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Louis Armstrong — What A Wonderful World
Album: Good Morning Vietnam Soundtrack
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Total ratings: 1988

Released: 1968
Length: 2:14
Plays (last 30 days): 0
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, "I love you."

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Oh yeah
Comments (137)add comment
If an old shoe fits, …
I know I'll take abuse for this, but maybe I can help explain to those who cannot fathom how someone could dislike this song.

I gave it a 2, because it's mercifully short.

For me, it takes saccharine to level 10. It just wallows in sentimentality and simplicity so deeply that it hurts. It's like many Norman Rockwell paintings; not all, of course. It's like the audible version of a "hang in there" motivational cat poster.
Maybe it's the cynic in me, but I just can't listen to this without thinking about biting into a cupcake so sweet that it makes your teeth hurt. Sweet beyond necessary. Sweet beyond credibility. 

It gets worse. I feel the same way about Jeff Buckley's version of  "Hallelujah."

ps: And I don't dislike Louis Armstrong. He's obviously great. He inspired me to take up the trumpet as a youngster.  It's just this song seems like one he wrote for a movie deal he could not escape. 
 DaidyBoy wrote:

15 people give this a 1.  Duh.  I hope I never need to meet them.

Let's see. Who would give this a 1?
Charlie Parker
Dizzy Gillespie
Miles Davis
Charles Mingus
Cecil Taylor

and that's just for starters
 DaidyBoy wrote:

15 people give this a 1.  Duh.  I hope I never need to meet them.

I would happily counter them if I could, by giving a rating of 15.  This song has some very deep personal meanings for me, I would easily rate it above all the other songs I've rated with a 10.
LOUIS ARMSTRONG was born in New Orleans over 120 years ago, in August 1901.

Louis Armstrong's Childhood - America Comes Alive

Reminds me of "Honeydew Wilkins", the parody character played by Tim Meadows from 1995 Saturday Night Live.  He nailed that voice.
 jimys wrote:

At a complete loss as to why anyone could rate this song a 1.

Thats what Miles Davis or Dizzy Gillespie would rate it
 DaidyBoy wrote:

15 people give this a 1.  Duh.  I hope I never need to meet them.

And, they wonder why nobody wants to talk to them!
Check out this part of Louie's CV.  Gone too soon at 69.

Education  Colored Waif's Home for Boys, Fisk School for Boys
Nice song!
 jimys wrote:

At a complete loss as to why anyone could rate this song a 1.

 zepher wrote:
Maybe the only song that deserves a "Godlike" 10 rating.  Imagine if we all could have this point of view....
I can imagine another song that deserve a 10. for example Imagine. Which happens to be the follow-up right now! Classic!

Thanks , music for  my birthday
 DaidyBoy wrote:
15 people give this a 1.  Duh.  I hope I never need to meet them.
 Me 2

15 people give this a 1.  Duh.  I hope I never need to meet them.
The highest rating I have seen, and deserved!
 zepher wrote:
Maybe the only song that deserves a "Godlike" 10 rating.  Imagine if we all could have this point of view....
@Bill - how about Jungle Book?, some deep philosophy in there as well!
I personally don't like this song, it's too slow, too naive and idealistic. It's not related to the voice of Louis Armstrong or his interpretation, i don't like any cover done either.
 zepher wrote:
Maybe the only song that deserves a "Godlike" 10 rating.  Imagine if we all could have this point of view....

Spot on, my friend.
Always a favorite.
We're not actually saying I Love You.

It really would be awesome if we got ride of all the a$$h*les
 Terranathan wrote:

The only track I've instantly given a 10.

Desert island favourite

..... yes very much so - a really feel good song :-)
Maybe the only song that deserves a "Godlike" 10 rating.  Imagine if we all could have this point of view....
I like this song, and I know this mood

The only track I've instantly given a 10.

Desert island favourite

At a complete loss as to why anyone could rate this song a 1.
 neuticle wrote:

Right on Carl..good lesson for today. Props.
...and not for "today" only, i would add with your permission.
 Cynaera wrote:
Yesssss..... (sighing contentedly) 10 - always. {#Daisy}

The original 10
Quite possibly the most uplifting song I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Satchmo ownes this song, all other versions fall short.
As wonderful as this song is, it's starting to be overplayed. I even hear it on regular radio on my drive to work.
This song always brings me around to remembering that today is just another day in Paradise.  Truly.

Good stuff this one is. 

American Net'Zen
 Carl wrote:

It seems that way, but if you tune out the media that focus on the sensational, shocking and tawdry (it sells — but not to me) and tune into the wonderful things big and small that are all around us in myriad forms, it is a wonderful world (and would be even more wonderful if more would tune out the negative stuff, I believe).

Right on Carl..good lesson for today. Props.
Sometimes its hard to feel this way...but sometimes you gotta see the beauty in the world. Thanks Louis!
Never mind the over-commercialized airplay, this is one of the greatest songs ever..!
This just has to be followed by Zippa-dee-doo-dah :o)
This song makes me happy.
 jagdriver wrote:
WAY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y overplayed!

