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Length: 3:31
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
The north is to south what the clock is to time
There's east and there's west and there's everywhere life
I know I was born and I know that I'll die
The in-between is mine
I am mine
And the feeling, it gets left behind
All the innocence lost at one time
Significant behind the eyes
There's no need to hide
We're safe tonight
The ocean is full 'cause everyone's crying
The full moon is looking for friends at high tide
The sorrow grows bigger when the sorrow's denied
I only know my mind
I am mine
And the meaning, it gets left behind
All the innocence lost at one time
Significant behind the eyes
There's no need to hide
We're safe tonight, whoa
And the feelings that get left behind
All the innocence broken with lies
Significance between the lines
We may need to hide
And the meanings that get left behind
All the innocence lost at one time
We're all different behind the eyes
There's no need to hide
This song was a reaction by the band to the tragedy they witnessed performing at the Roskilde music festival in summer of 2000. 9 people died as the crowd surge pressed in on barriers causing some to suffocate and become trapped. It was a terrible tragedy at what should have been a great day of music.
The event affected the band so much they considered retiring. Ed penned these lyrics as they resumed touring in the US that year as a way to cope; reaffirming that life is full of meaning and the best way to honor those we lose in life is to live our own lives without hiding, be ourselves, and live confidently.
If you didn't know that, might make the song more meaningful. Just a little insight. Hope you all enjoy your day fellow RP junkies.
incredibly sad .. and it is a beautiful tribute to those lost. the lyrics are 10/10
Thanks Perl Jam
Thank you Bill & Rebecca

I roar with this!

Thanks Perl Jam
Thank you Bill & Rebecca

Don't be snarky. Chantey is a perfectly acceptable, if unusual spelling. Rudyard Kipling used in "Seven Seas".
Shanty and Chant are both borrowed from French chanter. Chant was borrowed while the Normans were in charge, when chanter was pronounced with a hard "ch". Shanty is a 19th century corruption, by which time chanter was pronounced with a soft "ch".
So there.

Look after the king of R n R please
Don't be snarky. Chantey is a perfectly acceptable, if unusual spelling. Rudyard Kipling used in "Seven Seas".
Shanty and Chant are both borrowed from French chanter. Chant was borrowed while the Normans were in charge, when chanter was pronounced with a hard "ch". Shanty is a 19th century corruption, by which time chanter was pronounced with a soft "ch".
So there.

What's a sea chantey? A cross between a sea shanty and a chant?
Don't be snarky. Chantey is a perfectly acceptable, if unusual spelling. Rudyard Kipling used in "Seven Seas".
Shanty and Chant are both borrowed from French chanter. Chant was borrowed while the Normans were in charge, when chanter was pronounced with a hard "ch". Shanty is a 19th century corruption, by which time chanter was pronounced with a soft "ch".
So there.

The event affected the band so much they considered retiring. Ed penned these lyrics as they resumed touring in the US that year as a way to cope; reaffirming that life is full of meaning and the best way to honor those we lose in life is to live our own lives without hiding, be ourselves, and live confidently.
If you didn't know that, might make the song more meaningful. Just a little insight. Hope you all enjoy your day fellow RP junkies.
Thank you. Love the song, but didn't know the background.
The event affected the band so much they considered retiring. Ed penned these lyrics as they resumed touring in the US that year as a way to cope; reaffirming that life is full of meaning and the best way to honor those we lose in life is to live our own lives without hiding, be ourselves, and live confidently.
If you didn't know that, might make the song more meaningful. Just a little insight. Hope you all enjoy your day fellow RP junkies.
Side by side w the repubs,
Libertarian for those who don't wish to continue the military industrial complex
I guess you weren't around when Carter was prez. But guess what! He's back!
In the future, we will simply not allow people to vote Republican. Our dear Democratic party leaders will choose a candidate, and we will all be given the opportunity to vote for him, arms linked in solidarity as we march into the glorious future.
Or invading a Mideast country. No boots on the ground!
So true....I rated this a 3 about 10 years ago....and it stays.
I grew up in Seattle, before and during the grunge scene, and NEVER was a fan overall. Yes, some tunes are OK, but boy I'm glad grunge is over (it is, right?)
What's a sea chantey? A cross between a sea shanty and a chant?

