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The Cure — Disintegration
Album: Disintegration
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Total ratings: 1926

Released: 1989
Length: 8:00
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Oh, I miss the kiss of treachery
The shameless kiss of vanity
The soft and the black and the velvety
Up tight against the side of me
And mouth and eyes and heart all bleed
And run in thickening streams of greed
As bit by bit, it starts the need
To just let go, my party piece

Oh, I miss the kiss of treachery
The aching kiss before I feed
The stench of a love for younger meat
And the sound it makes when it cuts in deep
The holding up on bended knees
The addiction of duplicities
As bit by bit, it starts the need
To just let go, my party piece

I never said I would stay to the end
So I leave you with babies and hoping for frequency
Screaming like this in the hope of the secrecy
Screaming me over and over and over
I leave you with photographs, pictures of trickery
Stains on the carpet and stains on the scenery
Songs about happiness, murmured in dreams
And we both of us knew how the ending would be

So it's all come back round to breaking apart again
Breaking apart like I'm made up of glass again
Making it up behind my back again
Holding my breath for the fear of sleep again
Holding it up behind my head again
Cut in deep, to the heart of bone again
Round and round and round
It's coming apart again
Over and over and over

Now that I know that I'm breaking to pieces
I'll pull out my heart and I'll feed it to anyone
Crying for sympathy
Crocodiles cry
For the love of the crowd and three cheers from everyone
Dropping through sky
Through the glass of the roof
Through the roof of your mouth
Through the mouth of your eye
Through the eye of the needle
It's easier for me
To get closer to Heaven than ever feel whole again

I never said I would stay to the end
I knew I would leave you with babies and everything
Screaming like this in the hole of sincerity
Screaming me over and over and over
I leave you with photographs, pictures of trickery
And stains on the carpet and stains on the memory
Songs about happiness, murmured in dreams
And we both of us knew how the end always is
How the end always is

How the end always is
How the end always is
How the end always is
How the end always is
Comments (256)add comment
 phlattop wrote:

Not a huge Cure fan but I played the first half of this album to death when it came out.

Read a story or interview with Smith years ago. Seems like he was/is in a very strong, loving marriage that belied some of the music.

1st half? This is one of those albums that I always thought was best listened to all the way through.
 kingart wrote:

The Cure cloned its robo drummer for loan out to Arcade Fire. 
This induces an audio headache.  One of my lowest rated RP tracks. 

Talk about repetitive- you had three years to come up with a new pithy comment.
Pure Cure!
love this
The Cure is okay music wise, but Robert Smith is something else. It kinda sounds like somebody grabbed him by the throat, shaking violently, all while the poor bastard is trying to sing... (I dare you not to conjure up that image next time Bill plays Cure, lol)

On a related note (pardon the pun) Jimmy Pop of Bloodhound Gang started the Mr. Rogers song with "Yeah, I sing like an amputee - Can't hold a note, can't carry a tune..."
 Alastair wrote:
I was young enough to be into the The Cure when they were at their highest but I was a bit of a "purist" and couldn't handle Robert Smith's singing.    I'm much older now and my 19 year old son looked aghast when I told him I didn't 'get' The Cure.  So I listened again and am grateful that your offspring sometimes get you back on track.  This song is brilliant.  There is a difference between just singing and delivering a lyric and now, as I approach 60, I finally get it.    
In spanish we use to different words, cantante and intérprete, singer and interpreter. There are many great singer with awesome voices. Smith is a great interpreter and the perfect singer for the cure.
 phlattop wrote:
Not a huge Cure fan but I played the first half of this album to death when it came out.

Read a story or interview with Smith years ago. Seems like he was/is in a very strong, loving marriage that belied some of the music.

Perhaps that marriage -- and the confidence and security that came with it -- gave him the freedom to write such sad music.
Not a huge Cure fan but I played the first half of this album to death when it came out.

