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R.E.M. — Walk Unafraid
Album: Up
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Total ratings: 2401

Released: 1998
Length: 4:28
Plays (last 30 days): 0
As the sun comes up, as the moon goes down
These heavy notions creep around
It makes me think long ago

I was brought into this life a little lamb, a little lamb
Courageous, stumbling
Fearless was my middle name
But somewhere there

I lost my way
Everyone walks the same
Expecting me to step
The narrow path they laid

They claim to walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love me or leave me high

Say "Keep within the boundaries if you want to play"
Say "Contradiction only makes it harder"
How can I be what I want to be?
When all I want to do is strip away
These stilled constraints

And crush this charade
Shred this sad masquerade
I don't need no persuading
I'll trip, fall, pick myself up

And walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love me or leave me high

If I have a bag of rocks to carry as I go
I just want to hold my head up high
I don't care what I have to step over
I'm prepared to look you in the eye

Look me in the eye
And if you see familiarity
Then celebrate the contradiction
Help me when I fall

To walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love me or leave me high
Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love me or leave me high
Comments (167)add comment
I was a huge REM fan in the 80's--went overseas with the Peace Corps in the 90's and later with international schools before returning to the US in 2002--always felt like "Walk Unafraid" was a theme song for me.  
Skip Unafraid.
 justin4kick wrote:

R.E.M. songs are much like good wine. Getting better with age.

Can't agree with you on this one...

REM should be listened to - not stored in a musty cellar!!

Seems a bloody shame to keep the wine for that long too    Stick to run-of-the-mill wine and drink it while listening to REM albums you bought with the money saved by buying bargain wines 
 divis wrote:

If they’d still had Bill Berry, 'Up' would have been their very best album. The songwriting is top notch throughout.

Without Berry, it was 'just' a very good album.

I'm willing to concede that the album makes Bill Berry absence noticeable. 
If they’d still had Bill Berry, 'Up' would have been their very best album. The songwriting is top notch throughout.

Without Berry, it was 'just' a very good album.
It is a shame that I never realized how much great music this guy has made..I guess it was lack of exposure back then...Thanks RP for the current enlightenment. 
I admit that I too lost track of REM as I grew out of my 20s (in the 90s) and somehow missed that there were a few albums that I never knew existed. The first summer of the pandemic when things globally had shut down (or at least slowed right down), I went on an REM kick. I put their whole catalogue on shuffle and listened to it for maybe a solid month. Maybe this familiarity provided me solace when things were so upside down at every angle. God bless my wife for tolerating nothing but REM!

I'll get crucified for saying this, but as much as I enjoyed their early-to early-mid stuff (and that's what got me into them waaayyyy back then), I now prefer mid-to-late music of theirs. 

Their depth and breadth is almost unparalleled by an American band and I rank them in the top three US bands. I suspect some will disagree. 
Sheesh. I've owned more than a couple of R.E.M. albums over the years and always liked the songs of theirs that popped up on FM radio, but I'll be damned if I've ever heard this song or heard of this album. Made me think back to where we lived and what we were doing at that time. "Why haven't I heard this?" A professional life that requires moving about the world for short periods of time has its pluses and minuses, eh?
Anyway, good song in my opinion. 
This is one of my more favored songs by then because they weren't played to oblivion on the radio.    The radio killed every other song they wrote for me.  ugh
I was an R.E.M. fan when I was in my 20's and 30's, and had their Automatic for the People and Out of Time albums.  Thanks to RP I have renewed and broadened my appreciation for this band, mainly because Bill rarely plays any of the songs from those albums.  Another reason I LOVE this station! 
 Laptopdog wrote:
I really miss this band. Their last few albums were pretty weak (at least I remember thinking that at the time). Hearing some of those songs nowadays reminds me of how good those songs actually were.

R.E.M. songs are much like good wine. Getting better with age.
My how the mighty have fallen. 
This is just an utter-nowhere song. 
Depressing crappola ... and another pretentiously-hideous REM album cover "art" ... this one is probably the worst ... along with this song being one of their worst. They've got some genuinely fabulous tunes, and this is not one of them. Pretty much a song that a half-awake 14 year old might write. Only the creepy ending part of the song is usable, possibly as a soundtrack selection for an extended horror film version. 
 m_logie wrote:

An excellent comment let down only by the confusing use of a : ) for both a smiley and as a close parenthesis.
 Could have used a real emoji! 

