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Moby — First Cool Hive
Album: Everything Is Wrong
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Total ratings: 1885

Released: 1995
Length: 4:42
Plays (last 30 days): 4
Comments (102)add comment
Listening to this after The Door’s LA Woman.  No Mr Mojo Rising here. 
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

Does anyone else notice a higher concentration of artists being replayed several times a day? There's a lot of good music out there. I know. RP introduced me to most of it.  Why do I hear the same artists over and over again?

It's like you want buying a red car: since then you're seeing red cars everywhere.
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

Does anyone else notice a higher concentration of artists being replayed several times a day? There's a lot of good music out there. I know. RP introduced me to most of it.  Why do I hear the same artists over and over again?

I listen at work and yes, a lot of repeats and so I click next. Sometimes I have to click a few times (5-6) before I hear something less played. Other times I find a long instrumental jazz thing on YouTube. just to get some variety.
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

Does anyone else notice a higher concentration of artists being replayed several times a day? There's a lot of good music out there. I know. RP introduced me to most of it.  Why do I hear the same artists over and over again?

yes. peeve here, too.
Jelani wrote:
Typical Moby. Start with a groovy hook...and go nowhere with it.

I disagree: I think he went precisely where he meant to go with it, and I thoroughly enjoyed the journey.

Whether or not anyone else enjoyed it is none of my business.
Does anyone else notice a higher concentration of artists being replayed several times a day? There's a lot of good music out there. I know. RP introduced me to most of it.  Why do I hear the same artists over and over again?
 Jelani wrote:
Typical Moby. Start with a groovy hook...and go nowhere with it.
Yeah, I think this kind of nails it.  The song keeps circling back to that tremolo voice and keeps using it over and over and over, and not much goes on with the rest of the song.
Unconditional Love to Moby.
ha, I got that one Bill, the "barred owl hooting" from Tim Finn's Shiver to this (more human) hooting. 
 MrStatenIsle wrote:

I don't know... I just don''t get what he's trying to say here.

I hear, "Awe, yeah" quite a bit.  That works for me.
 easmann wrote:

Often, it's pretty obvious why an artist is controversial or polarizing. In this case, I don't see it. I enjoy a lot of Moby's work so let's get that out of the way.
That some folks don't enjoy Moby's work is not a surprise, that's just how personal taste works: If folks don't like Moby they just don't, nothing wrong with that.
That Moby generates a passionate dislike is kind of a mystery to me though.

Yep! He is hit or miss for me. I love some of his tunes. Other tunes are "meh".
Moby is hit or miss for me. This is pretty good.
What’s not to be seduced by? Gets me every time.
 shhhh777 wrote:

"quite likable"
I'll give it a 7, Dick...
it's easy to dance to.

Can we get a cut away shot to the dance floor to see how the kids are liking it?
Yanni on a bit of speed, or Chauncey Gardiner getting to record an electronica album. 
Often, it's pretty obvious why an artist is controversial or polarizing. In this case, I don't see it. I enjoy a lot of Moby's work so let's get that out of the way.
That some folks don't enjoy Moby's work is not a surprise, that's just how personal taste works: If folks don't like Moby they just don't, nothing wrong with that.
That Moby generates a passionate dislike is kind of a mystery to me though.
"quite likable"
I'll give it a 7, Dick...
it's easy to dance to.
He's produced some good tunes but this isn't one of them. Classic sample-stuffing, obvious 8 bar loops and lashings of reverb. It's just a bit... Dull.

His penchant for fluffy, naff keyboard piano+flute presets playing what sound like scratch improv melodies also frustrates me. What could have been, if he'd just let them reduce down to a higher quality final version... Too many of his albums are filled with what feel like demos spread thinly to fill time.

But he's sold 20 million records of this stuff, so well done to him. And I have to begrudgingly acknowledge that he has used his earnings to support a couple dozen charities, foundations and very worthy causes.
 MrStatenIsle wrote:

1) No. self indulgent crap.

2) Come on, guys. Artists make stuff they like. It's their baby, if we don't like it, we can switch it off.

I happen to agree with op (1)  but I would never post that.
Moby does some great stuff. He is hit or miss for me. this  tune wasn't a hit.
 klaasstap wrote:

I think it sounds more like a David Lynch soundtrack.
 DON'T insult David Lynch like that!  He is leagues more creative and intelligent.

Typical Moby. Start with a groovy hook...and go nowhere with it.
Yes, samplers certainly do exist.
 goodenough wrote:

No. self indulgent crap.
Come on, guys. Artists make stuff they like. It's their baby, if we don't like it, we can switch it off.
 zenhead wrote:
Self indulgent.

