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Thievery Corporation — Amerimacka (Feat Notch)
Album: Cosmic Game
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Total ratings: 3402

Released: 2005
Length: 5:33
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Miss Liberty turn inna Jezzabelle
All de dreams you go sell, de whole dem turn inna hell
Her bed of roses are filled with thorns
Her righteous robes are tattered and torn

If she had only stood for love
That would have been enough
She wouldn't have to hide her shame
If she had only stood for love
That would have been enough
But now she's burnt us all with her flames

Oh what a beautiful life
Is like licking honey off a knife

Oh what a beautiful sight
Oh what a beautiful life

The land of the free built on slavery
Our consciousness in captivity
The promise land is the liar's den
Your culture of greed has got to end

Now we're laying in the mud
Looking up above
Tear water just ah drop from the sky
They try to keep us in the mud
Separating us from love
But me nah go let dem conquer de I

Oh what a beautiful life
Is like licking honey off a knife

Oh what a beautiful sight
Oh what a beautiful life
Comments (244)add comment
Who is Mary Martha?  Why is she a beautiful lie?  

"Her righteous robes are tattered and torn"
 Jelani wrote:
Who is this Mary Mark-up, and does she ever put anything on sale?
On sale?  "Oh, what a beautiful lie..."

Great Tune  Great Band! 
 thewiseking wrote:


GREAT TUNE!!  Go back to sleep or hit the "skip  button"!  ...problem solved!
GREAT!!  Thanx RP!   
Who is this Mary Mark-up, and does she ever put anything on sale?
+1 for cool band name. 
really appealing. 
 hazyarc wrote:

I came here to say the same thing!

Who's Harry Potter?
Really Nice!
 daz_metalhead_2 wrote:

Harry Potter?

I came here to say the same thing!
 daz_metalhead_2 wrote:

Harry Potter?

Harry Potter?
 Michael_Dean wrote:
 S-curvy wrote: Here's an interesting factoid: only 10% of US citizens hold a US passport...

Proclivities wrote:

Michael Dean wrote:    "Fake quotes will ruin the internet"   — Benjamin Franklin

For the record, the U.S. State Department now reports 42%, which is a stunning increase in my lifetime.  I would have believed 10% 30 years ago. I used to travel to Canada without one, and that has changed and may explain much of the increase.  The middle class can now afford to travel to the Caribbean and Belize - yippee! 
One of the nice things about living in the greater DC area for close to 30 years now is being in these guys' metaphoric backyard.  I've seen 'em a solid dozen times so far -- always & reliably a fantastic show that restores the fluidity to my old bones and brings on the smiles for days & weeks afterwards.
 rdo wrote:

{#Arrowd}  Fred, I don’t usually do this because I don’t like to give legitimacy to the arguments of those who willfully marginalize themselves by their arguments, as you do.  When being serious, which I find very difficult to do when debating with you on politics, I would never call the US an empire in the sense the UK was.  If this word is to signify anything, it means colonization and subjugation of distant lands under the crown for national glory, economic betterment, and missionary zeal; none of which has ever applied to the US.  It is Orwellian to call the US an empire.  Every existing state in the world has sought in the past to expand its borders to whatever they are today (or, conversely, they have had them reduced against their will).  If the US is an empire, then so is Chile, or Bhutan, or Chad.  If it needs pointing out to you the difference between US forces now stationed in Japan, Germany, or South Korea, and those stationed in India by UK in the past, then I can only pray you someday awake from such ignorance and misunderstanding.  Think of what King Leopold and Belgium did in the Congo in the 20th Century (genocide on the scale of millions), or France in Algeria in the 60s! and tell me the US is an empire in the mold of France or Belgium or UK.  It’s too stupid to continue.  Enough.  The last I’ll ever write on this subject.


"The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them." - George Orwell
 3Chords wrote:

You are correct, t0m5k1. The royals need to go!
I see your opinion, clear what you are saying, but you are wrong.
The positive and beneficial things that they do mean everything to the conventional British people, and as those people  make the most sacrifices to remain free from foreign tyranny, their wishes will  be respected, or whatever or however it can be described. You wanna republic, then split yo, to a republic. Simple and easy. Last thing, royals are humans and as such not consigned to a dustbin somewhere as the Jewish have  been throughout history.
 t0m5k1 wrote:

No, you are totally incorrect.

A simple read of many pages on the web will tell you they are NOT ceremonial.


Try reading the above and then research what they do in a better way.
I am a brit who longs for a republic but this day is quite far off but they still are an active part in how the UK is run.

Your statement above shows you do not understand what a parliament is or even a Prime Minister.
You are correct, t0m5k1. The royals need to go!
I thought they were saying "Mary Markoff" and wondering who that was
 Mayasha wrote:
Marry my car? 😲
 I was thinking - who is this Mary Mark-up?  Does she eve give a discount?

