R.E.M. — Animal
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Comments (7)add comment
jstevep00 wrote:
IMHO, it's still good because it's REM.
"hey, it sucks, but its REM, so i have to like it"
It doesn't matter who made it, if its pretentious lazy trash, its pretentious lazy trash. This is another one of those songs that sounds like everyone in the band hated, but shruged and said "Someone might like it."
Disappointing - as somebody said below: Cacophonous.
Ahhh - just segued into Sarah McLachlan - aural soothing!!

jstevep00 wrote:
In a way I think they've earned enough of my respect to always give it a chance.
You're right. And now that I've given it two chances, it is still terrible!
IMHO, it's still good because it's REM. In a way I think they've earned enough of my respect to always give it a chance.
That said, I agree, this isn't one of their stronger songs, which is probably why it got stuck on a "Best of..." compilation. Sort of from the New Adventures in HiFi/Monster vein, which, IMO, was their weakest material. Sure there are some gems in there, but Reveal was a return to their strengths: strongly melodic pop songs.
edisoncarter wrote:
I came in at the tail end of this. I wish I could hear it in full ....
Actually your timing was perfect.
edisoncarter wrote:
I came in at the tail end of this. I wish I could hear it in full ....
No you don't. It's akin to a dentist's drill. Cacophonous. Not one of REM's best, IMO.
I came in at the tail end of this. I wish I could hear it in full ....