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Length: 5:17
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There was no train station; there was no downtown
South Howard had disappeared; all my favorite places
My city had been pulled down - reduced to parking spaces
Way to go, Ohio
I went back to Ohio but my family was gone
I stood on the back porch, there was nobody home
I was stunned and amazed
My childhood memories slowly swirled past like the wind through the trees
Way to go, Ohio
I went back to Ohio
But my pretty countryside had been paved down the middle by a government that had no pride
The farms of Ohio had been replaced by shopping malls
And muzak filled the air from Seneca to Cuyahoga Falls
Way to go, Ohio
This song absolutely ruined by the monstrous Rush Limbaugh. (Yeah, I don't care if permission was given; it reminds me of all the horrible hate speech that followed it being played.)
Never listened to Rush Limbaugh so I'm good :-)
What a nice bassline !
22:17 on a Friday night, no-one else home.
Ahh, the joy of RP at "Full Noise"!!!
What a nice bassline !
Yes! I Agree!
Damn, I love her voice. Don't care if you guys are sick of hearing me swoon.
bruceandjenna wrote:
Swoon about Chrissie or other women too?
Well, I do swoon for lots of other women, but my wife owns me -- heart and soul -- and I swoon for her daily.
I'm just going to assume you're being sarcastic.
You're history is misleading and incomplete. Chrissie gave her blessings to Limbaugh as her parents were fans of his. They agreed on a licensing contract where the fees from Limbaugh went to PETA.
From a local just a couple of klicks away from Cuyahoga Falls.
Stop trying to give them the facts, it's a waste of time. They won't listen.
But thanks, that is interesting, I've always wondered about it. It's a great fcking song. 10 from me.
SO cool that Rush Limbaugh allowed the Pretenders to put his theme song on their record.

My City Was Gone was recorded in 1983 and released in 1984. The insufferably pompous Rush Limbaugh and subsequent EIB Network stole (unlicensed) the song's intro from The Pretenders after 1984. Get your history straight.
You're history is misleading and incomplete. Chrissie gave her blessings to Limbaugh as her parents were fans of his. They agreed on a licensing contract where the fees from Limbaugh went to PETA.
From a local just a couple of klicks away from Cuyahoga Falls.
SO cool that Rush Limbaugh allowed the Pretenders to put his theme song on their record.

My City Was Gone was recorded in 1983 and released in 1984. The insufferably pompous Rush Limbaugh and subsequent EIB Network stole (unlicensed) the song's intro from The Pretenders after 1984. Get your history straight.
Chrissie Hynde is the female Lou Reed. She could sing the phone directory and it would be made cool.
I Agree!
I love Rush, and I love RP. And I love you too, my liberal friends.
Never was much of a fan, but I thought "Subdivisions" was one of their best songs.
Rush was definitely one of the greatest Americans of the last 100 years.
Sorry. Rush was a Canadian band. A good one, though...
I'm sorry. I have always loved the Pretenders but evder since Limbaugh started using it, this particular song has been ruined for me for life. Sort of makes me cringe.
I always loved this tune! Rush is gone ...good riddance! I will NEVER let him ruin this tune for me!!
SO cool that Rush Limbaugh allowed the Pretenders to put his theme song on their record.

I'm sorry. I have always loved the Pretenders but evder since Limbaugh started using it, this particular song has been ruined for me for life. Sort of makes me cringe.