I really miss this band. Their last few albums were pretty weak (at least I remember thinking that at the time). Hearing some of those songs nowadays reminds me of how good those songs actually were.
 jmkate wrote:
It was noted in an earlier comment that a listener finds Michael Stipe's voice comforting, and I find that I agree, and associate their music with a more interesting and accepting, and less frightening time. Whoops- did I just accidentally trip over a consequence of aging? ;)

Michael Stipe's voice and their music have "comforted" many through numerous frightening times. For decades by now. Don't even wanna think about where I'd be had I not had R.E.M. as the soundtrack to youth(s). And beyond.

Unafraid. Now.  
It was noted in an earlier comment that a listener finds Michael Stipe's voice comforting, and I find that I agree, and associate their music with a more interesting and accepting, and less frightening time. Whoops- did I just accidentally trip over a consequence of aging? ;)
Ode to a snake or worm.
Have always especially liked this one.  Thanks, R.E.M.
 hayduke2 wrote:
this is outstanding imo : )   (maybe follow this with Bauhaus - Kick in the Eye : )
An excellent comment let down only by the confusing use of a : ) for both a smiley and as a close parenthesis.
 hayduke2 wrote:
this is outstanding imo : )   (maybe follow this with Bauhaus - Kick in the Eye : )
LOVE the f/u recommendation - all for it!
Older REM was the soundtrack of my youth...I was totally obsessed with this band. This album stopped my obsession, but I still find it hugely comforting to hear Michael Stipe's voice. Thanks, RP!
 twoplain2sea wrote:
                      Info  Wars

     Simply ended up in it is a compliment simply
  Over simplified might be a candidate for an overkill.
                    Confidentially Yours   
Is anyone documenting these tidbits of yours, for posterity and/or publication?   I'm rarely sure if what you write is influenced by the song on which you post it; still, I find them to be intriguing if not baffling, a good thing I think, a great thing I'm afraid.  Keep it up!!  Long Live RP!!
Remember when they made good music? Hint: it was around 30 years ago.
This song is very ugly to my ears.
 Relayer wrote:
This is very different for REM.  The guitar work is nothing like what I expect from REM, giving it an 8.  Good job REM.

Yeah, an REM that I actually almost like.
Not whiny and repetitive like so much of their stuff.
Stipey doo doo
 bam23 wrote:

Yeah, well, it was interesting the first time...

 meatmike wrote:
Always interesting to look at the world from Michael Stipe's point of view.
Yeah, well, it was interesting the first time...
Always interesting to look at the world from Michael Stipe's point of view.
Arctic Monkeys dug well along the groove from the intro and ending of this, right?! REM crafted some jamming Immortal AltRock gems!
This is very different for REM.  The guitar work is nothing like what I expect from REM, giving it an 8.  Good job REM.
 dwhayslett wrote:

"Don't bother to respond."  You're funny.

As I've pointed out elsewhere, you have a very low threshold for feeling insulted.  I don't believe I've ever 'insulted' anyone here for their musical taste; quite the opposite, in fact, I tend to react to those who are ridiculing others for *their* taste.  That's what makes me react to your posts.  For instance, the Radiohead comment I believe you're referring to was a reply to "RH is a refined taste not for the riffraff." ... and that's a song I rated 6.  Hardly what you charactarized it to be.  (For what it's worth, I can't imagine I'd ever insult someone for saying a Radiohead song sucks.  But I digress.)

For the record, I've rated "Walk Unafraid" at 8.  I don't disagree with your opinion about this particular song.  Your insulting comments about unrelated songs and their (apparently) obviously incorrect ratings are what I take issue with.  You know, what you're trying to project onto me.

One last thing, if I may make a suggestion; don't post while you're angry.  It has an adverse effect on your apparent literacy level.

