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Placebo — Twenty Years
Album: Once More With Feeling
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Total ratings: 129

Released: 2004
Length: 4:16
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (46)add comment
 Angelof9 wrote:
Boy, you people are negative! I think this song is absolutely brilliant and I looooove Brian Molko's voice.

Same, same. :)
 Angelof9 wrote:
Boy, you people are negative! I think this song is absolutely brilliant and I looooove Brian Molko's voice.
Right there with you angelof9 !

Boy, you people are negative! I think this song is absolutely brilliant and I looooove Brian Molko's voice.
nuggler wrote:
That is *all* you're capable of...GRANDSTANDING...mouthing off to the masses who aren't even listening.... Kind of pathetic, really....
I'm only responding to you. And I'm no less grandstanding than you. You're as blind as you say I am. And I'm done with you on this song board. Until you attack again, niggler (did you ever look that one up?)!
ploafmaster wrote:
Only when you can first. But at least now you seem to say that your windbag is empty. As long as you keep splitting hairs, as long as you keep getting philosophical and sentient when you say that you're not trained in it, and when you accuse others of being "sentient", as long as you irrationally attack other folks for daring to say the do not like the same music as you, I WILL HOUND YOU. Immature? Maybe. Annoying? Mostly to you. Harrassment? You started it, so I think not. If ANYBODY were to read back over our exchanges, I think they would conclude that you're hopped up on something, if only your own hubris. Good day, and good riddance (unless of course, as is your wont, you go quite exuberantly for the last word).
That is *all* you're capable of...GRANDSTANDING...mouthing off to the masses who aren't even listening.... Kind of pathetic, really....
nuggler wrote:
So, get over it....
Only when you can first. But at least now you seem to say that your windbag is empty. As long as you keep splitting hairs, as long as you keep getting philosophical and sentient when you say that you're not trained in it, and when you accuse others of being "sentient", as long as you irrationally attack other folks for daring to say the do not like the same music as you, I WILL HOUND YOU. Immature? Maybe. Annoying? Mostly to you. Harrassment? You started it, so I think not. If ANYBODY were to read back over our exchanges, I think they would conclude that you're hopped up on something, if only your own hubris. Good day, and good riddance (unless of course, as is your wont, you go quite exuberantly for the last word).
ploafmaster wrote:
Captain, you made it the forum when you dug into me.
So, get over it.... Like I said, this is not the forum for what this discussion is evolving into nor will it be worth my while since you are unable to grasp what I say. You're not even trying therefore I waste my time. Look, I'm not schooled in the philosophies. What I put forth comes from life's experiences & long, hard research therefore your reductionist approach to what is born of the Spirit of Man makes any further serious discussion here quite pointless. Straightforward answers indeed...take a few deep breaths, calm down & relax & then reread those posts but try taking it beyond the sentient this time... But really, I think we've taken this to the limit of what you allow yourself to comprehend. Enough now....I've said all I need to say on this matter.
nuggler wrote:
Nor is this the forum for that kind of discussion.
Captain, you made it the forum when you dug into me. And saying that "the manner in which you ask the questions" makes me some how unwilling, incapable, or not ready to understaind and receive your answers is more pretentious than anything you've yet uttered - it's exactly the type of response that I've asked you not to give, but unfortunately exactly the type of answer I figured you'd render. Why don't you try to give a straightforward answer. You knocked the "logic" of my comment on this song. So give me a logical reason for why my "pathology" is contributing to this "world gone to s#!7", and then we can discuss. You're starting off with the assumption that I won't know where you're coming from, which I think even you would agree contributes to a fair share of the world's social, behavioral and communication problems.
ploafmaster wrote:
So once again, you state without explanation... How is it that I rely MOSTLY on my senses? And how are you relying LESS on senses? Your complete catalogue of derision is built on what you are PERCEIVING. Your description of THEATER was totally perception and subjectivity. You have to explain what's different about the way you're approaching this stuff, and why it is good, and why I'm somehow misguided and bad. You still haven't done that. You've simply (with one exception) insulted, condescended, and implied. Explain away...I'm still waiting.
