I think one of the interesting bits from this chart is the hospital costs. Drug costs are always in the headline, yet in the aggregate treating patients with pharmaceuticals is the cheapest and more efficient option (vs ER...), while the cost of drugs the last 10 years have actually grown very little if at all. This is due to increased use of generics, which have had deflationary pricing, and lower brand inflation.
A friend of mine brought this up this afternoon. His dad had found it (not "discovered," people have known about it for years) in the 70s and my friend just thought about it today and sure enough, it's right there across from the ski area. Every time I post a photo, it makes Steve think of this spot.
There are several of these around; they point in the general direction of the Big Horn Medicine Wheel.
That is awesome. You have your own little Nazca thing going on.
See that arrow pointing toward the lower right corner? Tail almost exactly in the center of the frame, arrow pointing to the right... nobody's sure how old it is, somewhere in the range of 400–600 years most likely, with some theories saying the arrows are pre-Aztec as those people moved through the area. It's thought that they inhabited this area for a few thousand years. Or not, I haven't kept up with it.
Ah, I was looking at the white stuff and thinking, yeeeeah, soo...
See that arrow pointing toward the lower right corner? Tail almost exactly in the center of the frame, arrow pointing to the right... nobody's sure how old it is, somewhere in the range of 400â600 years most likely, with some theories saying the arrows are pre-Aztec as those people moved through the area. It's thought that they inhabited this area for a few thousand years. Or not, I haven't kept up with it.
Aliens. Obviously teenage aliens. Out for an inter-galactic spin in their hotrod, leaving graffiti here and there, & smirking at what future civilizations will think.
We think it probably points to a portal to the next dimension so definitely smirk-worthy.
See that arrow pointing toward the lower right corner? Tail almost exactly in the center of the frame, arrow pointing to the right... nobody's sure how old it is, somewhere in the range of 400â600 years most likely, with some theories saying the arrows are pre-Aztec as those people moved through the area. It's thought that they inhabited this area for a few thousand years. Or not, I haven't kept up with it.
Aliens. Obviously teenage aliens. Out for an inter-galactic spin in their hotrod, leaving graffiti here and there, & smirking at what future civilizations will think.
We think it probably points to a portal to the next dimension so definitely smirk-worthy.
See that arrow pointing toward the lower right corner? Tail almost exactly in the center of the frame, arrow pointing to the right... nobody's sure how old it is, somewhere in the range of 400â600 years most likely, with some theories saying the arrows are pre-Aztec as those people moved through the area. It's thought that they inhabited this area for a few thousand years. Or not, I haven't kept up with it.
Aliens. Obviously teenage aliens. Out for an inter-galactic spin in their hotrod, leaving graffiti here and there, & smirking at what future civilizations will think.
A friend of mine brought this up this afternoon. His dad had found it (not "discovered," people have known about it for years) in the 70s and my friend just thought about it today and sure enough, it's right there across from the ski area. Every time I post a photo, it makes Steve think of this spot.
There are several of these around; they point in the general direction of the Big Horn Medicine Wheel.
Do I need to buy special glasses or something?
See that arrow pointing toward the lower right corner? Tail almost exactly in the center of the frame, arrow pointing to the right... nobody's sure how old it is, somewhere in the range of 400â600 years most likely, with some theories saying the arrows are pre-Aztec as those people moved through the area. It's thought that they inhabited this area for a few thousand years. Or not, I haven't kept up with it.