 VH1 wrote:

 Said he, never. And who's laughing now?  This is the dumbest meme to post here, ever.
Marry my car? 😲
 rdo wrote:

Why do you think I "bark"?  You are the one, more than anyone, who injects politics to the discussion here.  You are a self-described "radical" socialist with a transparent agenda.  You are so high up on your horse it is risible.  The idea of me going to a UK comment board and spewing hateful bile about the UK is something so appalling to my sense of decency I would imagine that is unprecedented in the UK for any American to have done that.  You don't believe in democracy, and you support a socialist dictatorship to control our lives.  The fact clowns like you can come here and post and fool people into thinking you are respectible is confounding and it goes to show that there is still a small segment of barking idiots out there for whom leftist dictatorships still hold sway.
RDO you wrote a great post 7 years ago and managed to do it without name calling.  It was spot on, made your points, and is up-voted well above this one.  Including a vote from me.

Then here you come throwing out insults, derision, and hostility.  "Barking", if you will. One with a true sense of decency wouldn't have stooped so low with this post.  Sadly, you display all the faux umbrage and self righteousness of a current 'Murican.  Making some of the rest of us here cringe.

Fred: We don't all have the veins bulging out of our heads with rage.  You do you.
peace :)
Not a big fan of dub, but this is bloody great. I could listen to this all night.
Now,  I'm looking at the song title on the left here, and I know better now, but still... I think he's singing about a girl named, 'Mary Marca'.
 aspicer wrote:
They are excellent in concert, definitely worth going if you dig'em

Completely agree. I dig'em and have seen them in concert. 9:30 Club in D.C. Great show.....
Harry Potter? what is he saying?
They are excellent in concert, definitely worth going if you dig'em.
 SmackDaddy wrote:

The UK is not a monarchy. It has a Prime Minister, Parliament, and elections for them. It does still have a royal family but they are symbolic and not in charge of anything. 

No, you are totally incorrect.

A simple read of many pages on the web will tell you they are NOT ceremonial.


Try reading the above and then research what they do in a better way.
I am a brit who longs for a republic but this day is quite far off but they still are an active part in how the UK is run.

Your statement above shows you do not understand what a parliament is or even a Prime Minister.
 rdo wrote:

Ugh.  I got this on psd...not a bad tune.  First off, that is a cynical response and beneath you.  Not serious. Not worthy of addressing... 

What I will address is...if I were not by my good fortune born American, and had been born somewhere else...what would I think?   I agree the US is powerful and has WAY too much influence.  We need WAY more democracy on this planet outside the US but, unfortunately, this is not forthcoming.  The UK is still, amazingly, beyond belief, a....MONARCHY....need I say more?    I think you have plenty of issues at home to worry about first before you shoot your little wads of cynicism across the pond.  But still, yes, the US is in everyone's face and I can see how many would be sick of the US and therefore trash talking is totally understandable...
The UK is not a monarchy. It has a Prime Minister, Parliament, and elections for them. It does still have a royal family but they are symbolic and not in charge of anything. 
 rdo wrote:

Why do you think I "bark"?  ...(edited to spare us all)...  still hold sway.
Holy smokes! Fred and I have had our musical disagreements on these boards over the years (Hi Fred!) but he is a decent chap and in no way deserves this shabby treatment.

You absolutely do "bark" but you have no "bite"... just bile.  Sad.
Mary Poppins
perfect friday morning jam
 Michael_Dean wrote:
The promise land is the liar's den,
*lion's den
Excellent dub. Could spin stuff like this for hours.
Sweet groove
Politics notwithstanding, that's one catchy tune.
Gotta say, I miss the Fred vs rdo feuds!

The land of the free built on slavery,
Our consciousness in captivity,
The promise land is the liar's den,
Your culture of greed has got to end.
 Yeah was thinking that. Before they became a covers band,                                                   

old_shep wrote:


 S-curvy wrote:     Here's an interesting factoid: only 10% of US citizens hold a US passport...

Proclivities wrote:

It's more like 33%.  Still, a pretty low number compared to some other nations.  


Michael Dean wrote:    "Fake quotes will ruin the internet"   — Benjamin Franklin
Very happy to see that TC has spurred such an intense political discussion (see below) on the RP comment boards... apropos I'd say.
 Naturally,  if you look from outside it's just bees and trees.
Love TC.

