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Toad The Wet Sprocket — Crazy Life
Album: Coil
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Total ratings: 970

Released: 1997
Length: 4:03
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Anyway now, it don't seem right
He is in there and you're on the outside
Over Pine Ridge to Wounded Knee
There's blood on the ground as far as you see
Crazy life

In the air I'm sensing a change of weather
In the end the path is clear

Does anyone remember here?
Did you all think he'd just disappear?
Crazy life
What've you done with Peltier?
Who did you think you'd taken away?
Crazy life

In the air I'm sensing a change of the weather
In the end the path is clear

Burying it won't stop it breathe in forever
Underground it takes to root

Anyway, it don't seem right
He is in there and you're on the outside
What've you done with Peltier?
Who did you think you'd taken away?
It's not over, it's not over
It's not over, it's not over
Oh, no, oh, no
It's not over, it's not over
It's not over, it's not over
Oh, no, oh, no
Oh, no
Comments (121)add comment
Loves me some Toad!! I saw them a few years ago, hit after hit and they did not skip a beat...lil pun there. They are just so cool!!!
I think Coil is their most consistently good album although there are gems on all the others.
Shamelessly awesome.  
Don't know much of their body of work, but this I like very much!
Toad did every song with such conviction and this one deserved it.
 melzabutch wrote:


Oddly this one of Toad's songs where the lead singer Glen Phillips doesn't sing lead. Still enjoyable.
Happy Indigenous People's Day! 
Love them Toads. This is a great album.
Does anyone else hear the the opening guitar riff sounds a lot like Built to Spill?

(Or I suppose more appropriately, BtS sounds a lot like Toad the Wet Sprocket)
nice play it again Bill
 kingart wrote:
NICE.  Play it again, Bill.

This song is new to me but I’d also like to hear this again. However it looks like it only gets played every six months so I’ll watch for it again round Christmas.

NICE.  Play it again, Bill.
very nice!
8 - Most Excellent
 gillespp wrote:
Peltier's still in there. Next parole hearing 2024.

And given the attitude from the government towards him, he'll be in there until October 11, 2040.
one of my favs from Toad...thanks!
Just saw these guys last week at the Hard Rock Hotel "Velvet Sessions", which is a cool intimate club atmosphere.  They sounded great, looked great (except the drummer Randy was absent due to a family emergency, good luck), and put on a great show.  They talked with concert-goers for hours after the show.  Class act, great to see them out on the road again after so long out of the public eye.

 sssterling wrote:
I've always avoided this band because I can't quite get over the sneaking suspicion that "Toad the Wet Sprocket" is a colloquialism for some sort of "deviant" sexual practice...
The band name actually comes from a Monty Python sketch. Eric Idle invented the name with the intention that it was so silly that it would never be used…
Peltier's still in there. Next parole hearing 2024.
I've always avoided this band because I can't quite get over the sneaking suspicion that "Toad the Wet Sprocket" is a colloquialism for some sort of "deviant" sexual practice...
It's over. Over, over, over. Thank goodness.
 rdo wrote:
I don't like soft rock.
I hate to admit it, because usually I do too, but I think this is an excellent song.

I mean I am really shocked here. I'll have to give these guys another chance. Once again RP expands my musical horizons...


I don't like soft rock.
 Carissa wrote:
Oh, Bill. You're on a nonstop streak, playing all my favorite songs from college. You deserve a raise.

You've got the power to make that happen,

"just click the Support RP link on our website radioparadise.com"


Toad The Wet Sprocket, long time favourite, instant "stuck-in-your-head" songs...

 ick wrote:
not one of their best

The Hell you say!{#Eek}


Great Tune Bill!  I have all the Toad stuff and this is one of our favorites, even though it's sort of the Alter-ego Toad.
{#Eek} It is Toad the Wet Sprocket. And I like it. A lot. Never saw that one coming.