I am glad to know that you were able to magically divine my "apparent" literacy level-you must have either X-Ray vision or you practice sorcery.
 dennis_chary wrote:

I notice that for someone who confidently asserts that I am confusing my musical tastes with an absolute,unquestionable fact-and that you
suspect that no one else thinks that I am as smart as I think I am-you surely do seem to have an incessant need to insult me and many other posters with irrelevant and sarcastic putdowns.Are you sure you weren't looking in the mirror when you vomited up your latest insult? Again, please don't bother to respond.After all,anyone with your obviously "superior " intellect and musical taste shouldn't deign to stoop to ridicule those of us with that have an "inflated" sense of our intellects.Another poster says a Radiohead song sucks,and you ridicule this poster as having an inflated ego.If I were any"smarter,"I would think that your troll like need to insult someone implies that you think that anyone who doesn't have the same reaction that you have to a particular song must be "factually" challenged and deserves your opprobrium-but no,unlike you,I don't have sufficient intelligence to pick up on that contradiction.


"Don't bother to respond."  You're funny.

As I've pointed out elsewhere, you have a very low threshold for feeling insulted.  I don't believe I've ever 'insulted' anyone here for their musical taste; quite the opposite, in fact, I tend to react to those who are ridiculing others for *their* taste.  That's what makes me react to your posts.  For instance, the Radiohead comment I believe you're referring to was a reply to "RH is a refined taste not for the riffraff." ... and that's a song I rated 6.  Hardly what you charactarized it to be.  (For what it's worth, I can't imagine I'd ever insult someone for saying a Radiohead song sucks.  But I digress.)

For the record, I've rated "Walk Unafraid" at 8.  I don't disagree with your opinion about this particular song.  Your insulting comments about unrelated songs and their (apparently) obviously incorrect ratings are what I take issue with.  You know, what you're trying to project onto me.

One last thing, if I may make a suggestion; don't post while you're angry.  It has an adverse effect on your apparent literacy level.

 dwhayslett wrote:

You appear to be confusing your musical tastes with an absolute, unquestionable fact; hence your confusion.  As for the rest ... well, I suspect that no one else thinks you're as smart as you think you are.

I notice that for someone who confidently asserts that I am confusing my musical tastes with an absolute,unquestionable fact-and that you
suspect that no one else thinks that I am as smart as I think I am-you surely do seem to have an incessant need to insult me and many other posters with irrelevant and sarcastic putdowns.Are you sure you weren't looking in the mirror when you vomited up your latest insult? Again, please don't bother to respond.After all,anyone with your obviously "superior " intellect and musical taste shouldn't deign to stoop to ridicule those of us with that have an "inflated" sense of our intellects.Another poster says a Radiohead song sucks,and you ridicule this poster as having an inflated ego.If I were any"smarter,"I would think that your troll like need to insult someone implies that you think that anyone who doesn't have the same reaction that you have to a particular song must be "factually" challenged and deserves your opprobrium-but no,unlike you,I don't have sufficient intelligence to pick up on that contradiction.
                           Info  Wars

     Simply ended up in it is a compliment simply
  Over simplified might be a candidate for an overkill.
                    Confidentially Yours   
Great song by the way, guys.
this is outstanding imo : )   (maybe follow this with Bauhaus - Kick in the Eye : )
 dennis_chary wrote:
How is this excellent song rated 2.6 points lower than that insipid Cure song "Friday I'm in Love"or the decent but hugely overrated "Locomotive Breath"? I'm amazed at the amount of vitriol spewed at R E M by people who will give unconsionably high ratings to the most insipid and boringly pretentious Led Zeppelin,Pink Floyd, Queen or Beatles song.One poster complained that he could never get into R E M because Mr.Stipe sounds so "detached"except when spewing vitriol.Obviously,this listener is either tone deaf or wants every range of emotion displayed so simplistically obvious that he cannot detect ambivalent and conflicted emotions subtly understated yet intense.
You appear to be confusing your musical tastes with an absolute, unquestionable fact; hence your confusion.  As for the rest ... well, I suspect that no one else thinks you're as smart as you think you are.
 dennis_chary wrote:
 Fiji5555 wrote:

Next time try not being so insulting to others musical opinions yourself. You are welcome to say what you like or dislike about a song but when you do exactly what you are criticizing , then you lose all validity.