Rob Garza is coming to town as a solo act...anyone seen him?
Excellent Thievery Corporation show last week in Boston, many different singers, really fun
More TC, please {#Clap}
 rdo wrote:

Why do you think I "bark"?  You are the one, more than anyone, who injects politics to the discussion here.  You are a self-described "radical" socialist with a transparent agenda.  You are so high up on your horse it is risible.  The idea of me going to a UK comment board and spewing hateful bile about the UK is something so appalling to my sense of decency I would imagine that is unprecedented in the UK for any American to have done that.  You don't believe in democracy, and you support a socialist dictatorship to control our lives.  The fact clowns like you can come here and post and fool people into thinking you are respectible is confounding and it goes to show that there is still a small segment of barking idiots out there for whom leftist dictatorships still hold sway.

Go on, tell him what you really think!!!

The only Corporation we can trust in!




 rdo wrote:
 You don't believe in democracy, and you support a socialist dictatorship to control our lives. 
Wrong. At best a misunderstanding, at worst a blatant lie. Strange but true: you can be a libertarian and a socialist. Tip: look up Emma Goldman. If you weren't such a figure of fun on here I'd demand that you prove your libel, but I think I prefer the entertainment factor of your barking right-wing rants. At least you couldn't be accused of fence-sitting...

So, back to your original post:
The UK is still, amazingly, beyond belief, a....MONARCHY....need I say more?  

Yes, you do. If it's so bleeding obvious what you want to say, then it'll not be difficult for you to put it in black and white for us cretins, eh?
 fredriley wrote:

Yes, O Barking One, you do. Holland and Sweden are 'monarchies', in the sense of having royal families with figurehead roles, and they are advanced and civilised social democracies by any yardstick, even yours. SFW?

Why do you think I "bark"?  You are the one, more than anyone, who injects politics to the discussion here.  You are a self-described "radical" socialist with a transparent agenda.  You are so high up on your horse it is risible.  The idea of me going to a UK comment board and spewing hateful bile about the UK is something so appalling to my sense of decency I would imagine that is unprecedented in the UK for any American to have done that.  You don't believe in democracy, and you support a socialist dictatorship to control our lives.  The fact clowns like you can come here and post and fool people into thinking you are respectible is confounding and it goes to show that there is still a small segment of barking idiots out there for whom leftist dictatorships still hold sway.
Nice mellow groove going through the last few songs. Great work, Bill & Rebecca!
Richard Parker

 rdo wrote:

It is Orwellian to call the US an empire.


Yeah? That makes US neo-liberals like Paul Wolfowicz, Right-wing historians like Niall Ferguson (very, very pro-US), and old Machiavellians like Henry Kissinger "Orwellian" in your view, because they all refer to the US as an empire on a regular basis. Or see the website of the neo-liberal and openly imperialistic Project for the New American Century. There are few commentators across the political spectrum, within and outwith the US, who do not use the word "empire" in regard to the US, most often these days as a "declining empire".

As some American once famously said: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then, mister, you've got a duck.
 rdo wrote:
The UK is still, amazingly, beyond belief, a....MONARCHY....need I say more?  
Yes, O Barking One, you do. Holland and Sweden are 'monarchies', in the sense of having royal families with figurehead roles, and they are advanced and civilised social democracies by any yardstick, even yours. SFW?
 oldsaxon wrote:

Semantic obfuscation. Same thing, different uniforms. 

Ugh.  I got this on psd...not a bad tune.  First off, that is a cynical response and beneath you.  Not serious. Not worthy of addressing... 

What I will address is...if I were not by my good fortune born American, and had been born somewhere else...what would I think?   I agree the US is powerful and has WAY too much influence.  We need WAY more democracy on this planet outside the US but, unfortunately, this is not forthcoming.  The UK is still, amazingly, beyond belief, a....MONARCHY....need I say more?    I think you have plenty of issues at home to worry about first before you shoot your little wads of cynicism across the pond.  But still, yes, the US is in everyone's face and I can see how many would be sick of the US and therefore trash talking is totally understandable...
 rdo wrote:

{#Arrowd}  Fred, I don’t usually do this because I don’t like to give legitimacy to the arguments of those who willfully marginalize themselves by their arguments, as you do.  When being serious, which I find very difficult to do when debating with you on politics, I would never call the US an empire in the sense the UK was.  If this word is to signify anything, it means colonization and subjugation of distant lands under the crown for national glory, economic betterment, and missionary zeal; none of which has ever applied to the US.  It is Orwellian to call the US an empire.  Every existing state in the world has sought in the past to expand its borders to whatever they are today (or, conversely, they have had them reduced against their will).  If the US is an empire, then so is Chile, or Bhutan, or Chad.  If it needs pointing out to you the difference between US forces now stationed in Japan, Germany, or South Korea, and those stationed in India by UK in the past, then I can only pray you someday awake from such ignorance and misunderstanding.  Think of what King Leopold and Belgium did in the Congo in the 20th Century (genocide on the scale of millions), or France in Algeria in the 60s! and tell me the US is an empire in the mold of France or Belgium or UK.  It’s too stupid to continue.  Enough.  The last I’ll ever write on this subject.

