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Index » Regional/Local » Europe » British Parliamentary Elections 2010 Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 ... 6, 7, 8 ... 11, 12, 13  Next
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geordiezimmerman Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: May 7, 2010 - 8:51am

 jools wrote:

NO - it is NOT cool! That woman is now my MP and she doesn't even live in the UK - or at least only came back from Brussels recently.  The Greens only bought her here because there are enough idiots in Brighton who think, wrongly, that having a Green MP is a good lifestyle accessory - cause that what it is!  She has no real idea about what matters here - unlike our the failed labour candidate.  Outrage.

Wrong! She was voted because rather unexpectedly the Greens came third in the last genereal election in Brighton (without hardly any campaign) and so the Greens listened and installed their best candidate (she's the leader of the green party too). It's a clear 'listen to the people' vote, As for living in brussels, she lived there because she was the M.E.P (member of the european party) for the green party, who's main office happens to be in Brussels. Be against the greens if you like but please, get your facts right first.


jools Avatar

Location: Brighton UK
Gender: Female

Posted: May 7, 2010 - 5:29am

 MrsHobieJoe wrote:

Cool on the Green success Geordie.  On the Lib/Lab pact though I don't think the numbers stack up (although the policies do).  Mathematically I think the answer has to be Con +Lib or Con and Lib abstaining.  Maybe national unity (don't see that happening).

NO - it is NOT cool! That woman is now my MP and she doesn't even live in the UK - or at least only came back from Brussels recently.  The Greens only bought her here because there are enough idiots in Brighton who think, wrongly, that having a Green MP is a good lifestyle accessory - cause that what it is!  She has no real idea about what matters here - unlike our the failed labour candidate.  Outrage.

MrsHobieJoe Avatar

Location: somewhere in Europe
Gender: Female

Posted: May 7, 2010 - 4:20am

 geordiezimmerman wrote:
Hung parliament as I said. Thing is now, no one knows wtf is going on. The ideal solution would be for Labour & Lib dems form a coalition (meaning lib dems get much needed seats in parliament). Also, a coalition will be formed with the Lib dems only on the condition of electoral reform (meaning a fairer voting system, something the lib dems are desperate for) and Labour were the only only party who said if there was a hung parliament and a coalition had to be formed, they would change the election process which you would think the lib dems would favour considering it's what they've been campaigning for for years as they know they will benefit hugely from it. Another condition would be that Gordon Brown resigns as leader of the labour party as it's clear the voters have voted against him. A coalition with the lib dems with a new labour leader would be good for Labour, great for lib dems and good for the country and bad for the conservatives, which is good for me.
A great thing about the city I live in (Brighton), a green party mp was elected, the first ever in the UK to have done so. Well done Brighton, feel proud.(for those of you who may be thinking "hang on, you voted lib dem" brighton & hove is the city i live in, I live in the hove part (posh) which has different people to vote for, we have a confusing voting system in this country, this is why it needs to be changed)

Cool on the Green success Geordie.  On the Lib/Lab pact though I don't think the numbers stack up (although the policies do).  Mathematically I think the answer has to be Con +Lib or Con and Lib abstaining.  Maybe national unity (don't see that happening).


heeb Avatar

Location: Gateshead (Newcastle), United Kingdom
Gender: Male

Posted: May 7, 2010 - 4:08am

 oldslabsides wrote:
I guess I just really don't get the whole "be a citizen in one country but live and work and own property and pay taxes and raise your kids in another" thing.
I guess you are old-fashioned!

if you're gonna immigrate, then immigrate.

We did migrate...

otherwise, stay home.

We weren't allowed to live together in the Netherlands (strict Dutch immigration laws). So, we are basically in exile in the UK. So, your "stay home" seems a bit harsh.


heeb Avatar

Location: Gateshead (Newcastle), United Kingdom
Gender: Male

Posted: May 7, 2010 - 4:03am

 MrsHobieJoe wrote:

Heeb can't vote in the National election but he can vote in the local elections.  The local elections determine how local services are provided and given he's paying his taxes in the UK it seems reasonable he can vote for the services he is getting.

Thank you!


heeb Avatar

Location: Gateshead (Newcastle), United Kingdom
Gender: Male

Posted: May 7, 2010 - 4:01am

 oldslabsides wrote:

That portion is perhaps understandable, but Heeb himself is not and never has been a UK subject.  I'll stick to my word, thankyouverymuch.  If we're gonna do this whole nation thing, there have to be some rulz.
Heeb himself is and always will be an EU subject. If we're gonna do this whole EU thing, there have to be some rules, one of which is being allowed to vote in local elections.


heeb Avatar

Location: Gateshead (Newcastle), United Kingdom
Gender: Male

Posted: May 7, 2010 - 3:51am

 oldslabsides wrote:

non-citizens voting.  call me old-fashioned, but that's just all kinds of wrong.
I guess it depends on how you define "citizen"... We live here (have been living here since January 2006, in fact), we both work here, we both pay taxes here, my wife studies here, our daughter was born here, we are active participants in the community, and thus we are *not* active participants in *Dutch* society, nor in *Nigerian* society, since we don't live there (in fact, we were not *allowed* to live in the Netherlands...). Am I a Dutch citizen? Probably, officially, yes. Am I a British citizen? Probably, officially, no. But we have our lives *here*, not there. We pay our taxes, *here*. Why shouldn't we be allowed at least *some* influence, *here*?