Read a story or interview with Smith years ago. Seems like he was/is in a very strong, loving marriage that belied some of the music.
One of my all time favourite Albums. Still love it to this day so many many years later. Damn I’m old .
Been listening to it once or twice a day since I heard it on RP. Robert Smith is the master and has been at it a long time. Long live The Cure.
"Now playing Disintegration by the Cure"
Not my favorite Cure effort. I think I was tuned out during this period. Now I remember why...
Yeah, a great album, but why does it make me run to my collection and play "Seventeen Seconds" released 8 years earlier? Because the droning dirge of melancholy far surpasses anything else they released. For Robert Smith, the 'guru of gloom', to resort to minor key melodies and a vexatious whine to break into the mainstream 'depression mode' in an attempt to recreate their image, sells them short. Their entire catalogue after 1986 was a cop-out to the MTV generation.
Their first hit was a controversial "Killing an Arab" in 1979. That was 'focus' not 'performance'!
Ooooooh, I can already feel your wrath - no one dares to dis the Cure.
Nice transition Bill! ;-)
I was young enough to be into the The Cure when they were at their highest but I was a bit of a "purist" and couldn't handle Robert Smith's singing.    I'm much older now and my 19 year old son looked aghast when I told him I didn't 'get' The Cure.  So I listened again and am grateful that your offspring sometimes get you back on track.  This song is brilliant.  There is a difference between just singing and delivering a lyric and now, as I approach 60, I finally get it.    
song is a 10.  Album is a 10    10 out of 10
A solid 10 from me. The lyrics and the wordplay in this song are simply awesome.

The live version on Entreat is even better. I love this song.
Brilliant reply to an effusive OTT whooping/hollering reporter at the R&R Hall of Fame induction recently, when asked "Are you as excited as I am for your induction today" (or words to that effect) RS said "From the sound of it...no".....the man's a master!
To an interviewer's question as to whether he was happy, Robert Smith gave the excellent answer,"I'm happy within the parameters of never being happy."
the BEST Cure album. Saw this tour in concert at the CNE Grandstand in Toronto. Perfect summer night!
One of the best cuts from this album! IMHO...
 ziggytrix wrote:  
Yes I bought it in 1989 ! And I still listening it now. 9 for me
 DavidStrand wrote:
 VH1 wrote:

Then why not use the PSD button, Dearie?

That saves you listen to the song and us reading your dire, whiny, crappy comments?  

I used PSD for this very depressing tune. Unfortunately the PSD song was shorter so there was 1 minute left.. Too much Cure on RP these days. They never were as popular even in Europe as they are at RP now

Yeah, no one bought this album - it's amazing anyone even remembers it now. {#Rolleyes}
this is where he term "whiner rock" came from
god i'm sorry i'm in such a bad mood
I don't want to become a troll
I left did not PSD but went to another room, the bathroom, to avoid a headache. 
a disintegration of The Cure, oh yes please
 VH1 wrote:

Then why not use the PSD button, Dearie?

That saves you listen to the song and us reading your dire, whiny, crappy comments?  

I used PSD for this very depressing tune. Unfortunately the PSD song was shorter so there was 1 minute left.. Too much Cure on RP these days. They never were as popular even in Europe as they are at RP now

Goth Rock God Robert Smith - 10{#Notworthy}
Very good song from a very good album.
 VH1 wrote:

Then why not use the PSD button, Dearie?

That saves you listen to the song and us reading your dire, whiny, crappy comments?  


 trevc wrote:
Just dire. Whiny singing, crappy song. if you can call it that.

Then why not use the PSD button, Dearie?

That saves you listen to the song and us reading your dire, whiny, crappy comments?  
Just dire. Whiny singing, crappy song. if you can call it that.
Such an amazing song.
 CHuLoYo wrote:
Godlike the whole album. 

tonight is the night!
The Cure is in town and I got tickets....
The Cure cloned its robo drummer for loan out to Arcade Fire. 
This induces an audio headache.  One of my lowest rated RP tracks. 
Godlike the whole album. 
Just an amazing breakup song!
great album and great song clear, strong sad open
I once rode in the same train as Robert Smith on Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland.

Just a tidbit that I knew that you were all dying to hear. {#Wink}

Great driving music. 
Saw Ant Man the other day....Disintegration was the best part!
Two 10's in a row Bill... :-)
 graceie68 wrote:
Thanks for playing The Cure, my favorite!
I'll second that!!
The Live-Version on the album Entreat sounds even better...

Thanks to RP.
Thanks for playing The Cure, my favorite!
 ShaunJ wrote:

Who asked you? {#Cheesygrin}

           {#Lol}     {#Roflol}
 hikerted wrote:
Absolute crap. I can sing better in the shower....and I can't sing a note.

Who asked you? {#Cheesygrin}
Absolute crap. I can sing better in the shower....and I can't sing a note.
retroactive psd or is it ptsd
The Cure. 
Perhaps for hemmorhoids.  
 hakuindude wrote:
I adore the Cure, yet this nail pounding drum is excessive, disintegrate and disappear.......

I rate this 'bleh'. 
Yes, a technique of percussion that the skin banger of Arcade Fire emulates on every f'in track. Just bring in a drum machine. 
 Stingray wrote:
TERRIBLE - if you ask me!

