Still here somewhere....

Location: On a bluff near the Missouri River 
Aug 18, 2014 - 8:25pm |
I hope your brother is continuing to improve.  What an awful thing to go through. |
Shine On.

Location: 543 miles west of Paradis,1491 miles east of Paradise 
Aug 8, 2014 - 5:08pm |
 Great news, Helen, hope his recovery continues going strong.  |
What Day Is This?

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska 
Aug 8, 2014 - 7:24am |
Way better news for Lenny! His liver is working better and he is turning pink again instead of yellow! They've changed wound dressings on damaged foot - I refuse to see the photos, but the docs at the hospital are pretty excited. Overall, the care he has received at this wonderful hospital (South Baldwin Regional Medical Center) is simply amazing! From the physicians to the nursing staff, techs and assistants - my brother has received what I think is the best care he could have had with this condition. He still has some problems getting food into his gut, which he really needs to do to help with the healing process, but his outlook is positive and he is alert most of the time when he is awake and able to communicate. Still has a great sense of humor! They think he will be able to travel via ambulance back to Atlanta early this coming week.  |
What Day Is This?

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska 
Jul 29, 2014 - 10:08am |
Lenny is improving! He is still fighting all this fluid rolling around and his inability to get up and about complicates getting rid of the fluid. PT has begun though! Still not at a point where he can travel back to Atlanta yet. They will coordinate with the hospital and docs there when he is well enough to travel. It's a 61/2 hour drive home. He has had 5 surgeries now in two weeks time. He is a scrapper! He still has a sense of humor! He is very loved and we are all so grateful for the prayers and healing energy. Tiny little steps but they are all in the right direction! |

Location: planting flowers 
Jul 29, 2014 - 12:41am |
Please let him know we're here. For you too.  |

Location: (3261.3 Miles SE of RP) 
Jul 28, 2014 - 1:52pm |
Endeavor to Perservere

Location: Yes 
Jul 28, 2014 - 12:22pm |
i need a bogle for my glotch.

Location: GTFO 
Jul 28, 2014 - 6:28am |

Location: A house, in a Virginian Valley 
Jul 28, 2014 - 5:01am |
We're all riders on this train

Location: Half inch above the K/T boundary 
Jul 27, 2014 - 12:28pm |
 soon? |
What Day Is This?

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska 
Jul 27, 2014 - 11:43am |
Lenny said he knew about the R rule, but hadn't thought of it in years! Until this happened! He said this is without a doubt the worst challenge he has ever faced in his life.
Shine On.

Location: 543 miles west of Paradis,1491 miles east of Paradise 
Jul 27, 2014 - 9:24am |
Living with passion

Location: PNW 
Jul 27, 2014 - 7:53am |

Location: drifting 
Jul 26, 2014 - 7:31pm |
Great news ! I remember the R rule now that you mentioned it. Yep, a big part of growing up in California. Hadn't thought about in forever. Hang tough. You know how to do this. |
I eat pints

Location: Powell 
Jul 26, 2014 - 2:43pm |
 Wow I guess I missed the original post... scary. As a kid raised in the desert, when I got to California and heard all the "rules" about when you could and could not eat shellfish, I just decided to play it safe  but I did hear of some people who got quite ill when they broke the R rule. |