Semantic obfuscation. Same thing, different uniforms. 
 rdo wrote:

{#Arrowd}  Fred, I don’t usually do this because I don’t like to give legitimacy to the arguments of those who willfully marginalize themselves by their arguments, as you do.  When being serious, which I find very difficult to do when debating with you on politics, I would never call the US an empire in the sense the UK was.  If this word is to signify anything, it means colonization and subjugation of distant lands under the crown for national glory, economic betterment, and missionary zeal; none of which has ever applied to the US.  It is Orwellian to call the US an empire.  Every existing state in the world has sought in the past to expand its borders to whatever they are today (or, conversely, they have had them reduced against their will).  If the US is an empire, then so is Chile, or Bhutan, or Chad.  If it needs pointing out to you the difference between US forces now stationed in Japan, Germany, or South Korea, and those stationed in India by UK in the past, then I can only pray you someday awake from such ignorance and misunderstanding.  Think of what King Leopold and Belgium did in the Congo in the 20th Century (genocide on the scale of millions), or France in Algeria in the 60s! and tell me the US is an empire in the mold of France or Belgium or UK.  It’s too stupid to continue.  Enough.  The last I’ll ever write on this subject.

Bravo, rdo. Here, in Europe, we love to hate the USA. I could never figure out why - any wrongs that the US did in the world is child's play compared with what most European nations did, as you very correctly point out (and you mercifully left out the UK out of your examples...)

I guess little people love to hate the big guys out of envy.

Marcin Bruczkowski


{#Arrowd}  Fred, I don’t usually do this because I don’t like to give legitimacy to the arguments of those who willfully marginalize themselves by their arguments, as you do.  When being serious, which I find very difficult to do when debating with you on politics, I would never call the US an empire in the sense the UK was.  If this word is to signify anything, it means colonization and subjugation of distant lands under the crown for national glory, economic betterment, and missionary zeal; none of which has ever applied to the US.  It is Orwellian to call the US an empire.  Every existing state in the world has sought in the past to expand its borders to whatever they are today (or, conversely, they have had them reduced against their will).  If the US is an empire, then so is Chile, or Bhutan, or Chad.  If it needs pointing out to you the difference between US forces now stationed in Japan, Germany, or South Korea, and those stationed in India by UK in the past, then I can only pray you someday awake from such ignorance and misunderstanding.  Think of what King Leopold and Belgium did in the Congo in the 20th Century (genocide on the scale of millions), or France in Algeria in the 60s! and tell me the US is an empire in the mold of France or Belgium or UK.  It’s too stupid to continue.  Enough.  The last I’ll ever write on this subject.

Will be at their show in DC this Friday. Can't wait......
 S-curvy wrote:

  Here's an interesting factoid:  only 10% of US citizens hold a US passport...

That's a myth; it's more like 40%.  Still, a pretty low number compared to some other nations.
For my tastes...it has too much 'reggae' feel...the spacy feel is cool...but it's ruined with the "Marley" overtones...I'll take this over actual reggae any day.
 S-curvy wrote:

A) A perfect little troll statement, or B) you are so utterly brilliant as to have an epiphanous and unique understanding of the entirety of artistry's collective soul....  Let's see, A or B??

It might be hard to accept in our greed driven nation, but not all people in the world are driven by money.  Some people are motivated by other things.  Here's an interesting factoid:  only 10% of US citizens hold a US passport, and it's a guess as to how many or few of those actually put that passport to use!  Like most things, experience leads to knowledge ... people, get out and see the world!


I think for the sake of accuracy in statements, it should be pointed out that you are the troll and not me.  Your statement, if put to a vote, would be supported by about 1% if the US population.  Mine 99%.  That makes you the troll, not me.  I may be in the minority on this comment board, but not the listeners of this station.  Most people ignore trolls like you and don't even bother responding to your hatred.  I get a little annoyed every now and then and speak up.  But let's be clear about who is the troll.  BTW, I am glad you speak up.  All opinions are welcome here, even the trolls like you.  {#Cheers}  I like trolls.  {#Wave}
Thievery Corporation rock BURNING MAN
You can't expect to love every song on an album..
turning it way up . . . high
 rdo wrote:
... The dirty little secret is that nearly all artists, with barely an exception, are dilettantes who play to a dilettante audience.  I cannot think of a single performer who has ever said anything profound on politics.  Slamming the US sells records. It's cheap and vulgar but that's where the money is.  The irony is that all of the artists slam the US for "corporate greed".  What nonsense.  If anyone takes this stuff seriously they are stupid.   

We're the good guys, but not the only good guys.  If we are bad, then we are no worse than any other country.

