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Mike Montiel — After The Gunfight
Album: Lucky 13
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Released: 2006
Length: 2:37
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Comments (99)add comment
 lambret wrote:

Bill - and others -, this Mike Montiel piece sounds like the instrumental version of a classic brazilian music from Raul Sexias.
See for yourselves.

if for nothing else, watch the video (link above) for the photos of him! Creativity has no limits

Mike Montiel Trio details for RP: https://www.thebash.com/rock-t...
Though a contemporary artist from New Mexico this track informs us how that Latin guitar sound and style was carried by South American sailors to the Hawaiian Islands over a century ago giving acoustic flavor to Slack Key.  
   Dylan's in that mix somewhere. Influence wise.  Beautifully Done guitar work.
   Pat Garret and Billy The Kid stuff.
Ma ... Take these Guns Offa Me. Change I Can't Use to I Won't Use them anymore. Please !!!
The vibe of this tune gives me a mix of relief and acceptance. 10. Having trouble finding this song for purchase...love it.
" O Maryjanno gdybyś była zakochaną
Nie spałabyś w tę noc w tę jedną noc
O Maryjanno gdybyś była zakochaną
Nie spałabyś w tę noc w tę jedną noc" 
 glassbrain wrote:

Golly! You're right.
He's Lucky Mike... you can listen to him on Spotify to hear more.
Reminded me a little of the Soundtrack to Pat Garret and Billy the Kid.  Think I gotta pull that one out for a listen.
 lambret wrote:
Bill - and others -, this Mike Montiel piece sounds like the instrumental version of a classic brazilian music from Raul Sexias.
See for yourselves.
Golly! You're right.
 sfyi2001 wrote:

Hah dude that's not the way to hold the geetar. Try it on the floor like this...

Angus Young AC/DC
 nicknt wrote:
Please wake me up when it's over ....

Okay, right after we draw a mustache and glasses on your face with a Sharpie® marker and tie your shoelaces together, we'll wake you up by screaming "Fire!".
 hencini wrote:
This is my new favorite post-workout / post-run song.  Tremendous.  

Will it keep me from cramping up?
 Posted: Oct 29, 2014  hayduke2 wrote:
I hear the end of the ultimate western, it's the last frames of "The Wild Bunch" as they are slowly strolling their horses down the willow tree ensconced pathway, with smiling friendly villagers along pure streams of brook water, church bell lightly chiming, they are each laughing and smiling

Image result for the wild bunch
 nicknt wrote:
Please wake me up when it's over ....

Bill - and others -, this Mike Montiel piece sounds like the instrumental version of a classic brazilian music from Raul Sexias.
See for yourselves.
This song came at the perfect moment for me.  Just got off phone with significant other who had re-arranged the entire side of our car against a parking garage concrete pillar (no one hurt). A little calming was just what the doctor called for. Thanks.
Please wake me up when it's over ....
 Rafter101 wrote:
Wow—I closed my eyes and ended up on Makena beach for a second there...

Me too - and you were handing me an ice cold G&T with a lime. Thanks, it really hit the spot!
I think it would have been cool for this to start out with a distant gunshot and then the muffled sound of a body hitting the dirt...then the music...
 kingart wrote:
This sounds like it could have been music from the underrated 1980 bomb Heaven's Gate. 

So, you're the guy who saw that movie.
I hear the end of the ultimate western, it's the last frames of "The Wild Bunch" as they are slowly strolling their horses down the willow tree ensconced pathway, with smiling friendly villagers along pure streams of brook water, church bell lightly chiming, they are each laughing and smiling
 Rafter101 wrote:
Wow—I closed my eyes and ended up on Makena beach for a second there...
Makena...thanks for the time-warp memory.  Slept many nights on that beach in the '70's, back when there were no hotels there.  Didn't have this fun song to go with it, however.
 lwilkinson wrote:
Very-very reminiscent of Bob Dylan's album of "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" which I think was out about 30 years ago.

Always liked this mellow guitar method.


Exactly what I thought.. very nice. Yet Bill has nothing from that album.
sitting on the bench in front of the saloon, rolling a bull durham cigarette, watching the young sheep herder's wife cradle his head as the last breath escapes.... evocative song.  something of a mental movie soundtrack.  me gusto.
 Blastcat900 wrote:
I'm just impressed someone can spiel glockenspell.