Toad's melodies are mesmerizing.  Thanks, Bill!
Thanks Bill!  I absolutely love this song and the entire Coil CD.  This was a high note on which TTWS to bow out in the late '90s. {#Yes}
not one of their best
Oh, Bill. You're on a nonstop streak, playing all my favorite songs from college. You deserve a raise.
I have always liked the sound of the guitar on this song.
Looks like this album is out of print...
First it's a crazy life, then it's one hell of a life.... what's next.
Moody, mellow, wonderful stuff. Saw them a couple of years ago on their first reunion tour. Glad they're back!
No, Ruby Ridge and Pine Ridge are worlds apart, you're just confusing things. And by and large, the guns are a red herring. Canada is just as full of guns, and has a fraction the gun violence of the U.S. Look instead to our appalling divide between haves and have nots, plus lingering notes of racism and marginalization. Every country has its ugly history. What really makes me gag are my fellow Americans so quick to don the mantles of "freedom" and "liberty" without acknowledging the hypocrisy they conceal. Stingray wrote:
Biggest shoot-out? I thought that was "Ruby Ridge". Why the word "Ridge" triggers shoot-outs in "U, S and A"? Could it be there are too many weapons in this country? Terrible-terrible...!!!! And shameful for an otherwise (often) "great nation". from Germany, yours!
AM clap trap Jeez these guys have gone WAY down hill!
jjbix wrote:
toad was an underappreciated, talented band. my question, where are they now?
The lead singer, Glen Phillips, has a solo career and has worked with Nickel Creek on occasion. The guitarist and bassist started a band called Lapdog. The bassist quit after the first album and the drummer joined on for a second album.
Very nice indeed!
That's what I'm talking about!
toad was an underappreciated, talented band. my question, where are they now?
On_The_Beach wrote:
Same thing happened to me, I never bothered to reprogram the presets either. It's all Aerosmith and AC/DC anyway.
I'm too busy listening to Sean Hannity and Rush to bother with music...
Good Stuff.
Any time I hear any Toad song, my day automatically gets better
auburntigerrich wrote:
Funny thing... the battery in my car went out last fall, which wiped out my programmed stations... I still havn't bothered to put them back in, because I just don't care about FM anymore. Oh, for mobile RP...
Same thing happened to me, I never bothered to reprogram the presets either. It's all Aerosmith and AC/DC anyway.
Kurt_from_La_Qui wrote:
Man, I wish the FM I listened to would play this song.
True, true. They are rare indeed. Funny thing... the battery in my car went out last fall, which wiped out my programmed stations... I still havn't bothered to put them back in, because I just don't care about FM anymore. Oh, for mobile RP...
auburntigerrich wrote:
Whee! Back to high school again. = ) A classic, unforgetable tune. One of those sounds that you always look for when you need music for a get-together. However, they just havn't struck me strong enough over the years to get me to buy an album. The fault of overplay of this tune by FM radio, perhaps? 8.
Man, I wish the FM I listened to would play this song.
Whee! Back to high school again. = ) A classic, unforgetable tune. One of those sounds that you always look for when you need music for a get-together. However, they just havn't struck me strong enough over the years to get me to buy an album. The fault of overplay of this tune by FM radio, perhaps? 8.
definitely like this band. definitely like to hear more.
One of my most favorite songs by Toad... what a great way to wrap up my Friday! Thanks Bill.
Another tasty tune from the Toad!
One of those bands whom I don't feel any compulsion to own any of their tunes but always love hearing them on RP. Kind of like...Pearl Jam...cueing up now.
Sweet. Two Toads in one day..... 1:49 pm - Toad The Wet Sprocket - Crazy Life 8:45 am - Toad The Wet Sprocket - Dam Would Break
his voice is delicious - makes me happy
Whatta nice tune
good jam and way cool album cover......
Yamson wrote: Yea... they're coming to California in August... got my tickets and ready to go NOW.
kingfish2004 wrote:
If there was ever a reunion tour I would pay like way to much to see the group. This would be it. So @$@#$ sad they broke up!
Dude, they're back! https://www.toadthewetsprocket.com/
AGAIN! holy moly.
gooooood stuff. more toad. more toad.
Wow, what'd we RP listeners do to get Toad The Wet Sprocket twice in one day? Whatever it was, I hope we do it again soon. Love Glen Phillips's voice
wow! two TTWS in one day!!!! NICE!!!
A lady friend of mine turned me on to this tune. It's cool.
If there was ever a reunion tour I would pay like way to much to see the group. This would be it. So @$@#$ sad they broke up!
TOAD was a GREAT-GREAT band and "GLEN PHILLIPS", their super-singer/songwriter - now solo, with 3 great own CD's already, - and mastermind! One wonders why he's not played here. Is he...? I recommend "EASIER", for a kick-start!
Firebirduni wrote:
Just some quick info about this great song and the history lesson therein. Leonard Peltier was wrongly accused of murder durring the 2nd battle of wounded knee. I know most people dont know of the 2nd battle in 1972, I myself was shocked when I eventually learned of it. I wont go on to tell the whole story here, however it was the largest shootout on American soil since the civil war, but history books left it out, please read about A.I.M.'s movement and the horrific G.O.O.N. squad on Pine Ridge Reservation.