A) A perfect little troll statement, or B) you are so utterly brilliant as to have an epiphanous and unique understanding of the entirety of artistry's collective soul....  Let's see, A or B??

It might be hard to accept in our greed driven nation, but not all people in the world are driven by money.  Some people are motivated by other things.  Here's an interesting factoid:  only 10% of US citizens hold a US passport, and it's a guess as to how many or few of those actually put that passport to use!  Like most things, experience leads to knowledge ... people, get out and see the world!

Like this alot
I think it is the use of the horns
 bluecshells wrote:
Damn if only I could dance in my cube! 

If Picasso could paint in them, you can dance in them {#Bananasplit}
This song reminds me my first days with my boy.... beautiful...{#Hearteyes}
Damn if only I could dance in my cube! 
 rdo wrote:

"Try substituting UK, or England, France, Italy, for America in one of these idiotic songs.  I doubt you'd feel the same way if you were from one of those countries."

I am, being half-English, and not only is it not a problem, it's actually a duty to oppose UK imperialism as much as to oppose, say, US imperialism, from the inside. There are many countries in a country, the US being a classic example. When rightists in the US say "USA: love it or leave it", they mean their particular USA. Similarly, when English conservatives lay claim to England as their own, they're defining the whole country according to the one dominant, highly reactionary, and culturally-specific part. The Amerimacka referred to in this song is a specific culturally- and politically-dominant US, the US of "American Dream" propaganda - most of the US doesn't belong to that bit, and if you can't see that and continue to identify with the dominant culture then you might need to wipe the scales from your eyes.

"We're the good guys, but not the only good guys.  If we are bad, then we are no worse than any other country."

Oh, I think you're being a bit disingenuous there. The US 'projects its force' worldwide and stiffs an awful lot of folk who oppose its 'vital interests', which for imperialists is very good indeed, but for many others, particulary those getting the rough end of the pineapple from Uncle Sam, it makes it worse than most other imperialist nations simply because it's the most militarily powerful. Much as Britain was before Uncle Sam supplanted it as the world's #1 imperial power after WWII.

 fredriley wrote:
Thievery Corporation are arch-provocateurs and leftist radicals, likely to wind up anybody to the right of, ooh I dunno, Manu Chao, and they've certainly succeeded on here. Which is no bad thing - that's the whole point of agitprop, to get people arguing about important issues. For me, the nice thing is that they couch the agitprop in such smooth danceable sounds.

Until I looked at the track title I was wondering who the feck Mary Markup was...
Try substituting UK, or England, France, Italy, for America in one of these idiotic songs.  I doubt you'd feel the same way if you were from one of those countries. How many artists wrote similar songs about the USSR in the 1970's, or now write about China?  Answer: none.  The dirty little secret is that nearly all artists, with barely an exception, are dilettantes who play to a dilettante audience.  I cannot think of a single performer who has ever said anything profound on politics.  Slamming the US sells records. It's cheap and vulgar but that's where the money is.  The irony is that all of the artists slam the US for "corporate greed".  What nonsense.  If anyone takes this stuff seriously they are stupid.   

We're the good guys, but not the only good guys.  If we are bad, then we are no worse than any other country.

In the 'hood, the lyrics to this track are bit different....
This song is WAY too long!
I was only gonna say, "Love their groove," and discovered that this thread is in the middle of a big political debate.  As an US Navy vet, I can assure you that we're not always the good guys.  Most of the time, however, we do come down on the side of truth and justice.  The problem, is that lots of folks are not interested in truth and justice; they're only interested in keeping the revenue stream aimed at their own pocket.
Just my opinion, and thanks to the electrons that surrendered their freedom so I can post it onto the world wide web.
 conscious42 wrote:
The lyrics are definitely "beautiful LIE", not beautiful life, as corrected in a previous comment, and also well noted was that "beautiful lie" matches the irony of "licking honey off the edge of a knife".  A great song.  All you super-patriots that are offended by this song need to wake up, the U.S. has been, and still is, the largest purveyor of violence in the world.  Your pride is misplaced if what you really value is freedom; unless you are one the few super rich you are a money/debt slave like the majority, and our elections and supposed "democracy" are a joke... oh and though you'll probably never do the research that shows this without a doubt, 9/11 was an inside job.  "Land of the Free" (built on slavery) and a "Force for Democracy & Peace in the world" is indeed a beautiful lie.
————-> They try to keep us in the mud Separating us from love But me nah go let dem conquer de I <————-

 fredriley wrote:
Thievery Corporation are arch-provocateurs and leftist radicals, likely to wind up anybody to the right of, ooh I dunno, Manu Chao, and they've certainly succeeded on here. Which is no bad thing - that's the whole point of agitprop, to get people arguing about important issues. For me, the nice thing is that they couch the agitprop in such smooth danceable sounds.

