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Length: 6:25
Plays (last 30 days): 1
May the spirit's guide be the one I navigate tonight
Well I'm just another hardened set of eyes
Looking for a miracle
Never the twain shall meet
Not even Jesus and al-Salam upon the street
So now violence and intolerance
Disappear as energy
Completely alone I remember the story
We all see the thunderbolt
We all feel the glory
It moves underneath us
The river - the blood of our heart
It's been there from the
Strangers and old friends arrive
Cecil Taylor's on the White House lawn tonight
Still now hope it travels wide
Uncertain times
Listen for the miracle
Heaven and earth collide
May the spirit's guide be the one I navigate tonight
Well I'm just another hardened set of eyes
Looking for a miracle
When completely alone I remember the story
We all see the thunderbolt
We all feel the glory
It moves underneath us
The river - the blood of our heart
It's been there from the
I'm thirsty and want to get me some tea but I don't want to leave the room because of the music. For 3 tracks now. Send help.
Get yourself a flask our friend and it will be problem solved.
or CSNY vibe
Totally CSNY. I had RP going in the background and was going to look up this CSN cut I'd never heard----only to find it's this guy. Great tune.

I hear 'Seals & Crofts' and their perfect harmony and progressive changes as if reliving my childhood in the 70s and 80s.
Brilliant work here.
or CSNY vibe

I hear 'Seals & Crofts' and their perfect harmony and progressive changes as if reliving my childhood in the 70s and 80s.
Brilliant work here.
Oh thanks. Now I know why Taylor's music seemed composed by a demonic 8 month old. I do like this song, much better than the subject's banging & clanging.
I agree; I also find a lot of the stuff on Desert Raven incredibly trippy in similar ways to "Mr. Tom" on Close to Paradise.
just too profuckingfound. Gave it a "2".
Yeah, I hate when music is profuckingfound, fanfuckingtastic, or even just grfuckingeat.

The NY Times presented me with a new perspective on this song this morning when I read the obituary for avant-garde jazz pianist Cecil Taylor. Ready for this connection? He played at the White House Jazz Festival in 1978! In fact, President Jimmy Carter was so taken with his playing that he chased Taylor down after his performance to talk to him. (I gained that tidbit from the Rolling Stone obit for Mr. Taylor.)
It was one of those little "aha!" moments that pop up in life every now and then.
Strangers and old friends arrive
Cecil Taylor's on the White House lawn tonight
Still now hope it travels wide
Uncertain times
Listen for the miracle
Heaven and earth collide
May the spirit's guide be the one I navigate tonight
Well I'm just another hardened set of eyes
Looking for a miracle
That miracle, of course, was Taylor's music.
This is more like what the comments section should be about; facts that make a song meaningful. Love this one.
It's more obvious than that: Crosby and Nash are singing back-up on this track. No need to "channel".
Oh, thanks for the info. Now it makes sense!
sometimes sounds like crosby stills nash young
Young-less as well as Stills-free. But correct on the others

I really don't understand much of what you wrote. However, although Cecil Taylor was an acquired taste over much of his career, a completely unique presence in modern American music, to dismiss his life work as a disconsonant (sic) mess is to simply decide not to try to understand. I saw him three times, in Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Osaka, and although challenging, his work was touched with genius at times. Back in the 1950s, before he broke free from the constraints imposed by what might be called consensus structures, he recorded some really innovative jazz that seems to have been forgotten. I suggest not categorizing musicians so readily (although his music is certainly not for everyone, even me at times :)
Proclivities wrote:
It's more obvious than that: Crosby and Nash are singing back-up on this track. No need to "channel".

Exactly my reaction when I looked up Cecil Taylor. Now Jonathan Wilson.......

"Still now hope it travels wide;
Uncertain times.
Listen for the miracle".
Welcome back to the World party, America - we've missed you.

"Is that Ohio, Columbus?"
"No, that's Columbus, Ohio!"

It's more obvious than that: Crosby and Nash are singing back-up on this track. No need to "channel".
Bump. Scrolling through comments here pays a BIG dividend.
FWIW, Mr. Wilson was raised in Spindale, NC, home to WNCW public radio -- a really good one!
Did NOT know that he was from Spindale.
WNCW is my local station in Western NC. It's a GREAT station... (and streams online, for those who might want a slight change from the AWESOME RP)...
It's more obvious than that: Crosby and Nash are singing back-up on this track. No need to "channel".
Always remember from where the wind doth blow.
doc dot let us say....EURO
kind of a Mad 🛒 SMART HOVER CLUB GENERATOR my daughter: ma ma ma buy me a new car
Bump. Scrolling through comments here pays a BIG dividend.
FWIW, Mr. Wilson was raised in Spindale, NC, home to WNCW public radio -- a really good one!

In March, he's playing acoustic solo at Terrapin Crossroads. Very tempting...
I just checked the calendar, and unfortunately it was last Friday... otherwise I might have met you there...
In March, he's playing acoustic solo at Terrapin Crossroads. Very tempting...
Let's get one thing straight: RP never plays anything too often. Full stop.
It was one of those little "aha!" moments that pop up in life every now and then.
Strangers and old friends arrive
Cecil Taylor's on the White House lawn tonight
Still now hope it travels wide
Uncertain times
Listen for the miracle
Heaven and earth collide
May the spirit's guide be the one I navigate tonight
Well I'm just another hardened set of eyes
Looking for a miracle
That miracle, of course, was Taylor's music.
Btw he's playing on tour with Roger Waters. What an extraordinary musician this guy is
Being a fan of the profound, CSN and this song, I'm upping my 8 to a 9.
It's more obvious than that: Crosby and Nash are singing back-up on this track. No need to "channel".
You could ask Sweet/Suite Judy Blue Eyes.
this set is fabulous
I stop everything, listen, feel my center . . . so good peace
Why not? Perhaps as a tribute to an amazing musician? And he really did play at the White House.
Saw Cecil Taylor at Yoshi's (Jack London Sq.) some years back. At the end of his set my friend's wife turned to me and said, "I really am more in to James Taylor." I cracked up as Cecil and James are from very different planets.