Excuse me,I seem to remember that you told me in a previous reply to a previous post that I should get my head out of my ass for expressing my intense dislike of a song.Suggesting that someone is tone deaf is very mild by comparison-and as I also recall,I did implicitly suggest that you no longer bother responding to my posts.You again are displaying proof that your intelligence is,shall we say,limited.Please do not make this personal,because if I find out who you are,you and I will have problems-and by all means,please do complain to Bill the moderator that I threatened you.I DO NOT appreciate someone chiding me for the very behavior that you engaged in in an initial response to my criticism of a song.

Ok break it up boys and go to your respective corners. It's only Rock n roll
 Fiji5555 wrote:

Next time try not being so insulting to others musical opinions yourself. You are welcome to say what you like or dislike about a song but when you do exactly what you are criticizing , then you lose all validity.


Excuse me,I seem to remember that you told me in a previous reply to a previous post that I should get my head out of my ass for expressing my intense dislike of a song.Suggesting that someone is tone deaf is very mild by comparison-and as I also recall,I did implicitly suggest that you no longer bother responding to my posts.You again are displaying proof that your intelligence is,shall we say,limited.Please do not make this personal,because if I find out who you are,you and I will have problems-and by all means,please do complain to Bill the moderator that I threatened you.I DO NOT appreciate someone chiding me for the very behavior that you engaged in in an initial response to my criticism of a song.
 dennis_chary wrote:
How is this excellent song rated 2.6 points lower than that insipid Cure song "Friday I'm in Love"or the decent but hugely overrated "Locomotive Breath"? I'm amazed at the amount of vitriol spewed at R E M by people who will give unconsionably high ratings to the most insipid and boringly pretentious Led Zeppelin,Pink Floyd, Queen or Beatles song.One poster complained that he could never get into R E M because Mr.Stipe sounds so "detached"except when spewing vitriol.Obviously,this listener is either tone deaf or wants every range of emotion displayed so simplistically obvious that he cannot detect ambivalent and conflicted emotions subtly understated yet intense.
Next time try not being so insulting to others musical opinions yourself. You are welcome to say what you like or dislike about a song but when you do exactly what you are criticizing , then you lose all validity.
How is this excellent song rated 2.6 points lower than that insipid Cure song "Friday I'm in Love"or the decent but hugely overrated "Locomotive Breath"? I'm amazed at the amount of vitriol spewed at R E M by people who will give unconsionably high ratings to the most insipid and boringly pretentious Led Zeppelin,Pink Floyd, Queen or Beatles song.One poster complained that he could never get into R E M because Mr.Stipe sounds so "detached"except when spewing vitriol.Obviously,this listener is either tone deaf or wants every range of emotion displayed so simplistically obvious that he cannot detect ambivalent and conflicted emotions subtly understated yet intense.

Quite likable like most REM.
An imperfect album but with moments of greatness, like this song: moody, layered, and challenging. 
Contrary to popular opinion, I always enjoy a bit of REM.  The man's a giant.
Always moaning and sad, never liked them.{#Naughty}
 jfogg wrote:
Very nice, used to be pretty into REM. Somehow don't think I have ever heard this one?? Bonus for me! It's like they just releasead a new song that is great! Will defiantly need to explore this album.

You can be as defiant as you want. I'm definitely not into this song....
Much better live. The studio version is a bit undercooked and passionless.
This is the sound of REM jumping the shark. Such a shame too b/c they were such an important band for so long ('80-'96)
 Lazarus wrote:


I agree!

PS:  Did the Pope ever get back to you?
upgrade to 8. Exactly what I needed this morning.