No. self indulgent crap.
Self indulgent.
 1wolfy wrote:
Has a Kate Bush mysterious sound going on...I like
I think it sounds more like a David Lynch soundtrack.
Move on Moby with this song
one of my favorites... great track on a great album
I don't know... I just don''t get what he's trying to say here.
Started out sounding cool, like it could have gone somewhere, then it turned into Moby.
Initially, I loved it, but it didn't go anywhere. Too much like everything else in this genre. Middle of the road. 5
oh no ! clicking "+1" every time I hear the song, I've now reached the maximum !!! Moby is the only one who can make such dreamlike and ethereal music that carries me away every single time. I love it <3  
Has a Kate Bush mysterious sound going on...I like
Thank you for joining us. We appreciate and respect your opinion. The management would like to use you reference to 'buttons' and ask that you please press the one that states 'PSD'. The rest of us cool cats will continue to roll with this. Again, thank you, good bye.


 Steely_D wrote:
I stopped making music when it became painfully obvious that with the right button pushing, you could fill in audio space with stuff like this.


I stopped making music when it became painfully obvious that with the right button pushing, you could fill in audio space with stuff like this.

{#Smile}Just sittin' here doing my Rainbow Loom, foot tapping, said to myself this sounds like Moby, and it WAS!  Got to love his distinct sound...
Moby time? PSD time!
 fuh2 wrote:

Broken link... empty, just like Moby's work, indeed.

 hippiechick wrote:
Moby never quite does it for me. Like a mediocre lover, he leaves me wishing I enjoyed it more.

It's been two and a half years.
Have you learned to move in the right ways to enjoy it more?
One of my Top 10 albums
 superfido wrote:
And what exactly is wrong with taking a big corporations money if they want to give it to you? How is this selling out exactly? Why is that ethically incorrect? 
Not hard to figure out, is it superfido?