(Seriously, I thought it was Crosby Stills & Nash until I looked.)
dragon1952 wrote:
Well you are right in a way since this track feature's David Crosby and Graham Nash on vocals.
This track, then, points out why I like CSNY over CSN: Neil gave the group's songs more structure and purpose. This song mimics the worst of CSN's musical meanderings.
wow man
Yeah, he may need some cash to pay off the jogger he ran down with his Tesla. Anyhow, I believe he is singing back-up vocals on this tune.

Who else? Strangely, this doesn't sound much like the pianist Cecil Taylor. But why should it? Having seen him perform 3 times, I can confidently assert that there really is nothing I know of on this planet that is in the same league. This is a pretty interesting composition. David Crosby and Cecil Taylor are not often found in the same sentence, till this one.
Agreed on all this and enjoyed several cecil concerts as well.
A little too out there for radio paradise? Would love if maybe a short cecil track could be thrown in there in some place where it made some kind of sense, like with a heavy wild rock song, maybe an accessible art ensemble, miles Davis, or Coltrane piece. ..

(Seriously, I thought it was Crosby Stills & Nash until I looked.)
Well you are right in a way since this track feature's David Crosby and Graham Nash on vocals.
I am with you; clicked on song to see who Stills was singing with. Very similar vocals and music.
"Featuring vocal and instrumental contributions from heavy friends like Graham Nash, David Crosby, Jackson Browne, Josh Tillman (aka Father John Misty), Wilco’s Patrick Sansone, Dawes’ Taylor Goldsmith and Mike Campbell and Benmont Tench from Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, the album is a celebration of friends and family. Additionally, Wilson and British folk legend Roy Harper co-wrote several songs on the record."

(Seriously, I thought it was Crosby Stills & Nash until I looked.)
Yeah, he may need some cash to pay off the jogger he ran down with his Tesla. Anyhow, I believe he is singing back-up vocals on this tune.

Who else? Strangely, this doesn't sound much like the pianist Cecil Taylor. But why should it? Having seen him perform 3 times, I can confidently assert that there really is nothing I know of on this planet that is in the same league. This is a pretty interesting composition. David Crosby and Cecil Taylor are not often found in the same sentence, till this one.

In any case, thumbs up for Jonathan.
Pscyhedelic Folk?
CS & N

I am with you; clicked on song to see who Stills was singing with. Very similar vocals and music.
Not too many musicians making quality, honest music these days? Not sure why you say that. I am astonished at the diversity of high-quality, honest, heartfelt music available now from the current generation of artists...especially compared to, say, the 1980s. Trust me, I was there.
"Trust" you? Most of us were there; the average age of listeners here must be at least 45. In every decade there were some artists making "honest, heartfelt" music, and some going for the quick money and fame. The main reason the '80s seemed to have more of the latter was the constant exposure of those artists on MTV. The former may not have had the exposure, but they were there. Anyhow, it's always a subjective perception.
Not too many musicians making quality, honest music these days? Not sure why you say that. I am astonished at the diversity of high-quality, honest, heartfelt music available now from the current generation of artists...especially compared to, say, the 1980s. Trust me, I was there.
Amen to that.
Interesting piece of music.
you can only hate CSN&Y if you're younger than 50 right this second...
I have tolerated CSNY more or less for over 50 years, but they never resonated with anything important to me. Certainly I never paid to hear them.
I stop everything, listen, feel my center . . . so good peace
Both Crosby and Nash actually contributed to this album, along with many other stalwarts of their era. Cool project!
ScottFromWyoming wrote:
Seals & Crofts. 2.
Seals & Crofts. 2.
Scott: Early Seals & Crofts or CSNY indeed.
Heaven and earth collide
May the spirit's guide be the one I navigate tonight
Well I'm just another hardened set of eyes
Looking for a miracle
Never the twain shall meet
Not even Jesus and al-Salam upon the street
So now violence and intolerance
Disappear as energy
Completely alone I remember the story
We all see the thunderbolt
We all feel the glory
It moves underneath us
The river - the blood of our heart
It's been there from the
Strangers and old friends arrive
Cecil Taylor's on the White House lawn tonight
Still now hope it travels wide
Uncertain times
Listen for the miracle'
Heaven and earth collide
May the spirit's guide be the one I navigate tonight
Well I'm just another hardened set of eyes
Looking for a miracle '
When completely alone I remember the story
We all see the thunderbolt
We all feel the glory
It moves underneath us
The river - the blood of our heart
It's been there from the
Start Start Start Start
Seals & Crofts. 2.
Not too many musicians making quality, honest music these days? Not sure why you say that. I am astonished at the diversity of high-quality, honest, heartfelt music available now from the current generation of artists...especially compared to, say, the 1980s. Trust me, I was there.
Cecil would certainly put the tic in eclectic! Some years back, went to see him at Yoshi's in Jack London Sq with my friend and his wife. Half way through Cecil's set, my friend's wife turned to me and said "I'm really more of a James Taylor fan." Cecil's music is the other end of the continuum from James fo' sure.
you can only hate CSN&Y if you're younger than 50 right this second...