Anne Preven — Torn (Acoustic Version)
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mcs wrote:
At least 3 times. The unknown Swedish artist is actually Norwegian - that version was played a lot in Denmark.
The Danish singer Lis SÞrensen also did a version - but she (or somebody else) wrote Danish lyrics for it.
The somebody else who wrote the Danish lyrics for Lis SÞrensen's version is Lars Muhl. There was another girl from Scandinavia somewhere who also sang songs in French and who also did a version of Torn. Torn is my all-time favorite song.
I like this version.
I like Natalie Imbruglia's version - thought she "owned" it.
I wonder where Bill got this version?
Anybody know if it is the same as on the Ednaswap album?
EDIT (after backscrolling) - So THIS is the ORIGINAL?!? Like some number of others (most everybody?), I thought it was a "cover"! :roll:
It reeks that Anne hasn't seen any royalties with that Imbruglia chick getting rich off the song!

Way cool to hear this without all that Matthew McConnaughey MTV baggage.
If find it interesting that most people don't liked this version. I never like Natalie's version, even though I kind of liked the words. Then when I found out that her version was a cover, and I heard this one, it all kind of made sense. I'd always found that the tone of her version never really fit the lyrics. When it's sung this way, I find the song to be much more emotional and heartfelt.
Plus, I have a soft spot for this version as I used it in one of the first short films I made back in film school.
dfox68 wrote:
I'm not sure if she wrote it or not, but Lisa Loeb did this before the other two and better (though I like this one, too).
I didn't know that. Lisa Loeb is a real cutie. She sings great and is kind of silly. Some of the things I look for in a woman.
jayjhennessy wrote:
I much prefer Nathalie's version!
Yes. I can imagine this song being covered very well, but this one ... well ... let's just say that I regularly run into people who can do better.
I much prefer Nathalie's version!
rk23 wrote:
The song was covered 3 times...NI's being the third and most succesful. An unknown American and unknown Swedish artist had already covered it before.
At least 3 times. The unknown Swedish artist is actually Norwegian - that version was played a lot in Denmark.
The Danish singer Lis SÞrensen also did a version - but she (or somebody else) wrote Danish lyrics for it.
BillG wrote:
Yes. But you need to pay royalties to the songwriter. As a rule, songwriters make more from a recording than the performer - particularly with major-label recordings.
interesting about the song origins and songwriting royalties. and i like this version way better than the original cutesy one.
SuperWeh wrote:
Didn't know that, doesn't really give a positive view of ms. imbruglia. Another thing that surprised me from the article:
"Once a song is recorded, she explains, it becomes public domain. As long as any new rendition is relatively faithful, no permission is needed from the writer."
I didn't know that, is that really true? Can I just make loads of cash doing other people's songs without asking their permission to use the song?
Yes. But you need to pay royalties to the songwriter. As a rule, songwriters make more from a recording than the performer - particularly with major-label recordings.
BruceN wrote:
This article was illuminating ...
(click here)
Didn't know that, doesn't really give a positive view of ms. imbruglia. Another thing that surprised me from the article:
"Once a song is recorded, she explains, it becomes public domain. As long as any new rendition is relatively faithful, no permission is needed from the writer."
I didn't know that, is that really true? Can I just make loads of cash doing other people's songs without asking their permission to use the song?
BruceN wrote:
This article was illuminating ...
(click here)
Yup Illuminating alright. I feel better now about preferring this version, as it seems it is in fact the original, more or less..
This article was illuminating ...
(click here)
I usually don't put negative comments on songs, but this is just plain awful. The original wasn't even tolerable, but this should never have been done.

Hmm...I think I like the non-acoustic version better.
This is decent though.

did this awful song really need to be covered?
maLeFunKtion wrote:
Yup, and here it is
(click here)
Thanks for the link! I needed that chuckle this morning.