Misguided, yes...bad, no.... When you ask the questions in the manner you ask them, you're not ready to hear the answers I'm likely to give. The fact that you were unable to get to the *heart* of the 'Theatre' description & the fact that you were unable to discern between "being pathological" & my pointing out instinctual behaviour that is born of greater prevailing pathological conditions be it on a cultural, national or global level which in turn, continues to appeal & feed those also functioning on a subconscious, instinctual level & next thing you know you have a world gone to shit....would indicate that I'd be wasting my time. Nor is this the forum for that kind of discussion.
nuggler wrote:
Like I said, very, very, VERY sentient but sure, I mean no harm by that observation though relying mostly on your senses will hardly allow you to penetrate anything beyond merely seeing the surface....know what I mean ?
So once again, you state without explanation... How is it that I rely MOSTLY on my senses? And how are you relying LESS on senses? Your complete catalogue of derision is built on what you are PERCEIVING. Your description of THEATER was totally perception and subjectivity. You have to explain what's different about the way you're approaching this stuff, and why it is good, and why I'm somehow misguided and bad. You still haven't done that. You've simply (with one exception) insulted, condescended, and implied. Explain away...I'm still waiting.
ploafmaster wrote:
A compliment! You said that I'm very, very "finely sensitive in perception or feeling" in how I process information! Thanks! Or maybe you meant I was very, very "aware" in how I process information? Or perhaps you meant I was very, very "responsive to or conscious of sense impressions" in how I process information? Well, none of those are negative, so je suppose you've complimented me! Thanks!
Like I said, very, very, VERY sentient but sure, I mean no harm by that observation though relying mostly on your senses will hardly allow you to penetrate anything beyond merely seeing the surface of things....know what I mean ?
nuggler wrote:
You're funny when you get all intellectual but the truth is that you're still very, very sentient in how you process information....
A compliment! You said that I'm very, very "finely sensitive in perception or feeling" in how I process information! Thanks! Or maybe you meant I was very, very "aware" in how I process information? Or perhaps you meant I was very, very "responsive to or conscious of sense impressions" in how I process information? Well, none of those are negative, so je suppose you've complimented me! Thanks!
ploafmaster wrote:
....YADA YADA YADA.... And yes, those are all in quotes on purpose, to illustrate the absurdity of your accusations. I think you've officially beat out Physicsgenius for Troll of the Century...At least he doesn't generally defend his trolling.
You're funny when you get all intellectual but the truth is that you're still very, very sentient in how you process information....
nuggler wrote:
Uh....nice...er...logic there, loaf...!?! This certainly does begin to clarify quite a bit about those comments of yours, loaf.... Thanks for the Eureka moment....
SWEET!!! Now you require me to be logical with my subjective tastes in music? That's fair. In fact, EVERYBODY, CHECK IT OUT!!!! Because NUGGLE-BUDDY says so, we all have to provide logical, rational reasons for why we LIKE music. Let me briefly (because that's all it takes) explain why my comment about the song made sense: I normally don't enjoy Placebo's music because of the nasal vocals, but this song fit extraordinarily well into the playlist on the day I made my comment, leading right into "To Repel Ghosts." That lead-in, that participatory way in which this Placebo track worked, helped me enjoy what I would usually not by itself. I'm not saying that I make any sense, or that my statements are clear and easy, but you, Nuggins, have yet to make real sense. So far, according to you, I am: 1. "Spoilt" 2. "Rich" 3. "A Kid" 4. "Pathological" 5. Etc... And yes, those are all in quotes on purpose, to illustrate the absurdity of your accusations. I think you've officially beat out Physicsgenius for Troll of the Century...At least he doesn't generally defend his trolling.