(And overrated!) 
Maybe so, but that does not deny the stellar 10 it deserves.
Just puts a smile on your face, now if only all of us could go thru our days humming this song in the back of our heads would not this world be a more wonderful and peaceful place to live. 
WAY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y overplayed!

(And overrated!) 
it's better 10 than others :) 
Love it!

If Tiffany were singing it...probably not a 10 though.{#Clap}
Yesssss..... (sighing contentedly) 10 - always. {#Daisy}
This song always reminds me of my middle daughter Catherine, and our dance at her wedding, absolutely beautiful and timeless... BIG Grin :o)
 Alpine wrote:
This song always makes me pause and think.  It's like church.

Thank you Louis for this song. So easy,smoothy....
While this truly is a wonderful song.....FOR KIDS....I think to myself he must on medication....LOLOLOL
P l a y e d OUT!
 1wolfy wrote:
{#Yes}true, however the state of the World is not wonderful as of late.  I guess it is an attitude thing. coolpeople_rule wrote:
The way life should be appreciated by all of us.
It seems that way, but if you tune out the media that focus on the sensational, shocking and tawdry (it sells — but not to me) and tune into the wonderful things big and small that are all around us in myriad forms, it is a wonderful world (and would be even more wonderful if more would tune out the negative stuff, I believe).

What a wonderful song. Good movie, too.
{#Yes}true, however the state of the World is not wonderful as of late.  I guess it is an attitude thing. coolpeople_rule wrote:
The way life should be appreciated by all of us.

 coolpeople_rule wrote:
The way life should be appreciated by all of us.
What a sweet thought

This song always makes me pause and think.  It's like church.
Always uplifting to hear, sing, or play this lovely tune.  I always liked the music video that was released about the time this song was used in "Good Morning Vietnam" (Robin Williams' movie) in which the earth is seen from space...as if the camera is on an orbiting satellite. {#Group-hug}
Ugh. Gone.
 Radiohead-head wrote:
Ahh...my daughters favorite song since she was 2...BIG smile on my face...thank you Bill.
Like the screen name and location.
...lew-ee or lew-iss?..i'd always heard the former, until bill just now...
 Radiohead-head wrote:
Ahh...my daughters favorite song since she was 2...BIG smile on my face...thank you Bill.
Funny, I just emailed my wife, telling her I was thinking of our daughter because of this song coming on and how much she loves this song.  Everyone has to stop what they are doing when this song starts so she can sing along.  Big smile indeed.

For some reason I always associate this song with Christmas, even though it is not a Christmas song...

 Anax wrote:
I'm just not there.
And who ARE these people?
Can this be the same rowdy crowd that waxes ecstatic over Pink Floyd?
Or is that a different subgroup of RP listeners?

Just a bunch of folks who have a Very wide range of musical tastes.

The way life should be appreciated by all of us.
Ahh...my daughters favorite song since she was 2...BIG smile on my face...thank you Bill.
Anytime, anywhere this song brings a smile to my face. Perfect!
 Proclivities wrote:
A great crap song, but and there is much better material from the gigantic catalog of Mr. Armstrong's works.
Fixed your typos.
I'm just not there.
And who ARE these people?
Can this be the same rowdy crowd that waxes ecstatic over Pink Floyd?
Or is that a different subgroup of RP listeners?

The Master!!!
Esta canción fue usado en (y proporcionó el título para) la excelente película de Luis Estrada, Un mundo maravilloso (2006), que trata con un humor negro muy fino los estragos del neoliberalismo en México.
Like it a lot. 

Only the mashup by Israel KamakawiwoÊ»ole is better....

 ValosAtreide wrote:
Heh.. I like how this song comes on as I'm reading an extensive article about the shocking history of human medical experiments and war-crimes here in the United States... wonderful. {#Cheers}

What would have been better was to add the link to the page.  But aside that, isnt it a Wonderful World!

I find it impossible to hear this song without a sense of irony. Notice it's from the Good Morning Viet Nam soundtrack — where it's safe to assume it was indeed used with a dollop of irony!

classic, timeless.
What a Wonderful World.
A great song, but there is much better material from the gigantic catalog of Mr. Armstrong's works.
Louis Armstrong might be very thinking what a wonderful world after Tuesday!
check this out

man, Bill is playing the BEST set today!  I've loved the last like, 10 songs!!