Everybody in my church loves this song...
 rdo wrote:
REM was the band of the 80s, relevant in the 90s, forgotten in the aughts.  Their later stuff is worth getting.  Maybe their last could be skipped.  Don't get Mon... (oops, I said I'd stop raggin' on that one)    REM is the greatest US band, and the second Greatest Band after Radiohead.
Thank you for not dissing Monster {#Wink} I like their last two albums quite a bit, but they were marred by the terrible production courtesy of Jackknife, er, Butterknife Lee or whatever his name is....
REM was the band of the 80s, relevant in the 90s, forgotten in the aughts.  Their later stuff is worth getting.  Maybe their last could be skipped.  Don't get Mon... (oops, I said I'd stop raggin' on that one)    REM is the greatest US band, and the second Greatest Band after Radiohead.
What is with the inane artwork for the album? Music is pretty good.
I have always thought of this song as an updated version of the hopelessly lame "Bang and Blame".  I am almost done with my REM completist project, just got Collapse into Now left to go.  Their later stuff really is very good. Not as good as their 80s stuff though.  These guys are the best, after Radiohead of course.
 jpdribbler wrote:
One of R.E.M.'s finest - and arguably their best post-Berry song! 10 minus 1 for the rather... clumsy production. Really blossoms live.
Still great - also, R.E.M.'s last truly essential song to me. While I like some of their post-Up output, I suppose I wouldn't really miss any of it.
I consider myself a huge R.E.M. fan, but this just isn't resonating for me.  (Admittedly, I completely lost track after New Adventures in Hi-Fi)
Very nice, used to be pretty into REM. Somehow don't think I have ever heard this one?? Bonus for me! It's like they just releasead a new song that is great! Will defiantly need to explore this album.
Nicely done....
If they kept writing stuff like this they would be around now...
Where's my "Homer Simspon drooling" image?

I effing LOVE this song. LOVE.
 jpdribbler wrote:
One of R.E.M.'s finest - and arguably their best post-Berry song! 10 minus 1 for the rather... clumsy production. Really blossoms live.
Oh, I see what you did there ;)

And yes, it rocks, live.

 Bosami wrote:
Very nice. Very, very nice.
Yup.. nice. 7.

One of R.E.M.'s finest - and arguably their best post-Berry song! 10 minus 1 for the rather... clumsy production. Really blossoms live.

My favorite song on this album. What I cannot stand, however, is Daysleeper, because it was played to death on this nation's first and foremost pop radio station. Idiots.

REM: one of the best

I love RP and have been a devoted listener since 2004.   Only one negative thing as a result:  my formerly mild dislike of REM has blossomed into full-blown hatred with at least once-daily doses.   Sigh. 
 Papernapkin wrote:
Poser music.

A comment equal to your moniker. Disposable.
Not bad.  Could be better.  The chorus is the best part. 
Poser music.

<- Unafraid

( clumsy instead)
Very nice. Very, very nice.
One of the best songs ever about coming out.

Love their sound  {#Dance}

No......no......just plain no.{#No}
 peter_james_bond wrote:
 dis wrote:
I will never like'em.
You will not like them on the stereo.
          You will not like them on the radio.
You will not like them on your ipod.
          You will not like them with your buddy Todd.
You will not like them with a mouse.
You will not like them in a house.
You will not like them here or there.
You will not like them anywhere.
Love that ebow...
 rdo wrote:

Loving 50% of an album is a let down?  I consider a CD great if I love three tracks.
.300 may be a terrific single-season batting average, but as a percent of good songs on album... well to me it indicates $14 down the drain.
 Sleepytyme wrote:
 horstman wrote:

Better lean into it. So as not to get blown over.
Keep walking.


 horstman wrote:

Better lean into it. So as not to get blown over.
Keep walking.

 dis wrote:
I will never like'em.
You will not like them on the stereo.
          You will not like them on the radio.
You will not like them on your ipod.
          You will not like them with your buddy Todd.
You will not like them with a mouse.
You will not like them in a house.
You will not like them here or there.
You will not like them anywhere.

 Hippostar wrote:
Funny how you can sing the melody to "Losing my religion" to most of his songs.
This definitely has a high rehash factor! {#Ask}
There's a live version of this song on one of their DVDs that is fairly energetic. This rendition is slumberific.
Funny how you can sing the melody to "Losing my religion" to most of his songs.
 denmom wrote:

I'm mostly a slavish R.E.M. devotee, in no little part because I started listening to them when they were brand new, saw them in itty bitty clubs, and that was just at the time in my life when I was first out on my own in beautiful Boston.  But I know just what you mean; I would anticipate new albums like crazy, and when they came out I'd say I loved about 50% of it.