fureanbode wrote:
(click here)
There's a very funny video somewhere on the internet of a guy doing a mime to the N.I. version of this song. Has anyone seen that?
Yup, and here it is 
pdhski wrote:
Sounds like she's trying to sound like Melissa Etheridge - and struggling. Does nothing for me.
My thoughts exactly. 
There's a very funny video somewhere on the internet of a guy doing a mime to the N.I. version of this song. Has anyone seen that?
Oh, come on! The only important thing is how the video for this version compares to Natalie's, and if the singer is hot. That's what determines whether a song is successful or not.
Jeez, you'd think everyone here was stuck in the past when they say people listened to the music, if you can even believe that.
Sounds like she's trying to sound like Melissa Etheridge - and struggling. Does nothing for me.
Yucky yuck-pants. I don't care who wrote the song or sang it first... I kinda wish nobody ever had.
freeone1 wrote:
WAYYYYY better than the Natalie Imbruglia version of this. I actually really like this!
I totally agree with you. I never really liked this song until I heard it today.
i appreciate the emotion in this version, but it doesn't please my ears upon the first listen. i'm not rating it yet, it needs more time. :)
hcg11 wrote:
I think the NI version is tolerable, but this one sounds like she is singing with more emotion than NI. I like it better.
Agree, a lot more emotion. This is a much better version. Heard a reply of her live performance on the Howard Stern this morning.
WAYYYYY better than the Natalie Imbruglia version of this. I actually really like this!
Fantastic Song! I only wish I could find it on CD. It\'s not listed on Amazon.How can such a great artist be so unknown?
Who cares?
Originally Posted by TreborG2:
Actually I think you mean IMAO not IMHO ... if someone ASKED you for your opinion then you could offer it in a humble manner...when you simply state it, you're being arrogant ... in that you think others really give that much meaning to the opinion.. :p
I like this version very much.. I would LOVE to hear Natalie (sp?) do an acoustic version of the song. In that context I would bet Natalie could do it just as much justice. :)
I agree on your first comment, though it's a niggling matter to offer an unsolicted opinion on the nature of someone else's unsolicted opinion, no?
I also like this version a lot--gets at the mood much better than the ear-candy dreck NI made of it (even if I had a sickeningly guilty pleasure in it now and then on the radio--embarassed to admit). Anyway, I've heard a live, slower, perhaps accoustic version NI did, and it sucks out loud, proving (a) she has little in the way of singing talent or skill, (b) she is more product than performer, and--inevitably--(c) whatever is catchy about her vewrsion of the song is thanks to the producer, not the singer.
Of course, that's all just my own opinion, offered with neither humility nor arrogance, I hope--just offered. :D
rjI\'m not sure if she wrote it or not, but Lisa Loeb did this before the other two and better (though I like this one, too).
Really like this version... a lot. Kind of a Melissa Etheridge-ish singing live feeling to it.
Can I still say \"I\'m feeling all Natalie Imbruglia\" even if she\'s not the original author? 

Very good...not bad for the daughter of Andre\' Previn who HATEs R&R music. Also, the former \"fiddler\" for The Young Dubliners.

Ednaswap is now known as AnneTenna. You can find more of them at
Originally Posted by utopiapark:
Anne's version Towers over the NI?? What? Good God. Please. That melody sucks. The NI one at least has a coherent melody and a beat that is fitting for the thought of the song. This version IMHO is aweful, too slow and just in general rambling. ...
Actually I think you mean IMAO not IMHO ... if someone ASKED you for your opinion then you could offer it in a humble manner...when you simply state it, you're being arrogant ... in that you think others really give that much meaning to the opinion.. :p
I like this version very much.. I would LOVE to hear Natalie (sp?) do an acoustic version of the song. In that context I would bet Natalie could do it just as much justice. :)
Anne's version Towers over the NI?? What? Good God. Please. That melody sucks. The NI one at least has a coherent melody and a beat that is fitting for the thought of the song. This version IMHO is aweful, too slow and just in general rambling. I hate when people say that something is great just because it's under produced. Just because someone took the time and money to produce something musical does not make it "bubblegum". I think I have to agree with others. Kudos to Anne for great lyrics, and thanks to Imbruglia for giving it some music maturity and yes . . . "passion".
What a great voice! Keep up the good work! Saw her in a video for Harvard Pilgrim Health Care here in Boston, great stuff!
forgetable does forgetable.
Yeah, well, i dont like EITHER version. Howdaya like that? 

is it over yet? how about now?
Originally Posted by Yiftach:
PUHleeease! You're saying that success implies talent/passion/emotions/quality? The success of the NI version speaks to nothing more than the mediocre taste of the mass public and the power of marketing, not necessarily in that order, my friend.
Anne Previn's version towers over the other.
As I recall, Imbruglia's album was well received by the critics as well.
I like both versions. But haven't heard enough by either artist to buy an album.
Wow... congrats to Ms. Previn for mining some value out of such unapologetic pop fluff.
Good show!
Originally Posted by TomForrester:
The phenominal success of Natalie's version speaks to Natalie's "passion," as someone else noted, and I think it was a stellar move for Anne to let Natalie record it. Thanks to Anne for the great song.
PUHleeease! You're saying that success implies talent/passion/emotions/quality? The success of the NI version speaks to nothing more than the mediocre taste of the mass public and the power of marketing, not necessarily in that order, my friend.
Anne Previn's version towers over the other.
Anne Previn wrote the song
I by far prefer this version..
Like this version, but I liked NI's as well.
DAMN! This kicks the original\'s ass, with all due respect to Ms. Imbruglia (sp?).
I gotta look up this Previn lady...
Wow! I did a little research and found that this was written by Ednaswap, featured on their "Wacko Magneto" album.......
Click here for allmusic Information
I still like Nat's version too. :D
Wow.. just goes to show you how the context of a song can make all the difference. (Sorry Natalie) So nice to hear this song done right! I\'m going to have to check out more of Anne\'s stuff.
Very nice work - did she write it?
saw Ednaswap open for Better than Ezra, and this song is on their album - if i recall correctly, this is definitely the original one - i like it so much - and i was seriously pissed off when imbruglia got famous for her version which is soooo subpar. it's meant to be at this tempo, not imbruglia's version. makes me very mad, too that anne doesn't get credit for this.