Thanks Bill :)
Heh.. I like how this song comes on as I'm reading an extensive article about the shocking history of human medical experiments and war-crimes here in the United States... wonderful. {#Cheers}
I don't know what I was thinking with an 8, => 9! {#Yes}

One of my favorite songs, and Louis Armstrong is an amazing artist.

no comment   -  10.
check out this version by Nick Cave and Shane McGowan:

Armstrong's is still the best. 
this song always makes me tear up. T_T as the earlier poster said, it's the very least of Armstrong's ouevre, but it's no less of a song for that. lovely stuff.
thewiseking wrote:
sadly a brilliant jazz musician and innovator known for this sappy little bit of minstrelsy. oh...............and this movie sucked too.
Yeah, I just spin the "...plays W.C. Handy" offering, or "Satchmo and the Duke". Takes the taste away.
Anyone heard the Joey Ramone version of this? It rocks!
thewiseking wrote:
sadly a brilliant jazz musician and innovator known for this sappy little bit of minstrelsy. oh...............and this movie sucked too.
I must agree somewhat, but I'm still sorry that you're not having a good time.
Every time i consider offing myself (which is often), I just listen to this song and--just like that--the suicidal thoughts vanish for at least a few hours. Thanks, Louie!
sadly a brilliant jazz musician and innovator known for this sappy little bit of minstrelsy. oh...............and this movie sucked too.
Wow! Talk about eclectic! That's RP. But this song is simply divine. One of the greatest ever made.
For my Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary we put together hundreds of photos in a video format and this was the opening tune we chose.It was the second time in my life I saw my Dad cry.
Ahhh. Always a 10.
Love that voice!
dionysius wrote:
Always been mysterious to me that THIS is the Louis Armstrong liked by people who don't like jazz. Or maybe it shouldn't be mysterious. It's a perfunctory reading of a sappy song, even if Satch does wrap his lovely, warm voice around it. No trumpet soloing, which after all is his real genius. Overplayed beyond belief. 'Bout time to retire this for good and dig up the Hot Fives and Sevens and REALLY go to town.
get your grubby mitts OFF my Louis. This tune puts me back in a swing when I was 5 years old, doing everything I can to touch the sky with my toes. So, just don't touch it!
stew48105 wrote:
This song always makes me want to be a better person.
good thought, I'll try, too
One of my all time favorites.
BCarderMA wrote:
How can you not love this song. I tear up whenever I hear it. Such a beautiful song.
It always has that effect on me, too!
How can you not love this song. I tear up whenever I hear it. Such a beautiful song.
one of the most wonderful songs that ever was and louie sings it better than anyone else!!!! wooohoooo
Always been mysterious to me that THIS is the Louis Armstrong liked by people who don't like jazz. Or maybe it shouldn't be mysterious. It's a perfunctory reading of a sappy song, even if Satch does wrap his lovely, warm voice around it. No trumpet soloing, which after all is his real genius. Overplayed beyond belief. 'Bout time to retire this for good and dig up the Hot Fives and Sevens and REALLY go to town.
vvaffle wrote:
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World U2 - One Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out) Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence Could this set get any better? I guess I'll just have to wait until the next song to find out.
Yeah it could get better.... it could be de-looped! :P (Lemme make a prediction for next time - followed by Jeff Beck?!?)
Everthing's Jake!!!!!
ChardRemains wrote:
Any Louis but this....this song bites. Really bites. And doesn't do him justice at all!!! I had a job working on a 24-projector synchronized slideshow (in the days before Powerpoint)....guess what the soundtrack to the show was??! Over and over again. I see trees of blue, red forests too, they're full of poo, for me and you....MAKE IT STOP!!!
Your association of this song with your career disappointments doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy it.
truk77 wrote:
Okay, okay, it is not rock. Indeed. Get it out of your system. Now, acknowledge that Louie totally ownz. Go on, you can do it. Sadly, I still mentally associate this song with that recycling commerical...
That's OK too. The song remains the same....
days long gone....... :(
Geed wrote:
Ahhh....me wedding song.
Me too!!! Great memories!!!
Any Louis but this....this song bites. Really bites. And doesn't do him justice at all!!! I had a job working on a 24-projector synchronized slideshow (in the days before Powerpoint)....guess what the soundtrack to the show was??! Over and over again. I see trees of blue, red forests too, they're full of poo, for me and you....MAKE IT STOP!!!
I f#$%&*&(*ng love everything else by Armstrong. But I can't stand this song
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World U2 - One Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out) Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence Could this set get any better? I guess I'll just have to wait until the next song to find out.
Okay, okay, it is not rock. Indeed. Get it out of your system. Now, acknowledge that Louie totally ownz. Go on, you can do it. Sadly, I still mentally associate this song with that recycling commerical...
Geed wrote:
Ahhh....me wedding song.
Mine too! :)
used in Heineken commercials
Ahhh....me wedding song.
Love the song, but I think I heard a skip.
This song always makes me want to be a better person.
Absolutely fantastic, RP, thanks for giving us such an amazing mix of great music! (pimp)
A timeless song. It was especially powerful and ironic when played across images of the Vietnam War in this movie. Given all the trouble he saw in his day, I think Satch would have approved.
I like this song, but today it makes me want to hit someone.
Originally Posted by beachedge_bill: The first time I this song really entered my awareness was as the theme song for a show starring Tim Reid (sp?) (formerly "Venus Flytrap" on WKRP in Cinncinnati). . . If anybody else remembers that show (and the name!) post it here and I'll be able to wallow in the past a little more the next time this tune comes around! :)
The show was called "Frank's Place", see imdb entry for a little more information.