Pardon me, but your dyslexia is showering.
This sounds like it could have been music from the underrated 1980 bomb Heaven's Gate. 
 4merdj wrote:
Yes ...
dusty Mexican town,
the Spanish-style church in the background
bells ringing
smell of dry blood and sweat
... and her tears ... 

Would you like a bowl of spaghetti Western with that? 
Wow—I closed my eyes and ended up on Makena beach for a second there...
Man, I love this song, and I haven't heard it in nearly a year.
 rjajodia wrote:
Is it just me or the song sounds like For The Sake Of The Song by Townes Van Zandt?

not just you
Quite reminiscent of Kate Wolfe's Cornflower Blue.
This is my new favorite post-workout / post-run song.  Tremendous.  
Yes ...
dusty Mexican town,
the Spanish-style church in the background
bells ringing
smell of dry blood and sweat
... and her tears ... 
Reminds me of the old church hymn "My God and I"
I'm just impressed someone can spiel glockenspell.
Is it just me or the song sounds like For The Sake Of The Song by Townes Van Zandt?

Good song. Keep it coming.
repeating trash!! don t play this song again, Bill. very pls.
since now, thnks!
Bumping from 7 to 8 - it's the perfect music for a Monday afternoon with the threat of a thunderstorm... {#Bounce}
 Dinges,_the_Dude wrote:
What gunfight? This tune's more appropriate as a tune whilst waiting on the phone. (And even then...)
  Dude, It's AFTER the gunfight. He's on the phone waiting for the police dispatcher to get on the job! 

 bellhog wrote:
Except it's orchestra chimes, not glockenspiel
 Christ, some people don't know ANYTHING!!

What gunfight? This tune's more appropriate as a tune whilst waiting on the phone. (And even then...)
 fortyonejb wrote:
this reminds me of an old hymn i used to sing as a child.

something did, not sure what i'm listening to now...


I think it sounds a little like "On the Wings of a Dove."
 Grammarcop wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks this has a Hawaiian slack key guitar feel to it? That's why it doesn't work for me — the feel's just not right. Unless you can persuade me that the gunfight was at Mauna Loa or something. 
I would suggest you find a copy of the soundtrack album from the movie "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" you will find a very common theme.

Am I the only one who thinks this has a Hawaiian slack key guitar feel to it? That's why it doesn't work for me — the feel's just not right. Unless you can persuade me that the gunfight was at Mauna Loa or something. 
Nice tune.  Does anyone else think it sounded alot like Neil Young's "Music Arcade"?  I saw some other comments suggesting a Ry Cooder song, too. 
best part.

drews wrote:
Agreed, saved by the bell

mmoyer wrote:
The bell is what raises it from 7 to 8

Agreed, saved by the bell

mmoyer wrote:
The bell is what raises it from 7 to 8

The bell is what raises it from 7 to 8
High noon{#Cowboy}
 Sjaaks wrote:
Love this... Makes me happy... :)

Interesting, I was going to write that this makes me sad, and then I saw your post.
Then I wrote what I set out to write. :) 
 fauxtoes wrote:
nice guitar playing, but the tune seems to be a knock-off of a much better tune, "Isa Lei", by Ry Cooder and V.M. Bhatt from their 1993 album, 'A Meeting by the River'. https://www.amazon.com/Meeting-River-Cooder-V-M-Bhatt/dp/B000005L9Z/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1197647215&sr=8-1 That album is excellent- RP should play that version instead.

I thought it was Ry at first too. Play more Ry!

 merobreno wrote:
Six string and glockenspiel....don't get no better.

Except it's orchestra chimes, not glockenspiel.  Still a gorgeous piece though.

Six string and glockenspiel....don't get no better.

 RadioDoc wrote:
Well we now know were the melody for that annoying Country Bumpkin song was stolen from...or the other way around.

So true!

needs more cow bell
Love this... Makes me happy... :)

i thought it was Chris Smither Killin the Blues...
Aam gonna keel yew Billy da Keed
{#Guitarist} # 8 ..south of the border,down Mexico way !

