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Sylvaine — Eg er framand
Album: Eg Er Framand
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Released: 0
Length: 4:30
Plays (last 30 days): 5
Eg er framand
Eg er ein pilgrim
Berr ei kveldstund
Berr ei kveldsstund er eg her
Steng ikkje vegen
For eg vil fylgja
Ditt folk til strid
Over berg og bylgja
Eg er framand
Eg er ein pilgrim
Berr ei kveldstund
Berr ei kveldsstund er eg her
Jorda eig ei
Den ro eg søkjer
Nei eg lengtar
Lengtar til lysets stad
Der sluttar sorga
Der tørkast tåra
Der ingen meir
Blir lagt død på båra
Jorda eig ei
Den ro eg søkjer
Nei eg lengtar
Lengtar til lysets stad
Kjære Herre
Om eitt eg ber deg
Fylg og lei meg
Fylg og lei meg alltid du
Ved himmelstranda
Der vil eg hamna
Eg heim vil koma
Deg vil famna
Kjære Herre
Om eitt eg ber deg
Fylg og lei meg
Fylg og lei meg alltid du
Comments (26)add comment
 sfoster66 wrote:

I absolutely abhor the "like it or leave" crowd. The ones that hold up the choices presented as only binary. There's a portion of the listening audience that loves RP and listens actively and intently but doesn't agree with every choice that William and Co make. Why can't we express our opinions? Criticism is the cornerstone of improvement. Hubris is the direct result of thinking that one is without fault or error. Debate should be encouraged...not stifled ffs.  Tribalism is becoming the norm everywhere,  even here on RP, and its a God damn shame...

And just for the record, this track is in the orange range for this listener, not my bag.  And you're right in one regard, in that there should be some orange songs for us all.  RP is completely about diversity and exploration...so for anyone to say that something doesn't belong, well, that's pretty absurd....

Came here to say how much I dont want to hear this song and found a timely comment to back me up

She sounds like a beautiful lonely princess, calling out for her lost love..
(well that's my take on it anyway and I think it's great)
"Fill and sadden me".   This song accomplishes its goal. 
 timmus wrote:

A little too dreary for a Saturday evening.

Unfortunately, RP only has a skip button, not a change the time zone button. ;-) 
A little too dreary for a Saturday evening.
I thought it may have been a part of the English Patient soundtrack.
perfectly beautiful - an 11
For Frodo
Love this. Take an ethereal female voice, drench it in reverb, and I'm a goner.
Here it comes again.  No. Not again. Sweet angel of mercy make it stop!!
 chinaski wrote:

Interesting that a metal rocker does this.

some of the metal queens have killer voices and do other genres well. Then again, some of them are Classical or Opera singers who do metal on the side/in combo
 kenmo wrote:

Very beautiful song... to those who say "Not on RP" I say, it's part of what RP is about... if you don't like it, leave... no one will miss you :-)

I absolutely abhor the "like it or leave" crowd. The ones that hold up the choices presented as only binary. There's a portion of the listening audience that loves RP and listens actively and intently but doesn't agree with every choice that William and Co make. Why can't we express our opinions? Criticism is the cornerstone of improvement. Hubris is the direct result of thinking that one is without fault or error. Debate should be encouraged...not stifled ffs.  Tribalism is becoming the norm everywhere,  even here on RP, and its a God damn shame...

And just for the record, this track is in the orange range for this listener, not my bag.  And you're right in one regard, in that there should be some orange songs for us all.  RP is completely about diversity and exploration...so for anyone to say that something doesn't belong, well, that's pretty absurd....
 SurfDoc wrote:

Not radio paradise worthy in my personal opinion.  

Say, didn't you just voice your  personal opinion for a song that wasn't worth your personal opinion?
Very beautiful song... to those who say "Not on RP" I say, it's part of what RP is about... if you don't like it, leave... no one will miss you :-)
Interesting that a metal rocker does this.
 joko63808 wrote:
Thank you for this translation 

Translated from Norwegian:
I am a stranger
I am a pilgrim
Just one evening hour
Just for one evening I am here
Do not close the road
For I will follow
Your people to battle
Over mountains and hills
I am a stranger
I am a pilgrim
Just for an evening hour
I'm here for an evening hour
The earth itself
The peace I seek
No, I long for
Longing for the city of light
There the sorrow ends
Where tears are dried
Where no more
Is laid dead on the bier
The earth itself
The peace I seek
No, I long for
Longing for the city of light
Dear Lord
I ask you for one thing
Fill and sadden me
Fill and sadden me always you
By the shore of heaven
There I will end up
My home will come
I will embrace you
Dear Lord
I ask you for one thing
Fill me and sadden me
Follow and sadden me always you

Hey Pete, that's ethereal innit?
Yes Dud
Not radio paradise worthy in my personal opinion.  
Very nice, even though I don't necessarily like music like that, objectively speaking it's just very nice.
yeah, it's nice and all that but not something I want to hear as a random selection on a radio station.  Unless that is the type of music that station plays all of the time and then I wouldn't be listening to that station at all.
Wonderfully haunting. 
Snooze!!!  Poor song. 
This grabbed my ears!
In a nice way... :-}
Wow, I love it! Trips me out, how haunting, how sorrowful, how full of yearning it is, transcending language altogether and resonating in my very bones...
Translated from Norwegian:
I am a stranger
I am a pilgrim
Just one evening hour
Just for one evening I am here
Do not close the road
For I will follow
Your people to battle
Over mountains and hills
I am a stranger
I am a pilgrim
Just for an evening hour
I'm here for an evening hour
The earth itself
The peace I seek
No, I long for
Longing for the city of light
There the sorrow ends
Where tears are dried
Where no more
Is laid dead on the bier
The earth itself
The peace I seek
No, I long for
Longing for the city of light
Dear Lord
I ask you for one thing
Fill and sadden me
Fill and sadden me always you
By the shore of heaven
There I will end up
My home will come
I will embrace you
Dear Lord
I ask you for one thing
Fill me and sadden me
Follow and sadden me always you