Try "Carry Me Ohio" by Sun Kil Moon.....
The Rush Limbaugh intro version actually slowed down the tempo a bit. I loved the song when it first came out. Now when I hear it I am reminded of traveling around the southern USA for my job back in the '90s in the middle of the day and hearing the great one broadcasting from behind the golden EIB microphone. Miss my city (grew up not far from Cleveland) and miss Rush too Regardless of politics he was one of best broadcasters ever. At his core he was an optimist.
The a-hole is DEAD. Thank God!!!!
The Rush Limbaugh intro version actually slowed down the tempo a bit. I loved the song when it first came out. Now when I hear it I am reminded of traveling around the southern USA for my job back in the '90s in the middle of the day and hearing the great one broadcasting from behind the golden EIB microphone. Miss my city (grew up not far from Cleveland) and miss Rush too Regardless of politics he was one of best broadcasters ever. At his core he was an optimist.
Rush was definitely one of the greatest Americans of the last 100 years.
Bill it's just not cool to criticize a man you disagree with politically for being overweight. This is the 'peace and love' of the Left?
The city was gone, not his tummy. Fat fuck with no brain.
Still Chrissie though, and that's more than most bands will ever have.
Bill it's just not cool to criticize a man you disagree with politically for being overweight. This is the 'peace and love' of the Left?
There is a shortage of "peace and love" on both sides of the aisle. Am I to understand from negative inference that the Right cares nothing for peace and love? But I agree, it is not relevant or persuasive to mock someone for their appearance, politics notwithstanding.
However, evil does have orders of magnitude... therefore making it insidious, if not fatal, for those who would know not of such things.
Do you get "flown over" much?
I don't bristle at the "flyover" portrayal of the interior of the States, I just think it should be more inclusive and include the coasts, as well. To be fair.
Go to Australia - plenty of box jellyfish there to help you with species improvement
ya gotta admit, Rush must have good taste.

Especially when there are so many, many, many more reasons to criticize that bloated, drug-addicted, hypocritical buffoon.
SO cool that Rush Limbaugh allowed the Pretenders to put his theme song on their record.

court and won a judgement against him. But Chrissie was cool
she took $1 in punitive damages but stipulated that the fee for
use would be $100,000 a year payable to PETA, a frequent object
of Limbaugh's derision...
Tony in NJ
H8r, while I often agree with you, criticizing someone for illegal drug use seems a little extreme since probably 95% of RP's listening audience either does so regularly or did at some point in the lives. Just saying...
Perhaps, but it's unlikely many of them ever publicly declared on air and in print that illegal drug users should be imprisoned, as Limbaugh had many times.
Yeah!, there are so many better reasons to criticize Rush than his gross obesity. There's the racism. Or, maybe, the misogyny. Or the illegal drug use. Or the laws broken in pursuing that drug habit. Or the purpetual lies broadcast to millions. Or the attacks on the disabled.
Or... this is growing tiresome.
H8r, while I often agree with you, criticizing someone for illegal drug use seems a little extreme since probably 95% of RP's listening audience either does so regularly or did at some point in the lives. Just saying...
Swoon about Chrissie or other women too?
That ought to settle it boys and girls. Now get over it!
Well, maybe not LowPhreak. Rush has spoken publicly about this with much more detail than you provide with your comment. Care to clue us in as to what you know about the situation other than, "yeah! what Bill says!" https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2011/05/13/origins_of_the_eib_theme_song/
Yeah!, there are so many better reasons to criticize Rush than his gross obesity. There's the racism. Or, maybe, the misogyny. Or the illegal drug use. Or the laws broken in pursuing that drug habit. Or the purpetual lies broadcast to millions. Or the attacks on the disabled.
Or... this is growing tiresome.
Wahhhh, Boohoo.
You know this song was quite immortal well before that pompous turd started using it, right? If you don't listen to him, you can easily enjoy this song as it is meant to be.
Yep... ruined. It's currently on mute..... I also downgraded it. Sorry Pretenders. Maybe they don't have control of their music but I'm just being honest. The song is ruined. Don't want to hear it again.
Lately they've been playing with the speed. It's kind of funny...
The speed thing is because they compress the content to squeeze in another minute of commercials.
Yeah!, there are so many better reasons to criticize Rush than his gross obesity. There's the racism. Or, maybe, the misogyny. Or the illegal drug use. Or the laws broken in pursuing that drug habit. Or the purpetual lies broadcast to millions. Or the attacks on the disabled.
Or... this is growing tiresome.
Do you get "flown over" much?
Oh go fuck yourself. And there aren't DJ's here; it is only Bill and he owns it. Don't like it, go away.
If the enormous douchebag Rush Limpballs hadn't glommed the Pretenders' song for his propaganda spew, no one here would have mentioned him.
and then Chrissie gives those royalties to PETA, I hope Rush has to personally sign the checks
Lately they've been playing with the speed. It's kind of funny...
Anyway, so long as OH and a bunch of other American states that are still somewhere in the first half of the 20th century—preventing women, voting, health care, etc.—I won't be going to or through them anytime soon.
Just sayin', Chrissy, and I'm sure you agree with me.
Duh! There is a Seneca County (they are places too) in Ohio that also contains the town of Fort Seneca.
That being said, the area that the song describes is likely from Seneca Avenue, in southern Akron OH, to Cuyahoga Falls (on the northern border of the city). Akron being the town Chrissie (the real spelling for Ms. Hynde's first name) is from. Imagine that. She actually is singing about her home town.
Maybe you should try using the internets instead of your dog-eared Rand McNally. ...or maybe just get out of your Brooklyn bubble. That might also help you in not stereotyping ALL of the people from a particular state. "Just sayin'" (ugh).
Skydog wrote:
Rush Limbaugh has to cut Chrissie and crew a check everytime he uses it for his "theme" song,
and then Chrissie gives those royalties to PETA, I hope Rush has to personally sign the checks
That ought to settle it boys and girls. Now get over it!
to many Rush thoughts
SO cool that Rush Limbaugh allowed the Pretenders to put his theme song on their record.