Until I looked at the track title I was wondering who the feck Mary Markup was...
(Fred doesn't hate DB after all then maybe!)

Thievery Corporation are arch-provocateurs and leftist radicals, likely to wind up anybody to the right of, ooh I dunno, Manu Chao, and they've certainly succeeded on here. Which is no bad thing - that's the whole point of agitprop, to get people arguing about important issues. For me, the nice thing is that they couch the agitprop in such smooth danceable sounds.

Until I looked at the track title I was wondering who the feck Mary Markup was...
Gives my ears a relief from the omnipresent american road trip guitar sound on RP. And I'm NOT referring to the lyrics. Or should I start a aimless debate every time someone sings about Germany during 33 to 45?
 shutter wrote:
It's simple: Since some folks hate it so much, find a better place than the Godawful U.S. and go there (as jpziller has apparently done).  We won't stop you.  Take the parasitic Neil Young with you, too.
Funfact #713:  when the forefathers of America did not like the actions of their government, they moved to Canada.

Never look behind the curtain. 

Ignorance is Strength. 

We've always been the good guys and we always will.
 conscious42 wrote:
The lyrics are definitely "beautiful LIE", not beautiful life, as corrected in a previous comment, and also well noted was that "beautiful lie" matches the irony of "licking honey off the edge of a knife".  A great song.  All you super-patriots that are offended by this song need to wake up, the U.S. has been, and still is, the largest purveyor of violence in the world.  Your pride is misplaced if what you really value is freedom; unless you are one the few super rich you are a money/debt slave like the majority, and our elections and supposed "democracy" are a joke... oh and though you'll probably never do the research that shows this without a doubt, 9/11 was an inside job.  "Land of the Free" (built on slavery) and a "Force for Democracy & Peace in the world" is indeed a beautiful lie.
————-> They try to keep us in the mud Separating us from love But me nah go let dem conquer de I <————-
Well said and true Conscious One.
The Patriot Act, recent McCain/Lieberman proposed legislation https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/a-detention-bill-you-ought-to-read-more-carefully/37116 
and the usual enemy combatant/national security/terrorism catch-all excuse to put anyone's butt in jail if the powers that be choose so, are unfortunately overlooked by the superficially patriotic. 

The lyrics are definitely "beautiful LIE", not beautiful life, as corrected in a previous comment, and also well noted was that "beautiful lie" matches the irony of "licking honey off the edge of a knife".  A great song.  All you super-patriots that are offended by this song need to wake up, the U.S. has been, and still is, the largest purveyor of violence in the world.  Your pride is misplaced if what you really value is freedom; unless you are one the few super rich you are a money/debt slave like the majority, and our elections and supposed "democracy" are a joke... oh and though you'll probably never do the research that shows this without a doubt, 9/11 was an inside job.  "Land of the Free" (built on slavery) and a "Force for Democracy & Peace in the world" is indeed a beautiful lie.
————-> They try to keep us in the mud Separating us from love But me nah go let dem conquer de I <————-

I love this more than fondue.
One of the best of their genre — of all time. Long live Thievery Corporation!!!!    {#Crown}
 Misterfixit wrote:
Ah yes, we are all evil slave masters and Amerikkka is even worse. Huummmm, let's go compare us with one of those middle eastern countries worshiping their bundles of sticks and mud, circumcising young girls with rusty razor blade, chopping off hands, etc etc. Oh yes, how can we possible compare Amerikka with those Wonderful Places? Yep, time to move and Convert. Oh and get momma and the girls a burkah and the boys a nice exploding belt. "Aerimacka" What a pile of naive bullshit. So tiresome. But wait Kids! When the Revolution Comes, there will be only One Channel on the TV and One song played over and over again! And Thou Shalt Obey! (666)
His Mark and Seal.
I generally prefer to stay out of these debates, but I just feel compelled to respond.

Just because there are places on the planet that are much, much worse doesn't mean we don't have problems we should address.  Honestly, one has nothing to do with the other.  The US is the leader of the free world, and as with any celebrity, its actions will be scrutinized to the nth degree.  It is the price we pay for our spot in the limelight.

Getting back to my original point though - we should always strive to make things better, irrespective of the behaviors of those around us.  We should fight for what we know is right, not shrug our shoulders and say, "well, at least we're not Yemen."

Your argument is provocative in its imagery but has no teeth. 
This would be filed under "lukewarm" therefore irrelevant for rating.
 shutter wrote:
 jpziller wrote:
OK...I've listened to this song hundreds of times. As an expatriate living in New Zealand since 9/11, I think it expresses perfectly the ambivalent attitude of millions of non-Americans about the most powerful and influential country on the planet. Besides it's just a great song.