Sorry. Too much seasick-singing PJ.
From the dictionary that came with OS X (I think it's the New Oxford American):
chantey |ˈSHantē| (also chanty, shanty, or sea chantey)
a song with alternating solo and chorus, of a kind originally sung by sailors while performing physical labor together.
ORIGIN mid 19th. cent.: probably from French chantez! ‘sing!,’ imperative plural of chanter .
shanty |ˈSHantē|
noun (pl. shanties)
variant spelling of chantey.
I guess you weren't around when Carter was prez. But guess what! He's back!
In the future, we will simply not allow people to vote Republican. Our dear Democratic party leaders will choose a candidate, and we will all be given the opportunity to vote for him, arms linked in solidarity as we march into the glorious future.
...and never ever have to worry about a dangling chad again!
Or invading a Mideast country. No boots on the ground!
The rest of the time he sounds like he should stick to sea chanteys.
What's a sea chantey? A cross between a sea shanty and a chant?

Yes, this song is still good for the ears...
I guess you weren't around when Carter was prez. But guess what! He's back!
In the future, we will simply not allow people to vote Republican. Our dear Democratic party leaders will choose a candidate, and we will all be given the opportunity to vote for him, arms linked in solidarity as we march into the glorious future.
...and never ever have to worry about a dangling chad again!
OK, now try replacing the backing with unplugged guitars and you'd be back where you started.
I agree with the first thought. You lost me on the second.
I like Eddie Vedder's voice on a few songs. The rest of the time he sounds like he should stick to sea chanteys.

Cap'n Widdershims also has a passion for Eddie's ukulele work.

OK Einstein ... some specifics please.
Let's avoid the emoticon this time ... makes you look like a lightweight.

Bravo — Well said. When it comes to politics, my man Keller is decidedly Klued-in.
There are two moons in the sky tonight —- Lemmoth agrees with something I said.
You obviously haven't been reading the papers. Bush's deficit for this year alone is already well north of a trillion.
Most of the $6 trillion in debt that Dubya ran up was in a good economy. If you studied Economics 20 you would have learned, as Dubya now is, that that is just plain stupid.
So bring on yer comments —- at least the Obama presidency looks like it will be defensible.
And as for all of the obfuscation about blue dogs and neocons, who cares? They're going to spend a long time in the wilderness now thanks to eight years of Dubya, and it just couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of guys.
Hardly lattes for them, then ... more like hemlock.
Addendum: If you've decided I'm a latte drinking pinko you'd be wrong, but that's the way it sometimes plays out with ideological hardheads. Try The Economist, which since 1843 has been regarded as one of the best sources of free market oriented, objective journalism on earth. The word "disaster' is quite prominent when it comes to describing your boy:
Bravo — Well said. When it comes to politics, my man Keller is decidedly Klued-in.

Now isn't that the pot calling the keller black...
Feel free to skip posts that get your panties in a bunch.
Now isn't that the pot calling the keller black...
When the album came out, I read a review that suggested that Eddie's lyric in this song
"I know I was born and I know that I'll die
The in between is mine
I am mine"
was evidence of how self-centered he was. I wondered, what album are you listening to?
North Am-Home of the Last of the Rugged Individualists, you are so full of it. The worst Presidents of the last 30 years in order
#1 Reagan
#2 Bush Jr.
#3 Nixon
Bush Jr. had a surplus when he got in, and left us with a $%^& mess, 4.1 trillion dollars his presidency cost us. Reagan left us with
8 years of recession, remember supply side ecomonics, that worked really well. Nixon had to resign from office because he broke the
law. I just don't get it how working people vote for Republican's, I understand why rich people do, but working people? Reagan revolution what a joke, just like his acting career.
I guess you weren't around when Carter was prez. But guess what! He's back!
In the future, we will simply not allow people to vote Republican. Our dear Democratic party leaders will choose a candidate, and we will all be given the opportunity to vote for him, arms linked in solidarity as we march into the glorious future.