Loving 50% of an album is a let down?  I consider a CD great if I love three tracks.
 AlienRelic wrote:
I have never been able to quite decide whether R.E.M. is profound or just pretentious and full of it.
I'm mostly a slavish R.E.M. devotee, in no little part because I started listening to them when they were brand new, saw them in itty bitty clubs, and that was just at the time in my life when I was first out on my own in beautiful Boston.  But I know just what you mean; I would anticipate new albums like crazy, and when they came out I'd say I loved about 50% of it.
This has got to be the most underrated REM album. It's definitely a departure from its predecessors with its use of electronic layers and drum machines, but I think the band did a pretty fantastic job weaving together some real gems. "Walk Unafraid" is a pretty good representation of the sound and mood of the whole album, so if you like this I'd highly recommend picking it up.

 AlienRelic wrote:
I have never been able to quite decide whether R.E.M. is profound or just pretentious and full of it.
If you like their music, they're profound. If you dislike their music, they're full of shit. It's called perspective.

Nobody can tell you what to like. Welcome to adulthood. {#Wave}
I will never like'em.
 Shesdifferent wrote:
I walk against the norm.

Better lean into it. So as not to get blown over.
Keep walking.
I have never been able to quite decide whether R.E.M. is profound or just pretentious and full of it.
 Danimal174 wrote:

pushkinjim, what is your problem with REM? Did Stipe reject your advances at a party one time or something? We get it...you don't like them. You don't have to say so on every song on RP. Now, go away!


Lots of REM and Coldplay haters on this site, that's for sure.  I am not one of them.
pushkinjim wrote:
Better just to leave it as you started - REM never did anything good.
pushkinjim, what is your problem with REM? Did Stipe reject your advances at a party one time or something? We get it...you don't like them. You don't have to say so on every song on RP. Now, go away!
OK it took four minutes into the song before I realize I gave up on trying to like it...
It's a shame that R.E.M. (like any good group) have to be constantly compared to what they've done in the past. Why can't a song or album be judged on its own merits? If that were the case, I'm confident this album would be thought very highly of. It's inventive and unusual with lots of very good songs. This isn't one of my most favorite cuts from the album, but I do like it.
Boring music, interesting lyrics. Like an ugly girl with....
In the 80's I liked REM for the melody and unique sound but I never really paid attention to the political and social tone. Today, because it seems so loud politically, I feel like I need to agree with them in order to listen. Otherwise, I feel like a hypocrite. I don't know. Maybe their is a elevator version of REM.
As a true rebel in the South (liberal), it works for me. I love it
GChevy410 wrote:
REM never did anything good, in hind sight. Back then though, I guess it was revolutionary.
Better just to leave it as you started - REM never did anything good.
GChevy410 wrote:
REM never did anything good, in hind sight. Back then though, I guess it was revolutionary.
They did great stuff in the 1st half of the 80s.
Love this song -- but the one before it, "In the Air," is better but got rejected on the LRC! Everyone, complain!
sukilau wrote:
my mother told me if I didn't have anything nice to say, then say nothing at all.... do emoticons rate as "saying" anything? if they do, then I give this the barfo one.
Your poor mother. She tried.
my mother told me if I didn't have anything nice to say, then say nothing at all.... do emoticons rate as "saying" anything? if they do, then I give this the barfo one.
REM never did anything good, in hind sight. Back then though, I guess it was revolutionary.
pret-a-porter wrote:
ok it's official: there's way too much rem on this here rp!
agreed! not a fan
For what these guys can do musically, they do it very well. Yet, I still don't care for it.
Tony0600 wrote:
I agree, can we have less plse
"We"? No. "We" can't. Thank goodness.
I got it. The Stephen King of music. A few really entertaining moments with tons of what King himself calls "Diarrhea of the word processor"
I walk against the norm.
Tony0600 wrote:
I agree, can we have less plse
pret-a-porter wrote:
ok it's official: there's way too much rem on this here rp!
I agree, can we have less plse