Since the lyrics have been posted and this is a comment board I'll comment.  It's simple: Since some folks hate it so much, find a better place than the Godawful U.S. and go there (as jpziller has apparently done).  We won't stop you.  Take the parasitic Neil Young with you, too.
Yeah, let's get rid of all those pesky folks who want our country's actions to, at least, attempt to match its rhetoric.  We'll be oh so much better with a nation full of self-contented do-nothings.

This is about the only Thievery Corp song I don't feel the urge to mute when it comes on..
 jpziller wrote:
OK...I've listened to this song hundreds of times. As an expatriate living in New Zealand since 9/11, I think it expresses perfectly the ambivalent attitude of millions of non-Americans about the most powerful and influential country on the planet. Besides it's just a great song.

Since the lyrics have been posted and this is a comment board I'll comment.  It's simple: Since some folks hate it so much, find a better place than the Godawful U.S. and go there (as jpziller has apparently done).  We won't stop you.  Take the parasitic Neil Young with you, too.

 coy wrote:
i was playing this in the rental car 'visiting' my family in michigan
the culture shift it created was memorable
actually left the cd in the player
some lucky renter got amerimackad all the way to their sales meeting

i was playing this in the rental car 'visiting' my family in michigan
the culture shift it created was memorable
actually left the cd in the player
some lucky renter got amerimackad all the way to their sales meeting
 jpziller wrote:
OK...I've listened to this song hundreds of times. As an expatriate living in New Zealand since 9/11, I think it expresses perfectly the ambivalent attitude of millions of non-Americans about the most powerful and influential country on the planet. Besides it's just a great song.

But I am convinced the lyrics posted everywhere else are not quite right. Maybe it's just sung differently from the lyric sheet, which is a common practice, but this is what I get (with my variations in bold):

Miss Liberty turn inna Jezebel
All a de dreams you go sell turn inna hell
Her bed of roses are filled with thorns
Her righteous robes are tattered and torn
If she had only stood for love
That would have been enough
She wouldn't have to hide in her shame
If she had only stood for love
That would have been enough
But now we are all burning in her flames

Amerimacka, oh what a beautiful lie
It’s like licking honey off of a knife
Oh what a beautiful sight
Amerimacka, oh what a beautiful lie

The land of the free built on slavery
Her conscience is in captivity
The promised land is in the lion’s den
Your culture of greed is got to end
Now we’re laying in the mud
Looking up above
‘Til water just a drop from the sky
They try to keep us in the mud
Separating us from love
But me nah go let dem conquer de I

Amerimacka, oh what a beautiful lie
It’s like licking honey off of a knife
Oh what a beautiful sight
Amerimacka, oh what a beautiful lie

Generally minor variations except of course for the closing line:
from the pointless "oh what a beautiful LIFE"
to the ironic "oh what a beautiful LIE."
(Ironic as in "licking honey off of a knife.")

AFAIK, if it isn't actually the correct lyric, it certainly ought to be!

Cheers all,
Your version is what I always thought he was singing. It only makes sense.

OK...I've listened to this song hundreds of times. As an expatriate living in New Zealand since 9/11, I think it expresses perfectly the ambivalent attitude of millions of non-Americans about the most powerful and influential country on the planet. Besides it's just a great song.

But I am convinced the lyrics posted everywhere else are not quite right. Maybe it's just sung differently from the lyric sheet, which is a common practice, but this is what I get (with my variations in bold):

Miss Liberty turn inna Jezebel
All a de dreams you go sell turn inna hell
Her bed of roses are filled with thorns
Her righteous robes are tattered and torn
If she had only stood for love
That would have been enough
She wouldn't have to hide in her shame
If she had only stood for love
That would have been enough
But now we are all burning in her flames

Amerimacka, oh what a beautiful lie
It’s like licking honey off of a knife
Oh what a beautiful sight
Amerimacka, oh what a beautiful lie

The land of the free built on slavery
Her conscience is in captivity
The promised land is in the lion’s den
Your culture of greed is got to end
Now we’re laying in the mud
Looking up above
‘Til water just a drop from the sky
They try to keep us in the mud
Separating us from love
But me nah go let dem conquer de I

Amerimacka, oh what a beautiful lie
It’s like licking honey off of a knife
Oh what a beautiful sight
Amerimacka, oh what a beautiful lie

Generally minor variations except of course for the closing line:
from the pointless "oh what a beautiful LIFE"
to the ironic "oh what a beautiful LIE."
(Ironic as in "licking honey off of a knife.")

AFAIK, if it isn't actually the correct lyric, it certainly ought to be!