People, you're missing the point. It doesn't matter who is in the oval office ...
It sure does. The GOP wants to spend and spend but not pay for anything. They howl about cutting taxes to zero in the same speeches in which they pound their fists and demand for spending an additional trillion dollars on the military. Ask for an explanation for this from a Republican and you'll get boilerplate on affirmative action and terrorism. A coherent explanation from a Republic is about as rare as the unicorn.
North Am-Home of the Last of the Rugged Individualists, you are so full of it. The worst Presidents of the last 30 years in order
#1 Reagan
#2 Bush Jr.
#3 Nixon
Bush Jr. had a surplus when he got in, and left us with a $%^& mess, 4.1 trillion dollars his presidency cost us. Reagan left us with
8 years of recession, remember supply side ecomonics, that worked really well. Nixon had to resign from office because he broke the
law. I just don't get it how working people vote for Republican's, I understand why rich people do, but working people? Reagan revolution what a joke, just like his acting career.
People, you're missing the point. It doesn't matter who is in the oval office because Americans (and I AM one) are too short-sighted to plan for the future. We are strictly reactionary in this country. Always have been, always will be. The biggest crisis to hit our civilization is the energy crisis and it just snuck up on us without a word from anyone in power and now the proverbial shit is hitting the virtual fan.
Americans are going to have to get used to the idea that we are not nearly as rich and powerful as we think we are.
We are about to be humbled in a big way.
BTW, great song by Pearl Jam. 8
Let's see, there's The Nation, The National Review, or The New Republic. But National Republic is a humorous tuatology though. Very funny.
Obama: $1.2 Trillion deficit (makes bush look small), thank you to "the government can spend money like no body's business guys"
Future Deficits: Obama himself are saying it will be over $1 Trillion per year for possibly years to come, thank you to the "big government guys"
Credit for Recession: most pundits blame Bush but also say that come summer of 2009 it will belong to Obama
Credit for Cause of Recession: Loosey-Goosey lending policy started under Carter and continued under Clinton, Dodd and Barney Frank. Even Bill got on TV and said that the democrats deserved more blame than anyone since they had pushed the growth of Fannie and Freddie and had gotten a little to ambitious with the liberalized lending standards.
I could go on forever but suffice it to say once again, the job is difficult, Bush wasn't the best nor the worst, he's just the target until the 20th of this month, then Obama and Biden will be the targets and I for one will enjoy making comments to guys like you who like to foam like a rabid doggy.
PS: The term NeoCon is one I really like to see thrown around since most pundits hold the opinion that the NeoCons were/are actually rehabilitated Blue Dog Democrats who crossed the fence during the Reagan revolution and who are now expected for the most part to cross back over and become ..... once again ..... conservative Blue Dogs Democrats.
God I love the irony.
Now lets all sit back and sip our latte's.
North Am-Home of the Last of the Rugged Individualists, you are so full of it. The worst Presidents of the last 30 years in order
#1 Reagan
#2 Bush Jr.
#3 Nixon
Bush Jr. had a surplus when he got in, and left us with a $%^& mess, 4.1 trillion dollars his presidency cost us. Reagan left us with
8 years of recession, remember supply side ecomonics, that worked really well. Nixon had to resign from office because he broke the
law. I just don't get it how working people vote for Republican's, I understand why rich people do, but working people? Reagan revolution what a joke, just like his acting career.
he also sings like a Goat.
Feel free to skip posts that get your panties in a bunch.
Obama: $1.2 Trillion deficit (makes bush look small), thank you to "the government can spend money like no body's business guys"
Future Deficits: Obama himself are saying it will be over $1 Trillion per year for possibly years to come, thank you to the "big government guys"
Credit for Recession: most pundits blame Bush but also say that come summer of 2009 it will belong to Obama
Credit for Cause of Recession: Loosey-Goosey lending policy started under Carter and continued under Clinton, Dodd and Barney Frank. Even Bill got on TV and said that the democrats deserved more blame than anyone since they had pushed the growth of Fannie and Freddie and had gotten a little to ambitious with the liberalized lending standards.
I could go on forever but suffice it to say once again, the job is difficult, Bush wasn't the best nor the worst, he's just the target until the 20th of this month, then Obama and Biden will be the targets and I for one will enjoy making comments to guys like you who like to foam like a rabid doggy.
PS: The term NeoCon is one I really like to see thrown around since most pundits hold the opinion that the NeoCons were/are actually rehabilitated Blue Dog Democrats who crossed the fence during the Reagan revolution and who are now expected for the most part to cross back over and become ..... once again ..... conservative Blue Dogs Democrats.
God I love the irony.
Now lets all sit back and sip our latte's.
You obviously haven't been reading the papers. Bush's deficit for this year alone is already well north of a trillion.
Most of the $6 trillion in debt that Dubya ran up was in a good economy. If you studied Economics 20 you would have learned, as Dubya now is, that that is just plain stupid.
So bring on yer comments —- at least the Obama presidency looks like it will be defensible.
