total plays on RP (main channel): 5528
Total plays this month (main channel): 16
Average rating: 7.90
Total ratings: 31,790
Songs on RP: 17
Links:  wikipedia    website    search    amg
Five Leaves Left
Released: 1969
Songs on RP: 5
Info & purchase links
Bryter Layter
Released: 1970
Songs on RP: 3
Info & purchase links
Way To Blue
Released: 1972
Songs on RP: 1
Info & purchase links
Pink Moon
Released: 1972
Songs on RP: 6
Info & purchase links
Time Of No Reply
Released: 1973
Songs on RP: 1
Info & purchase links
Made To Love Magic
Released: 1979
Songs on RP: 1
Info & purchase links