I am sorry you felt obliged to answer a non question. Next time, help yourself and don't put yourself in such a TERRIBLE strain. Others might gain from it, too. 
the cure can sing for us anytime  :)
Well I guess it's not okay to voice an opinion? Why the CAPS? People are entitled to their opinion. Fair enough you don't like the song, but please try not too ridicule others.  Stingray wrote:


This endless repititions of a non-singer is awesome?

It's tiring and horrible!


 aspicer wrote:
Awesome tune! One of their best...



This endless repititions of a non-singer is awesome?

It's tiring and horrible!

TERRIBLE - if you ask me!
Awesome tune! One of their best...
There, I fixed it for you.

le_colonel wrote:
Still utterly brilliant craptacular, after all these years.
10. Minus 3 billion.


I adore the Cure, yet this nail pounding drum is excessive, disintegrate and disappear.......

Everybody in my churches loves this song...

The (Less Than) Eternal Sea
The Poet’s Metaphor and the Styrofoaming of the Waters
By Lewis Lapham

Surely the sea was eternal, going on forever, its vast prodigious bulk 71% of the earth’s surface, not to be contained within the frame of history or chained to the oars of death and time. So it had been in the creation myths constructed in the languages of both art and science — the Sumerian goddess Nammu giving birth to heaven and earth, Homer’s “Ocean, who is the source of all,” Christendom emerging with Noah from the Flood, evolutionary theory evolving from the primordial, undifferentiated flux. So I thought it still was, T. S. Eliot’s “groundswell, that is and was from the beginning,” right there where it was supposed to be every summer, in sun or fog, 20 yards over the horizon of the beach club’s beach umbrellas.

Except it wasn’t, and it isn’t. The poetics stand corrected by the science. Contrary to the belief that man cannot mark the sea with ruin, it turns out that he has been doing so for the last two thousand years. If I had been slow to acknowledge the unwelcome fact, I was in distinguished company. Henry David Thoreau in the 1850s did not “associate the idea of antiquity with the ocean, nor wonder how it looked a thousand years ago, as we do of the land, for it was equally wild and unfathomable always.”...

We needn’t call upon an angry god to make the sea an object of no small terror. Every year we withdraw from it 160 million tons of fish, deposit in it 7 million tons of garbage. Poisonous chemicals in the Gulf of Mexico have formed a pool of dead water equivalent in size to the state of New Jersey; among the several hundred dead zones elsewhere in the world, one encircles the Chinese coastline.

If the sea levels continue to rise at their current rate, the day is not far off when Miami and Atlantic City become beds for oysters. The fishing in the sea that was once near the surface now is done by trawls the length of locomotives dropped to the depth of a mile and dragged across the bottom, reducing many thousands of square miles of the ocean floor to barren deserts no longer giving birth to the tiny organisms from which emerge the great chains of being that sustain the life of the planet.

Nothing in the sea lives by itself, nothing either on the earth or in the air or in the minds of men. To know the sea is mortal is to know that we are not apart from it. Man is nature creatively refashioning itself. The abyss is human, not divine, a work in progress, whether made with a poet’s metaphor or with a vast prodigious bulk of Styrofoam.

Still utterly brilliant, after all these years.
So very, very whiny.
On its own I think this song is a bit of a slog, but as part of the album, listening through, it fits perfectly.

Disintegration (the album) was meant to be listened to as a whole.
painful....wish there was something below a 1
 hikerted wrote:
If a song is so bad that I have to turn off my radio...maybe it's time to re-think supporting RP. This is absolute crap!
It's a song so good that I have to stand up and dance...may be it's time re-think supporting RP*. This is (almost)  absolute brilliant!

* after a year out of virtual space

If a song is so bad that I have to turn off my radio...maybe it's time to re-think supporting RP. This is absolute crap!
Utterly painful😖😖😖😖😖😖
This song is boring as hell.
When the world is running down...you make the best of what's still around.
Wish this wailing Robert Smith would just shut up. Love the music though...
I graduated in 91, so this is in my wheelhouse.

Disintegration will always be a song (and record) that I have to stop and take a few moments to listen to and let it take me back to my teen into twenties years.

It holds up remarkably well.
 le_colonel wrote:
Still a ten.
ditto. I'm hearing lot's of 10's this morning. Makes the day so much better! 
Classic, turn up the volume every time I hear it {#Cheers}
Classic! Love it.
Still a ten.
Painfully out of tune,enough to buckle anyone's ears😖😖😖
What a performance! To be able to be off tune the whole song!