LawDude wrote:
You know this song was quite immortal well before that pompous turd started using it, right? If you don't listen to him, you can easily enjoy this song as it is meant to be.

Anyway, so long as OH and a bunch of other American states that are still somewhere in the first half of the 20th century—preventing women, voting, health care, etc.—I won't be going to or through them anytime soon.
Preventing women from doing what? Please name the states and reasons why you will stay away. Your American co-citizens may hate you but those of us from afar are dying of curiosity.
Anyway, so long as OH and a bunch of other American states that are still somewhere in the first half of the 20th century—preventing women, voting, health care, etc.—I won't be going to or through them anytime soon.
Just sayin', Chrissy, and I'm sure you agree with me.
Rush Limbaugh has to cut Chrissie and crew a check everytime he uses it for his "theme" song,
and then Chrissie gives those royalties to PETA, I hope Rush has to personally sign the checks
THANKS! Seems like a "doable trip", as long as I don't have to listen to MUZAK the entire way.
He helped immortalize it.
Excellent and most true point!
Rush Limbaugh originally used it without permission, but eventually they reached a a financial agreement, and Chrissie's proceeds go to PETA. She gave permission because Rush supported PETA against the EPA for some chemical testing issue. Odd bedfellows.
He helped immortalize it.

One hour, forty-five minutes.
None of that affected raspiness that so many wannabes do, a la Joan Jett.

From Seneca, SC, Google says it would take about 9 hours. I'd listen to it for that long. She's that good, man.
Are you nuts? This is a great tune. Chrissy gets the inflection just right, the guitar work is good, and of course a great tempo and bass line.
Too late, he's back.
And the team ain't doing very well either.
Why are you even listening to that bombastic, egotistical, anti-American doofus? Listen to Chrissie! Your quality of life will improve immeasurably.
I don't like green eggs and ham. I don't like them, Sam I Am.
I'm unsure why the Pretenders are popular at all. Unelegant, repetitive, boring.
Verily, "elegance" is quite important in rock 'n' roll.
Totally. I hope they paid them a lot
8/8/14: still great. Lovely ringing tone with bent notes and slide work...
Saw them in Cuyahoga Falls, many summers ago at Blossom.
Hometown girl does good ... music ...
RIP Lou!
He who will remain un-named.......
marvelous song... reminds me of this—
Pickett’s Charge on July 3, 1863

Myself knows this as the 1863 Pickett-Pettigrew-Trimble assault, but let's not be pedantic about it shall we?

"My family was gon-uhhh..."
"Stunned and amazeduuuuhhhh my childhood memoriezah!"
Uhhhh... NO-ahhh. It's part of the song performed as intended. Quit your cryin'.
Owner and proprietor of Sasha's dream bar...hey, it's a classy place!

"You leave that sarcasm and irony at the door, pal! Chrissy's a national treasure!"
Yo, what the hell is that freaky thing on that guy's head???