If the results of the corp's business practices are 'ethically incorrect', then receiving any profit to provide a good or service to that corp would be aiding & abetting, directly or indirectly, those bad ethical practices, thus 'selling out' for one's own selfish monetary gain.
Not cool!
And what exactly is wrong with taking a big corporations money if they want to give it to you? How is this selling out exactly? Why is that ethically incorrect? Perhaps the argument that one sells out is really a way to mask the underlying jealousy and envy one feels because another person has "made it" big. robco1 wrote:
Interesting. I really liked this when it first came out; now I find it "ho-hum." No staying power, or a reaction to the car commercials? BTW, Moby has defended his "selling out" to the car companies by claiming that by taking their royalty money and spending it on anti-corporate and global warming interests, he can make up for helping sell gas-guzzling cars. I wonder how much profit the car companies made from the commercials? Maybe more than they paid him? On the other hand, we are all in many ways participants in this unsustainable (read: suicidal) society, so I suppose we must all find a balance or compromise that we can live with. Philosophical Saturday, it is!
Interesting. I really liked this when it first came out; now I find it "ho-hum." No staying power, or a reaction to the car commercials? BTW, Moby has defended his "selling out" to the car companies by claiming that by taking their royalty money and spending it on anti-corporate and global warming interests, he can make up for helping sell gas-guzzling cars. I wonder how much profit the car companies made from the commercials? Maybe more than they paid him? On the other hand, we are all in many ways participants in this unsustainable (read: suicidal) society, so I suppose we must all find a balance or compromise that we can live with. Philosophical Saturday, it is!
Not bad for folks making coffee at 5am, or musing philosophically at 3am...
Too bad his Michelin man coat couldn't hold this in as well.
I have to agree with some comments below. Even with little talent you can create songs like this with Apples Garageband in a few hours. Anyway. If you like it, enjoy it :)
ooooo. ooooo. oooo-oo! Deep stuff. Yuck.
tenacious_v wrote:
Yes we can blame him! If you check out his web-site, he espouses anti-corporate sentiment etc., then goes and sells his songs to the likes of Ford Motor Corp. and others..... the guy sucks.
Hm. It never occurred to me to go to his website. Well, then, yeah, ok. I take it back.
mattt wrote:
Moby. AKA The Commercial Soundtrack of Our Lives. The guy struck a great way to make a buck, though. Can't blame him for that, really.
Yes we can blame him! If you check out his web-site, he espouses anti-corporate sentiment etc., then goes and sells his songs to the likes of Ford Motor Corp. and others..... the guy sucks.
I always have trouble with that "acceptable" rating (4). Acceptable when? Not right now. Acceptable for what. Probably could come up with a lot of answers for that.
Sounds like a bad Kate Bush sample...
Moby. AKA The Commercial Soundtrack of Our Lives.
liser wrote:
Why do my ears feel so bad?
Haha. That repeating "AWWWWWW!" sound is grating to say the least.
superfido wrote:
Your comment breaks the page layout. Please insert some whitespace, or delete some Zs.
Raoule wrote:
Actually, it was Queequeg, Ishmael's bunk-mate who hurled the harpoon.
The Captain Queeg referenced is Humphrey Bogart's character from the "Caine Mutiny". First rate. I think Moby is listenable, but it borders on easy listening.
Gregorama wrote:
I think you meant Ahab...
Actually, it was Queequeg, Ishmael's bunk-mate who hurled the harpoon.
MahlerTheMartyr wrote:
It could have been good. I can make 5-10 of these type of tracks a day. Come on. To be considered good(better than a 5) you need to do something more than this Moby
Moby sucks, but if you're the one pumpin out the great tunes let's hear 'em! (if that's you Thom I'm sorry )
"Everything is Wrong" in Sea Monkey land? Is that why they're wailing?
MahlerTheMartyr wrote:
It could have been good. I can make 5-10 of these type of tracks a day. Come on. To be considered good(better than a 5) you need to do something more than this Moby
Well get off your keister and do it then. He's richer'n God by now. If you don't want to do it for the money, then just donate it to RP.
Always the same deep s_ _t! And you say he's a Genius?? Just BORING!!!
It could have been good. I can make 5-10 of these type of tracks a day. Come on. To be considered good(better than a 5) you need to do something more than this Moby
Contrary to many opinions, I really LIKE Moby. Everything prior to Hotel was exceptional, IMHO.
liser wrote:
Why do my ears feel so bad?
Great pun, dude.
Why do my ears feel so bad?
Pretty weak.
hippiechick wrote:
Moby never quite does it for me. Like a mediocre lover, he leaves me wishing I enjoyed it more.
I feel ya. To me, Moby is one little step away from elevator music.
hippiechick wrote:
Moby never quite does it for me. Like a mediocre lover, he leaves me wishing I enjoyed it more.
Wow, now that stings!
Moby never quite does it for me. Like a mediocre lover, he leaves me wishing I enjoyed it more.
ndfan75 wrote:
You've redeemed yourself Bill Moby is awesome in so many ways
Not so fast . . .
You've redeemed yourself Bill Moby is awesome in so many ways
Baby_M wrote:
Where's Captain Queeg and his harpoon when you really need 'em?
I think you meant Ahab...
deep lyrics whooo
Out of curiosity, does any one know where this was used in Scream? Or was it just on the soundtrack? Hasty_Manic wrote:
This song was featured on Moby's masterful 1995 album 'Everything is Wrong' and also in the 1996 Wes Craven thriller 'Scream.' 'First Cool Hive' is a pretty affecting song. Give it a chance everyone!
when moby was cool
Well, at least Moby got it right this time. The name of the album pretty much sums up my review of this song: Everything's wrong!
Shesdifferent wrote:
... ... ... ...
RichardPrins wrote:
narainmg wrote:
cue. Hero looks into the heroine's eyes, cracks a smart one liner.
Well put.
cue. Hero looks into the heroine's eyes, cracks a smart one liner. Both exchange knowing glances. Heroine has a knowing slight smile on her face. One cool hive starts, the volume low at first. The hero puts on his sunglasses and slides into his convertable. Heroine looks at her man her head titled, the smile still there. He will be back. Hero drives through the town. The camera zooms out ever so slowly as the hero drives away. Credits roll as one cool hive plays on.
This is nice but how the hell does he come up with titles for his songs? What IS "First Cool Hive" anyway?
Wow. Moby I haven't heard before. This is the kind of Moby I prefer to all that crappy new stuff. Assuming of course that this is old stuff.
Where's Captain Queeg and his harpoon when you really need 'em?
Neat! Placebo covers "Runnin' up that hill" and I thought this was KB....
mobyexcellent -- a new superlative. Overhead lights in office now set to "off."
alanb wrote:
I'm sure that's a sample from Kate Bush's "Sensual World" in there... that wavering "mmm"...
That's exactly what I was thinking...kept waiting for the "yes" part!
stubbsz wrote:
Good Background music is often taken as an insult. I think it fits with this song. Ooooooo A. Oooooooooo A
I meant it as a good thing. Very "chill" music. Anyway, good stuff, in my humble opinion.
Reminds me of the Scream soundtrack. Great song.
I'm sure that's a sample from Kate Bush's "Sensual World" in there... that wavering "mmm"...
A friend turned me on to Moby's "Play". I liked it so much, I bought "18" the day it was released. Now, I hear Moby's stuff all over television, particularly notable is the Jaguar commercial with the animated jaguar and engine... Moby is PHENOMENAL!
AshleyOWU wrote:
Don't really know why this song is not rated higher, but I love it. Maybe just because I'm a Moby fan. It makes good background music, especially when painting or drawing... but then, so does RP.
Good Background music is often taken as an insult. I think it fits with this song. Ooooooo A. Oooooooooo A
Don't really know why this song is not rated higher, but I love it. Maybe just because I'm a Moby fan. It makes good background music, especially when painting or drawing... but then, so does RP.
This song was featured on Moby's masterful 1995 album 'Everything is Wrong' and also in the 1996 Wes Craven thriller 'Scream.' 'First Cool Hive' is a pretty affecting song. Give it a chance everyone!
C'mon Moby.