Please make it stoooooooppp!!
The Cure?
I'd rather be ill, thank you. 
Way too long! {#Ass}
I'm cured!
One of the few songs on RP that I mute as soon as it starts up. Please remove it from rotation.
hadn't heard this one before.....and I like it!
Yes, turn up loud and crawl inside..

aspicer wrote:
Incredible tune that DOES need to be played loud to appreciate all the nuances and the musical progression in the tune.  I expect a lot of the tedious comments here are b/c people are listening to it in the background at low volume.  Get ACTIVE in your listening and your perspectives will likely change!  Peace people....

Disintegration is the best album ever…
And this song is so great.
Play this loud! 
Incredible tune that DOES need to be played loud to appreciate all the nuances and the musical progression in the tune.  I expect a lot of the tedious comments here are b/c people are listening to it in the background at low volume.  Get ACTIVE in your listening and your perspectives will likely change!  Peace people....
Pleased that's over.
Cannot stand the whining, grating, obnoxious vocals.  {#Puke}
greatest cure album ever.
worst song on the album
Tedious song. Make it stop.
  Why  doesn't he pick up on the answering machine in the background?
 ptooey wrote:

This IS the original album version.


Yea, but the original album version is much, much better. I am just kidding of course, I hope everyone is going to be ok. Please remain calm.{#Meditate} Were I to post more statements like this it might just be the final nail, tip the world economy and bring on Armageddon for sure!{#Stop}
Wow from The Shins, Pixies, The Beatles and now the Cure!!! I'm in music heaven!!!{#Music}
Robert Smith - surely the Emo's Emo :o)
I love The Cure... they have a special place in my heart.
But why is PeeWee Herman on this album cover? 
 snowcat wrote:
One of the best liner notes ever is on Disintegration:

"This album was mixed to be played loud so turn it up".

Amen Robert. 
oh, you kids! {#Wink}
I was a senior in high school when this came out.  So many memories of this...
 sirdroseph wrote:

The original album version is much, much better.{#Yes}


 sirdroseph wrote:

The original album version is much, much better.{#Yes}

This IS the original album version.

Never have warmed up to The Cure. Partly the voice, and certainly the terminally bland drums on this one. Often good lyrics but I can't get past the rest. But I keep trying...
But I still love it! 8!

The original album version is much, much better.{#Yes}

Was it Kyle or Stan that said this was the best record ever? Either way, still rings true.
Oh I miss the kiss of treachery
Okay, RP just played three songs in a row that I rated as "Godlike" (this, Beatles' "I Am The Walrus" and Pixies' "Where Is My Mind?").  Thanks for helping me out on a rough Monday morning, Bill!
I love this song, but this version sounds different than the one on the album that I remember or am I misremembering like politicians do?{#Stupid}
Another goth dance favorite of yore
 to_the_eleven wrote:
Why must the Cure come along and ruin the streak?

8:32 am The Cure Disintegration 6.6
8:28 am Beatles I Am The Walrus 8.6
8:24 am Pixies Where Is My Mind 8.1
8:20 am The Shins New Slang 8.1
8:15 am Led Zeppelin What Is And What Should Never Be 8.9

This is my favorite album to play on Halloween night.Outstanding work by Robert Smith and The Cure. {#Evil}
 nagsheadlocal wrote:

It's on both, just different wording. I'm sure it's probably on a bunch of others, too - I seem to recall something similar on a Mountain album.


{#High-five} A mantra...
{#Wave}Hello to my home State!

 oldviolin wrote:

That's it. I thought that was on the Live At Leeds also. Either one works.
Now I have to go pull them out to see...
It's on both, just different wording. I'm sure it's probably on a bunch of others, too - I seem to recall something similar on a Mountain album.

 nagsheadlocal wrote:

And the James Gang's first album had the instruction: Made Loud To Be Played Loud

Something I think we can all get behind . . .

That's it. I thought that was on the Live At Leeds also. Either one works.
Now I have to go pull them out to see...

 oldviolin wrote:

Actually, that first showed up on the label of The Who's Live At Leeds along with the phrase Crackles and Pops OK...

And the James Gang's first album had the instruction: Made Loud To Be Played Loud

Something I think we can all get behind . . .

I'v had cats that screamed in a nicer tone ! {#Yes},,,#3.
 snowcat wrote:
One of the best liner notes ever is on Disintegration:

"This album was mixed to be played loud so turn it up".

Amen Robert. 
Actually, that first showed up on the label of The Who's Live At Leeds as "Made Loud To Be Played Loud" along with the phrase "Crackles and Pops OK..."

I love it when the Cure go for this gritty urban underground sound mixed with pop sensibility. Others that seem to fit in the same category: Lullaby and A Forest. Awesome, awesome stuff.