And as for all of the obfuscation about blue dogs and neocons, who cares? They're going to spend a long time in the wilderness now thanks to eight years of Dubya, and it just couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of guys.
Hardly lattes for them, then ... more like hemlock.
Addendum: If you've decided I'm a latte drinking pinko you'd be wrong, but that's the way it sometimes plays out with ideological hardheads. Try The Economist, which since 1843 has been regarded as one of the best sources of free market oriented, objective journalism on earth. The word "disaster' is quite prominent when it comes to describing your boy:
Yeah, that is well put.
Obama: $1.2 Trillion deficit (makes bush look small), thank you to "the government can spend money like no body's business guys"
Future Deficits: Obama himself are saying it will be over $1 Trillion per year for possibly years to come, thank you to the "big government guys"
Credit for Recession: most pundits blame Bush but also say that come summer of 2009 it will belong to Obama
Credit for Cause of Recession: Loosey-Goosey lending policy started under Carter and continued under Clinton, Dodd and Barney Frank. Even Bill got on TV and said that the democrats deserved more blame than anyone since they had pushed the growth of Fannie and Freddie and had gotten a little to ambitious with the liberalized lending standards.
I could go on forever but suffice it to say once again, the job is difficult, Bush wasn't the best nor the worst, he's just the target until the 20th of this month, then Obama and Biden will be the targets and I for one will enjoy making comments to guys like you who like to foam like a rabid doggy.
PS: The term NeoCon is one I really like to see thrown around since most pundits hold the opinion that the NeoCons were/are actually rehabilitated Blue Dog Democrats who crossed the fence during the Reagan revolution and who are now expected for the most part to cross back over and become ..... once again ..... conservative Blue Dogs Democrats.
God I love the irony.
Now lets all sit back and sip our latte's.
Maybe annoying, but I'm curious how people would feel if Eddie was a Republican/right wing guy and expressed it as such in his lyrics and music. Would all the Eddie fans still feel the same towards him?
Well, no but the Ted Nugent fans would love him.
Yeah, that is well put.
Go read your history books.
Average Prime Lending Rate: Carter 21.5% Bush 3.0 to %
Unemployment Rate: Carter 12.5% Bush 4.5 to 5%
Gasoline Rationing: Carter Yes Bush No
Average APR on credit cards Carter 65.0% Bush 16.5% (I worked in banking during Carter and the APR on credit cards at the height of the recession really was 65% in some cases)
Carter on foreign affairs: "The fruits of Carter's history with Iran are even more rotten. Carter's abandonment of the shah in 1977-78 helped lead to the Islamic revolution (and the murder or imprisonment of many of the Iranian leftists who had supported overthrowing the shah), the emboldening of the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan and the rise of radical Islam worldwide. His botched approach to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979 inspired Islamic terrorists all over the world, culminating in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001." —— Cinnamon Stillwell SF Gate.
Direct Carter Quote regarding Jewish vote: """....discussing his fading reelection prospects and his sinking approval rating in the Jewish community, snapped, 'If I get back in, I'm going to (blank) the Jews.".........."
It has simply become too easy to lay it all at Bush's feet and then walk away. Bush isn't the worst nor the best so quit foaming at the mouth everytime someone mentions his name and just there like a nice boy and sip your latte.
US national debt when Dubya took office: $6 trillion.
When he leaves: something like $11 trillion, although it could be more.
Progress on the environment: "Huh?"
Number of wars fought that missed the point: 1.
Number of Americans dead in said wars: 5,000 or so.
Number of Osama Bin Ladens caught: none (and ask yourself what the neocons would have been saying if this had been a Democrat president).
Progress on Social Security: it's now a faith based program.
Dubya has been a catastrophe.
BTW, the "latte" comment is part of this whole condescending neocon thing that got pretty roundly rejected on November 4. With any luck, Limbaugh and Coulter will soon be looking for jobs in the food service industry and guys like you will learn how to debate without being a**holes.
Go read your history books.
Average Prime Lending Rate: Carter 21.5% Bush 3.0 to %
Unemployment Rate: Carter 12.5% Bush 4.5 to 5%
Gasoline Rationing: Carter Yes Bush No
Average APR on credit cards Carter 65.0% Bush 16.5% (I worked in banking during Carter and the APR on credit cards at the height of the recession really was 65% in some cases)
Carter on foreign affairs: "The fruits of Carter's history with Iran are even more rotten. Carter's abandonment of the shah in 1977-78 helped lead to the Islamic revolution (and the murder or imprisonment of many of the Iranian leftists who had supported overthrowing the shah), the emboldening of the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan and the rise of radical Islam worldwide. His botched approach to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979 inspired Islamic terrorists all over the world, culminating in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001." —— Cinnamon Stillwell SF Gate.
Direct Carter Quote regarding Jewish vote: """....discussing his fading reelection prospects and his sinking approval rating in the Jewish community, snapped, 'If I get back in, I'm going to (blank) the Jews.".........."
It has simply become too easy to lay it all at Bush's feet and then walk away. Bush isn't the worst nor the best so quit foaming at the mouth everytime someone mentions his name and just there like a nice boy and sip your latte.
I agree with that