Biggest shoot-out? I thought that was "Ruby Ridge". Why the word "Ridge" triggers shoot-outs in "U, S and A"? Could it be there are too many weapons in this country? Terrible-terrible...!!!! And shameful for an otherwise (often) "great nation". from Germany, yours!
This doesn't really do it for me. Nothing special about it but then not terrible either. The definition of a 5?
Jacksonstat wrote:
One of my fave TTWS songs. Simply beautiful Wish this band would put out some new music!
You'd have to check out the solo shows by Glen Phillips as they are no longer together :-(. (click here)
Firebirduni wrote:
Just some quick info about this great song and the history lesson therein. Leonard Peltier was wrongly accused of murder durring the 2nd battle of wounded knee. I know most people dont know of the 2nd battle in 1972, I myself was shocked when I eventually learned of it. I wont go on to tell the whole story here, however it was the largest shootout on American soil since the civil war, but history books left it out, please read about A.I.M.'s movement and the horrific G.O.O.N. squad on Pine Ridge Reservation.
As you know, everyone who wants to find out more about Peltier and Wounded Knee #2 should read In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, by Peter Matthiessen.
One of my fave TTWS songs. Simply beautiful Wish this band would put out some new music!
Sigh. Toad is, quite simply,fantastic on a level that need be noted in the history books.
Just some quick info about this great song and the history lesson therein. Leonard Peltier was wrongly accused of murder durring the 2nd battle of wounded knee. I know most people dont know of the 2nd battle in 1972, I myself was shocked when I eventually learned of it. I wont go on to tell the whole story here, however it was the largest shootout on American soil since the civil war, but history books left it out, please read about A.I.M.'s movement and the horrific G.O.O.N. squad on Pine Ridge Reservation.
Just the right tune for surviving a Saturday in the office. Thanks
WOW. Just WOW.
Saw these guys play an acoustic set at the local record store in College Park, MD around 1991. They sounded great live in an unorthodox setting. Great band.
Wow! This song always gets me. I miss Toad so much and hope they'll be back in my neck of the woods as they go out on limited tours.
DBCinCA wrote:
. . . And anyone who doesn't know who Leonard Peltier is should refrain from commenting on this song. And if you do know, you've got to appreciate the politics of the song without Toad turning it into an in-your-face screed.
Amen. Chills down my back when I listen to it.
serene23 wrote:
My faves is "Pale" and then "Dulcinea", get "Fear" as well, and "Bread and Circus", ah hell get them all. While you are at it pick up Glen Phillips cd "Abulum"
Here we are a bit later down the line in this crazy life - Glen Phillips has a new solo album - "Winter Pays for Summer." Every bit as good as "Abulum," maybe better - and more varied tonally. Get it!
beelzebubba wrote:
The song is 'ok', I guess. But I'm still trying to think of a dumber name for a band than 'Toad the Wet Sprocket....."
Would you prefer. Frog the Damp Gear?
The instrumental part (especially the leadguitar) slightly reminded my of All the Young Dudes and the vocals of Gerry Rafferty. A very nice, mellow sound and he's just the right singer for a song like this. The song itself is maybe not that memorable.
beelzebubba wrote:
But I'm still trying to think of a dumber name for a band than 'Toad the Wet Sprocket....."
Hey, it's a cool name- It's from a Monty Python skit.
Bicky wrote:
This bores me to death. What is that with the annoying ticking i.t. back? Play something else, RP.
I thought the same thing the first time I heard this on RP. Then I found myself humming it in the car on the way home, then later again that night, then the following week. Then this morning I was wishing RP would play it again, and here it is. So, maybe I don't hate it. Maybe the opposite is true. MAYBE.
juliamak wrote:
Love, love, love this band. Isn't this song a tribute to Chris Farley?
Leonard Peltier. I know, I know, you are being sarcastic, but I think it is important to invoke Mr. Peltier's name here.
Love, love, love this band. Isn't this song a tribute to Chris Farley?
one of my favorite bands...good to hear it!
Bicky wrote:
This bores me to death. What is that with the annoying ticking i.t. back? Play something else, RP.
Go listen to Clear Channel you jackoff!
This bores me to death. What is that with the annoying ticking i.t. back? Play something else, RP.
Awesome album, but play silo lullaby next time.
beelzebubba wrote:
Actually, scratch that about being 'ok'. The song is pretty lame.
Ahhh Bubba has spoken...
OmegaConcern wrote:
Definitely agree, although "Pale" has a bad case of "firstalbumitis" - that is, the record co. didn't want to spend a whole lot, so the sound quality isn't that great.
"Pale" is my favorite Toad The Wet Sprocket album. I think the sound quaility is just fine. And "Pale" is their 2nd album.
gypsy222 wrote:
Good Comments. Oddly enough, this song came on my CD player as soon I drove into Pine Ridge reservation for the first time - it gave me chills - still does. And yes, while this song is on their Coil CD, it was written for the Honor the Earth compilation CD, benefiting the charity of the same name. This double CD can still be purchased at (click here) This label is owned and operated by Indigo Girl, Amy Ray.
Thanks for the info - any other songs on Honor the Earth to recommend it?
DBCinCA wrote:
Forget this retrospective album - get Coil, the disk this song came from! And anyone who doesn't know who Leonard Peltier is should refrain from commenting on this song. And if you do know, you've got to appreciate the politics of the song without Toad turning it into an in-your-face screed.
Good Comments. Oddly enough, this song came on my CD player as soon I drove into Pine Ridge reservation for the first time - it gave me chills - still does. And yes, while this song is on their Coil CD, it was written for the Honor the Earth compilation CD, benefiting the charity of the same name. This double CD can still be purchased at (click here) This label is owned and operated by Indigo Girl, Amy Ray.
Forget this retrospective album - get Coil, the disk this song came from! And anyone who doesn't know who Leonard Peltier is should refrain from commenting on this song. And if you do know, you've got to appreciate the politics of the song without Toad turning it into an in-your-face screed.
serene23 wrote:
My faves is "Pale" and then "Dulcinea", get "Fear" as well, and "Bread and Circus", ah hell get them all. While you are at it pick up Glen Phillips cd "Abulum"
Definitely agree, although "Pale" has a bad case of "firstalbumitis" - that is, the record co. didn't want to spend a whole lot, so the sound quality isn't that great.
spacetramp wrote:
What ever happened to these guys? (Toad and the Wet Sproket)
I know they broke up a few years ago - hence the album PS:A Retrospective - and Glen Phillips has been touring (& I believe released an album) solo - but are they now back together? (good news if so!!)
beelzebubba wrote:
The song is 'ok', I guess. But I'm still trying to think of a dumber name for a band than 'Toad the Wet Sprocket....."
Actually, the name comes from a Monty Python skit. It's on the "Final Rip-Off" CD which, at last check, could be had for around $14 new for a double disk set. Having been in more bands than I care to count, I can attest to the difficulties of coming up with a name. At least it's catchy. You'll definitely remember it.
Good band from my hometown, santa barbara
serene23 wrote:
Toad the Wet Sprocket is still around, they are reuniting to play a show in LA with Counting Crows on Dec 10th, and yes, great song, though its one that isn't sung by Glen, and glen is my fave.
Wow - would love to be at that concert!!!
What ever happened to these guys? (Toad and the Wet Sproket)
beelzebubba wrote:
The song is 'ok', I guess.
Actually, scratch that about being 'ok'. The song is pretty lame.
The song is 'ok', I guess. But I'm still trying to think of a dumber name for a band than 'Toad the Wet Sprocket....."
I so wish someone would upload Nanci. Just a great song. AND about Nancy Griffith, a fantastic singer/songwriter and of course Loretta Lynn. Toad rocks.
Originally Posted by serene23: Hmmm, have you actually listened to Toad, they almost always have intelligent lyrics.
Originally Posted by the_om: Who woulda thunk I'd like a Toad the Wet Sprocket song. And the lyrics are saying something...bonus! Crazy life, indeed.
Hmmm, have you actually listened to Toad, they almost always have intelligent lyrics.
Originally Posted by ghrup1: Very cool song. I'm impressed with what I've heard from these guys here. Any suggestions on an album to purchase?
My faves is "Pale" and then "Dulcinea", get "Fear" as well, and "Bread and Circus", ah hell get them all. While you are at it pick up Glen Phillips cd "Abulum"
Who woulda thunk I\'d like a Toad the Wet Sprocket song. And the lyrics are saying something...bonus! Crazy life, indeed.
Great pop style song with important lyrics - love this. anyway now, it don\'t seem right he is in there and you\'re on the outside over pine ridge to wounded knee there\'s blood on the ground as far as you see crazy life in the air i\'m sensing a change in the weather in the end the path is clear does anyone remember here did you all think he\'d just disappear crazy life what have you done with Peltier who did you think you\'d taken away crazy life in the air i\'m sensing a change in the weather in the end the path is clear burying won\'t stop it breathing forever underground it takes to root anyway, it don\'t seem right he is in there and you\'re on the outside what have you done with Peltier who did you think you\'d taken away it\'s not over...
Toad the Wet Sprocket is still around, they are reuniting to play a show in LA with Counting Crows on Dec 10th, and yes, great song, though its one that isn\'t sung by Glen, and glen is my fave.
This song is almost unbelievably singable. I have always really enjoyed it. Man, I love this radio station.
always enjoy hearing this. tnx.
Sorry that Toad isn\'t around on the radio any more... they are a good listen... and are great in concert!
Originally Posted by JCJ: Sounds so typical of a made for radio rock song
i agree. quite generic sounding.
Sounds so typical of a made for radio rock song