Well we now know were the melody for that annoying Country Bumpkin song was stolen from...or the other way around.

kinda hot for this.



boring as hell

This sounds like a cover for "Save the Last Dance for Me"  {#Rolleyes}

go mike! {#Bananajam} {#Cowboy}

I like this.  Everything an instrumental should be.
This sounds like a cover of I Beleive In You by Don Williams
lwilkinson wrote:
Very-very reminiscent of Bob Dylan's album of "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" which I think was out about 30 years ago. Always liked this mellow guitar method.
Hey, just what I thought a minute ago!
Nice to hear New Mexico music on RP!...although I guess technically you play nm music all the time in the form of the shins!
Very-very reminiscent of Bob Dylan's album of "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" which I think was out about 30 years ago. Always liked this mellow guitar method.
This is familiar- I think the melody is copped from a Mexican folk song but I can't recall the name
Sounds like Ry Cooder song, On the Border Line... Or did Ry poach the melody?
peyotecoyote wrote:
Love the bell !
It's a chime
nice guitar playing, but the tune seems to be a knock-off of a much better tune, "Isa Lei", by Ry Cooder and V.M. Bhatt from their 1993 album, 'A Meeting by the River'. https://www.amazon.com/Meeting-River-Cooder-V-M-Bhatt/dp/B000005L9Z/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1197647215&sr=8-1 That album is excellent- RP should play that version instead.
I like this song, but before I knew it, it was over. Left me wanting more...some lyrics would have been nice.
Love cello with guitar.
Mike Montiel?! Is he related with Sara Montiel?
Love the bell !
rtkmusic wrote:
FYI, it appears that the "now playing" feature is stuck. It's Heaven by the Stones right now...
WHEW, Thank GOODness. I thought I was loosing it there for a minute. Thanks for the info. I feel much better now. ;)
BikeCoachDave wrote:
I would have bet my bottom dollar that this was Jagger and the Stones.
FYI, it appears that the "now playing" feature is stuck. It's Heaven by the Stones right now...
I would have bet my bottom dollar that this was Jagger and the Stones.
hmmm doesn't sound like Mike Montiel
this reminds me of an old hymn i used to sing as a child. something did, not sure what i'm listening to now...
Good chill stuff, I will have to check\'em out next time I am in Santa Fe. Thanks for the upload.
Say Say Oh play mate Come out and play with me. And bring your dollies three, Climb up my apple tree. Slide down my rainbow, Into my cellar door, And we\'ll be jolly friends Forever more. More. More 123 444!
I don't have anything against this song in particular, but I seem to be hearing it a lot here lately... it's becoming a bit overplayed.
Smoke still waves through the air, but the good one gained victory and peace is restablished in the small frontier town. The defeated pistolero is getting six feet under, and the hero rides off into the evening sun. By the way: it would be great to hear A Pistol for Paddy Garcia on RP one of these days.
First impression? Channeling ABBA....
de-de-de Such a sweet song. Please play it more. Thanks Bill.
Ahh, just what I needed to get Ben Harper's thin whine out of my ears.
Mari wrote:
Congratulations! Whoopee! Made it up to Mains! Well deserved too I must say, what a great album!
Cool! Thanks, RP.
SanchoPancho wrote:
I'm lucky enough to get to play with Mike most Monday nights at Willee's Blues Club in Santa Fe, NM. Mike and a group of local musicians host a weekly blues jam at Willee's (click here). There are a lot of talented musicians in Santa Fe -- great place to jam. --SanchoPancho
Whoopee! Made it up to Mains! Well deserved too I must say, what a great album!
SanchoPancho wrote:
I'm lucky enough to get to play with Mike most Monday nights at Willee's Blues Club in Santa Fe, NM. Mike and a group of local musicians host a weekly blues jam at Willee's (click here). There are a lot of talented musicians in Santa Fe -- great place to jam. --SanchoPancho
PS, to hear more of Mike's Lucky 13, feel free to visit this web page (click here) that I set up for Mike. Mike's contact info is there as well. -SanchoPancho
I'm lucky enough to get to play with Mike most Monday nights at Willee's Blues Club in Santa Fe, NM. Mike and a group of local musicians host a weekly blues jam at Willee's (click here). There are a lot of talented musicians in Santa Fe -- great place to jam. --SanchoPancho