Cheers all,

This sounds like the death knell of reggae.  Oh, would that it were.

 softjeans wrote:

I used to agree...now I know the chorus by heart. This is one of those songs that can get under your skin and become part of your life, so much so that now I can divide my entire musical existence into a "before Amerimaka" and an "after Amerimacka." I never listened to electronica before; now I find the cross-over between electronica and dub fascinating...and wonder if these guys (whoever they are) were pioneers.
I always thought he was saying " Mary Marker" which is the name of a girl I went to school with years ago. LOL

 Burningstar wrote:
Nice relaxing background tunes ... easily forgettable though.
I used to agree...now I know the chorus by heart. This is one of those songs that can get under your skin and become part of your life, so much so that now I can divide my entire musical existence into a "before Amerimaka" and an "after Amerimacka." I never listened to electronica before; now I find the cross-over between electronica and dub fascinating...and wonder if these guys (whoever they are) were pioneers.

A solid 7.  Pretty good but I feel like I've heard this track at every mediocre wine bar and lounge in NYC.  A little snoozy.
America is great in spite of ourselves. There is room for criticism and its not all black and white (pardon the pun). The fact that we can listen to this song as it criticizes America points out one of the (as of yet) redeeming qualities that make it great...freedom of speech. Lets protect that at all costs peeps. Besides that...its good music
That was nice and relaxing.
Nice relaxing background tunes ... easily forgettable though.
spraehbuer wrote:
please kids: DON'T DO DRUGS!
If someone holds an opinion other than standard orthodoxy they must be on drugs or be deluded by counter-revolutionary forces. My little red book says so. Perhaps we need to set up re-education camps along the model of those great peoples who strove for homogeneity of thought. We are still just not that good at it here in Amerimacka.
What's wrong with me? I like this song.
".....let's go compare us with one of those middle eastern countries...." Ah yes....Ignorance is bliss.... quote="Misterfixit wrote:
Ah yes, we are all evil slave masters and Amerikkka is even worse. Huummmm, let's go compare us with one of those middle eastern countries worshiping their bundles of sticks and mud, circumcising young girls with rusty razor blade, chopping off hands, etc etc. Oh yes, how can we possible compare Amerikka with those Wonderful Places? Yep, time to move and Convert. Oh and get momma and the girls a burkah and the boys a nice exploding belt. "Aerimacka" What a pile of naive bullshit. So tiresome. But wait Kids! When the Revolution Comes, there will be only One Channel on the TV and One song played over and over again! And Thou Shalt Obey! (666) His Mark and Seal.
Misterfixit wrote:
Ah yes, we are all evil slave masters and Amerikkka is even worse. Huummmm, let's go compare us with one of those middle eastern countries worshiping their bundles of sticks and mud, circumcising young girls with rusty razor blade, chopping off hands, etc etc. Oh yes, how can we possible compare Amerikka with those Wonderful Places? Yep, time to move and Convert. Oh and get momma and the girls a burkah and the boys a nice exploding belt. "Aerimacka" What a pile of naive bullshit. So tiresome. But wait Kids! When the Revolution Comes, there will be only One Channel on the TV and One song played over and over again! And Thou Shalt Obey! (666) His Mark and Seal.
Dude. Step away from the kool-aid.
spraehbuer wrote:
please kids: DON'T DO DRUGS!
Poor quality recreational pharmaceuticals will get you every time. Looks like old Misterfixit might have spent too much time huffing varnish fumes. . .
1wolfy wrote:
Great Chill music
...and perfect for the morning in the office after the party...
1wolfy wrote:
Great Chill music
Great Chill music

please kids: DON'T DO DRUGS! Misterfixit wrote:
Ah yes, we are all evil slave masters and Amerikkka is even worse. Huummmm, let's go compare us with one of those middle eastern countries worshiping their bundles of sticks and mud, circumcising young girls with rusty razor blade, chopping off hands, etc etc. Oh yes, how can we possible compare Amerikka with those Wonderful Places? Yep, time to move and Convert. Oh and get momma and the girls a burkah and the boys a nice exploding belt. "Aerimacka" What a pile of naive bullshit. So tiresome. But wait Kids! When the Revolution Comes, there will be only One Channel on the TV and One song played over and over again! And Thou Shalt Obey! (666) His Mark and Seal.
Ah yes, we are all evil slave masters and Amerikkka is even worse. Huummmm, let's go compare us with one of those middle eastern countries worshiping their bundles of sticks and mud, circumcising young girls with rusty razor blade, chopping off hands, etc etc. Oh yes, how can we possible compare Amerikka with those Wonderful Places? Yep, time to move and Convert. Oh and get momma and the girls a burkah and the boys a nice exploding belt. "Aerimacka" What a pile of naive bullshit. So tiresome. But wait Kids! When the Revolution Comes, there will be only One Channel on the TV and One song played over and over again! And Thou Shalt Obey! (666) His Mark and Seal.
nice dub nice!
feel and sound of the song really remind me of "Food For Thought" by UB40