I'm sitting here, trying to figure out why I can hum along, even though I know I've never heard the tune. Then it hits me: Dougie MacLean - Ready for the Storm. Only I like Dougie. This is as nasal as nasal gets. No thanks.
ploafmaster wrote:
Although I can't give it a 1, because of how well it leads into Manic Street Preachers' "To Repel Ghosts."
Uh....nice...er...logic there, loaf...!?! This certainly does begin to clarify quite a bit about those comments of yours, loaf.... Thanks for the Eureka moment....
pdevor wrote:
You people just don't get it, do you? There are twenty years to go. Seriously. Twenty years... ...that's not that much time... ...get with the program people...
We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot Five years, thats's all we've got
dig the unique eclectic vocals!
Rusty420 wrote:
I only ever knew that one song that was a minor alt radio "hit", a friend in need's a friend indeed..., that one. not a huge fan of that song, but this is quite enjoyable. perhaps it is just the state of mind.
They're really pretty good when you give them a chance. They take a while to grow on you, but when they do, oh boy. They certainly get a lot of play time in my cd players.
anyone remember CATERWAUL ?? sounds like them
I only ever knew that one song that was a minor alt radio "hit", a friend in need's a friend indeed..., that one. not a huge fan of that song, but this is quite enjoyable. perhaps it is just the state of mind.
Like some sort of a hellish siren call, Brian Molko's voice compels me to put in yet another $.02. Dreadful.
I can get exactly the same sound by inserting a cigarette in each nostril.
pdevor wrote:
You people just don't get it, do you? There are twenty years to go. Seriously. Twenty years... ...that's not that much time... ...get with the program people...
This guy needs to let someone else sing his words... Although I can't give it a 1, because of how well it leads into Manic Street Preachers' "To Repel Ghosts."
You people just don't get it, do you? There are twenty years to go. Seriously. Twenty years... ...that's not that much time... ...get with the program people...
Sweet Mercy! This is horrible. :headache.gif:
spartan wrote:
...A shame, really, because the song sounds like it could be a bit better with better vocals.
Hard to say. The vocals are so horrible I shot my speakers. Hate when I do that. It's off to PC World, guys. Catch ya' later.
I love the vocals !!! :D
stickittotheman wrote:
i really don't like the vocals. Sounds like a really nasally M. Stipe
stickittotheman wrote:
i really don't like the vocals. Sounds like a really nasally M. Stipe
flackmaster wrote:
man, this song is annoying... I think it is the only time in a year of listening to RP that I have shut off the volume as soon as I hear the first 20 seconds of the song.
Imagine 20 years... yuck
stickittotheman wrote:
i really don't like the vocals. Sounds like a really nasally M. Stipe
I like them actually, it reminds me of the voice from the Pet Shop Boys
spartan wrote:
I agree. A shame, really, because the song sounds like it could be a bit better with better vocals.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
man, this song is annoying... I think it is the only time in a year of listening to RP that I have shut off the volume as soon as I hear the first 20 seconds of the song.
The only good thing that I can say about this song is that this is not a cover song (at least as far as I know). There were two other cover tunes that I have heard from this band on RP that were simply awful. They were so bad that you grieved for the original as if you would never hear the original again.
He's singing through his nose. Right through his nose.
spartan wrote:
I agree. A shame, really, because the song sounds like it could be a bit better with better vocals.
I bet you're imagining someone like Scott Stapp or something...aren't you...
stickittotheman wrote:
i really don't like the vocals. Sounds like a really nasally M. Stipe
I agree. A shame, really, because the song sounds like it could be a bit better with better vocals.
agoston wrote:
wowww , my upload :)
Ahh yeah! I'm a Placebo fan. Thanks for uploading this. I'm glad it was picked up!!
agoston wrote:
wowww , my upload :)
You lucky bastard, you beat me in the upload game...Oh well, I'm just really glad this song made it on. It's a phenomenal new song from the guys. The video is really cool as well.
i really don't like the vocals. Sounds like a really nasally M. Stipe
I'm liking this. 8)
wowww , my upload :)
I like this song. A melancholic, almost sad commentary, yet driving and energetic.