callum Avatar

Location: its wet, windy and chilly....take a guess
Gender: Male

Posted: May 7, 2010 - 2:41am

 oldslabsides wrote:

I guess I just really don't get the whole "be a citizen in one country but live and work and own property and pay taxes and raise your kids in another" thing.  if you're gonna immigrate, then immigrate.  otherwise, stay home.
It works for us - don't knock too hard!
I'm hopeful we can get something sensible out of this government.  Although, maybe not. 

geordiezimmerman Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: May 7, 2010 - 12:39am

Hung parliament as I said. Thing is now, no one knows wtf is going on. The ideal solution would be for Labour & Lib dems form a coalition (meaning lib dems get much needed seats in parliament). Also, a coalition will be formed with the Lib dems only on the condition of electoral reform (meaning a fairer voting system, something the lib dems are desperate for) and Labour were the only only party who said if there was a hung parliament and a coalition had to be formed, they would change the election process which you would think the lib dems would favour considering it's what they've been campaigning for for years as they know they will benefit hugely from it. Another condition would be that Gordon Brown resigns as leader of the labour party as it's clear the voters have voted against him. A coalition with the lib dems with a new labour leader would be good for Labour, great for lib dems and good for the country and bad for the conservatives, which is good for me.
A great thing about the city I live in (Brighton), a green party mp was elected, the first ever in the UK to have done so. Well done Brighton, feel proud.(for those of you who may be thinking "hang on, you voted lib dem" brighton & hove is the city i live in, I live in the hove part (posh) which has different people to vote for, we have a confusing voting system in this country, this is why it needs to be changed)


edieraye Avatar

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 8:39pm

 oldslabsides wrote:

So, Tories sleep on the couch tonight?  Or am I completely confused?  Probably the latter.

{#Whisper} There are three main parties.  OK, two main parties and one strong third party.  And then a bunch of other parties after that.


Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 8:37pm

 MrsHobieJoe wrote:

Things are not great for me- the libdem vote has melted and HJ has gone to bed in a very bad mood! (we are not in the same place politically)- looks like I'm pulling an all nighter and the Tories are in.  We are just past the halfway point.

So, Tories sleep on the couch tonight?  Or am I completely confused?  Probably the latter.


edieraye Avatar

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 8:37pm

 MrsHobieJoe wrote:

Things are not great for me- the libdem vote has melted and HJ has gone to bed in a very bad mood! (we are not in the same place politically)- looks like I'm pulling an all nighter and the Tories are in.  We are just past the halfway point.



MrsHobieJoe Avatar

Location: somewhere in Europe
Gender: Female

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 8:31pm

 hobiejoe wrote:
this does not look good- where's the whisky?

Things are not great for me- the libdem vote has melted and HJ has gone to bed in a very bad mood! (we are not in the same place politically)- looks like I'm pulling an all nighter and the Tories are in.  We are just past the halfway point.


MrsHobieJoe Avatar

Location: somewhere in Europe
Gender: Female

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 8:25pm

 oldslabsides wrote:

I guess I just really don't get the whole "be a citizen in one country but live and work and own property and pay taxes and raise your kids in another" thing.  if you're gonna immigrate, then immigrate.  otherwise, stay home.

  There is plenty of cross border commuting and living in Europe (many live in Germany but work in the Netherlands for instance).  It's a whole new world!- and I think we are moving further in the direction of international mobility.


Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 8:08pm

 MrsHobieJoe wrote:

Heeb can't vote in the National election but he can vote in the local elections.  The local elections determine how local services are provided and given he's paying his taxes in the UK it seems reasonable he can vote for the services he is getting.

I guess I just really don't get the whole "be a citizen in one country but live and work and own property and pay taxes and raise your kids in another" thing.  if you're gonna immigrate, then immigrate.  otherwise, stay home.


MrsHobieJoe Avatar

Location: somewhere in Europe
Gender: Female

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 7:58pm

 oldslabsides wrote:

That portion is perhaps understandable, but Heeb himself is not and never has been a UK subject.  I'll stick to my word, thankyouverymuch.  If we're gonna do this whole nation thing, there have to be some rulz.

Heeb can't vote in the National election but he can vote in the local elections.  The local elections determine how local services are provided and given he's paying his taxes in the UK it seems reasonable he can vote for the services he is getting.

MrsHobieJoe Avatar

Location: somewhere in Europe
Gender: Female

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 7:51pm

Nick Clegg- a holiday romance?

n4ku Avatar

Location: --... ...--

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 7:49pm

 n4ku wrote: 
And live coverage.


Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 7:39pm

 maryte wrote:

It's not wrong, it's just different. And she is a citizen - a citizen of the (former) empire.  GB made the choice to offer that boon.  I think it's wonderful.
That portion is perhaps understandable, but Heeb himself is not and never has been a UK subject.  I'll stick to my word, thankyouverymuch.  If we're gonna do this whole nation thing, there have to be some rulz.


maryte Avatar

Location: Blinding You With Library Science!
Gender: Female

Posted: May 6, 2010 - 7:37pm

 oldslabsides wrote:

non-citizens voting.  call me old-fashioned, but that's just all kinds of wrong.
It's not wrong, it's just different. And she is a citizen - a citizen of the (former) empire.  GB made the choice to offer that boon.  I think it's wonderful.

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