Kip Addotta — Wet Dream
(no lyrics available)
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There's something fishy about this set:
Miho Hatori - Barracuda
Kip Adotta - Wet Dream
Sebadoh - Ocean
Split Enz - Six Months in a Leaky Boat
Waterboys - Strange Boat

Whoa, I haven't heard this in years!! Thanks for the laugh and the stroll down memory lane RP.

Here's the dichotomy: I just now gave it a 10, yet am hoping this and Davy Jones meet up soon.
I would call this song retarded, but that would be an insult to mentally-challenged people everywhere. Please get rid of this awful song!
Let's have some fun folks, this is great!!

Clam rock.
Wow. Haven't heard this since I stopped listening to Dr. Demento.
The eclectic just keeps on comin', I guess...

I give this a 1. However, I am glad it's on the play list.
sooo....awful....yet, somehow...good.
I'm so conflicted...
Deep six this, PLEASE
On a different day I would be hitting the volume control but not today.
Fishing puns are OK by me.
She drank like a.... she drank a lot.
Haven't heard this since I was a kid. Thanks.
I slipped him a fin...on porpoise.
This is awesome.


I have been listening to this song off the Dr.Demento compliation for YEARS...I never thought I would ever hear it on RP...Thank you, for the halibut.

oh my.
what a hoot.
I'm sure I've heard this before somewhere in my past. Fortunately, I don't have it committed to memory.
zaknafein wrote:
5+ minutes of excruciating bad puns. Ugh.
Sure, but sometimes we have to remember that we don't actually use many of the keys on our keyboards, and in the interest of health and safety they should be checked regularly.
Especially the mute key.
I can't believe you played this song - great!!! I love this station
Pure hokum. Maybe my dad would like it...
Very punny. :headache.gif:
Can't believe anyone would have forked out good money for this album... It's giving me AUDIO FATIGUE!
5+ minutes of excruciating bad puns. Ugh.
make it stop...... :(
Sort of like Weird Al's less talented younger brother.
haven't heard this since High School!
Haven't hear this in ages. This cracks me up.

never ever thought I'd hear this here.
I've never heard this song before. As was stated before, wanted to hate it, but kept waiting for the next verse to see what he'd come up with.
KMET or KLOS in LA used to play this on the morning show. I remember listening to this getting ready for school. Great memories!
camarkim wrote:
I wanted to dislike this, but I actually laughed a few times.
Hmm... I had no problem disliking it. ;)
It sounds like this guy has lots o' fish-ues...but I won't carp at him.
Loved it the first time I heard it on Dr. Demento, love it now!
SpongeBob avant le lettre :)
:umbrella.gif: :umbrella.gif: :umbrella.gif:

I wanted to dislike this, but I actually laughed a few times. Very clever.
Takes me back to junior high and listening to Dr. Demento...
HA! Kip Addotta on RP. I never thought I'd see the day. Nothing wrong with a good pun (and a lot of bad ones) now and then.
"They said I blew a seal"
so wrong
It's going downhill from there.

I'm sad to say I still have this commited to memory after all these years... it's very depressing