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Name My Band - oldviolin - Sep 21, 2024 - 8:25pm
Trump - Steely_D - Sep 21, 2024 - 7:34pm
~ Have a good joke you can post? ~ - islander - Sep 21, 2024 - 7:10pm
Radio Paradise Comments - GeneP59 - Sep 21, 2024 - 5:00pm
Crazy conspiracy theories - Steely_D - Sep 21, 2024 - 3:41pm
NY Times Strands - maryte - Sep 21, 2024 - 3:03pm
Musky Mythology - R_P - Sep 21, 2024 - 2:58pm
WORDS OF WISDOM - RedTopFireBelow - Sep 21, 2024 - 2:25pm
USA! USA! USA! - R_P - Sep 21, 2024 - 2:24pm
Song of the Day - Steely_D - Sep 21, 2024 - 1:23pm
Israel - R_P - Sep 21, 2024 - 11:53am
Calling All Wise and All-Knowing RPeep Baseball Afficiona... - GeneP59 - Sep 21, 2024 - 10:23am
What Are You Going To Do Today? - GeneP59 - Sep 21, 2024 - 10:15am
Dialing 1-800-Manbird - oldviolin - Sep 21, 2024 - 9:21am
Live Music - oldviolin - Sep 21, 2024 - 9:16am
Wordle - daily game - ptooey - Sep 21, 2024 - 9:15am
NYTimes Connections - maryte - Sep 21, 2024 - 8:55am
• • • The Once-a-Day • • •  - oldviolin - Sep 21, 2024 - 8:10am
Poetry Forum - oldviolin - Sep 21, 2024 - 8:07am
what the hell, miamizsun? - oldviolin - Sep 21, 2024 - 8:01am
Upcoming concerts or shows you can't wait to see - Steely_D - Sep 21, 2024 - 7:49am
Today in History - DaveInSaoMiguel - Sep 21, 2024 - 1:26am
NASA & other news from space - Red_Dragon - Sep 20, 2024 - 8:11pm
The Daily complaint forum, Please complain or be Happy - haresfur - Sep 20, 2024 - 6:11pm
2024 Elections! - haresfur - Sep 20, 2024 - 6:07pm
Prog Rockers Anonymous - Steely_D - Sep 20, 2024 - 5:10pm
Vinyl Only Spin List - kurtster - Sep 20, 2024 - 5:02pm
Is it wrong to not want to listen to music I don't unders... - kurtster - Sep 20, 2024 - 4:56pm
Bug Reports & Feature Requests - syahres - Sep 20, 2024 - 2:39pm
Is there any DOG news out there? - oldviolin - Sep 20, 2024 - 2:23pm
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Counting with Pictures - Proclivities - Sep 20, 2024 - 8:59am
Veterans - Isabeau - Sep 20, 2024 - 8:56am
Whataboutism! - oldviolin - Sep 20, 2024 - 8:43am
Love & Hate - oldviolin - Sep 20, 2024 - 8:16am
Baseball, anyone? - steeler - Sep 20, 2024 - 7:54am
Country Up The Bumpkin - oldviolin - Sep 20, 2024 - 7:45am
Radio Paradise NFL Pick'em Group - Coaxial - Sep 20, 2024 - 7:15am
Race in America - sirdroseph - Sep 20, 2024 - 4:00am
Masculinists? - sirdroseph - Sep 20, 2024 - 3:58am
The Global War on Terror - R_P - Sep 19, 2024 - 9:40pm
RightWingNutZ - kcar - Sep 19, 2024 - 4:59pm
What Makes You Laugh? - thisbody - Sep 19, 2024 - 4:03pm
Phine Phound Photographs - thisbody - Sep 19, 2024 - 4:00pm
King Crimson - thisbody - Sep 19, 2024 - 2:47pm
Agents of TRUTH - thisbody - Sep 19, 2024 - 2:32pm
Propaganda - black321 - Sep 19, 2024 - 2:01pm
songs that ROCK! - thisbody - Sep 19, 2024 - 1:44pm
Climate Change - black321 - Sep 19, 2024 - 12:50pm
• • • BRING OUT YOUR DEAD • • •  - oldviolin - Sep 19, 2024 - 9:35am
YouTube: Music-Videos - oldviolin - Sep 19, 2024 - 9:32am
Talk Like A Pirate Day (TLAPD) - Septemberrrrrr 19th - oldviolin - Sep 19, 2024 - 9:30am
FOUR WORDS - oldviolin - Sep 19, 2024 - 8:18am
Lyrics that strike a chord today... - oldviolin - Sep 19, 2024 - 8:04am
What the hell OV? - oldviolin - Sep 19, 2024 - 7:34am
Would you drive this car for dating with ur girl? - KurtfromLaQuinta - Sep 19, 2024 - 5:11am
Kamala Harris - Steely_D - Sep 19, 2024 - 4:35am
Who Knew? - Red_Dragon - Sep 18, 2024 - 6:30pm
Creepy - thisbody - Sep 18, 2024 - 11:04am
Rhetorical questions - thisbody - Sep 18, 2024 - 10:31am
The Obituary Page - Red_Dragon - Sep 18, 2024 - 10:15am
Error retrieving cache block - jalfreziman - Sep 18, 2024 - 10:10am
Economix - thisbody - Sep 18, 2024 - 9:43am
Ukraine - thisbody - Sep 18, 2024 - 9:26am
Questions. - Coaxial - Sep 18, 2024 - 8:30am
Talk Behind Their Backs Forum - GeneP59 - Sep 18, 2024 - 8:27am
Outstanding Covers - oldviolin - Sep 18, 2024 - 7:47am
illegal immigrants - Isabeau - Sep 17, 2024 - 4:52pm
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Steely_D Avatar

Location: Biscayne Bay
Gender: Male

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 7:34pm

 kcar wrote:
Beaker, you're rooting for a senile narcissistic insurrectionist rapist who wears more makeup than every sane woman on earth. Please get help. 

They're not rooting for Trump. They're just enjoying being "open minded." But...everyone disagrees with them!
That means it's working! and they're getting the attention they deserve.
Of course, if you disagree, the response isn't facts or reasonable discussion but simple personal insults.
So, to mangle a line from the original movie Fame: 


kcar Avatar

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 7:27pm

 islander wrote:

I gave you all the original content you deserved.

And that was the Reader's Digest version! 

Beaker, you're rooting for a senile narcissistic insurrectionist rapist who wears more makeup than every sane woman on earth. Please get help. 

islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 6:19pm

 Beaker wrote:

ackkkkshully ... it's pretty clear you missed my point.  Though to understand, you'd have to kinda try and find a intellectually neutral spot for a few minutes.

And I never figured you for a massive cut'n'paster, unlike some others here.  Learn something new every day.

I gave you all the original content you deserved.

Beaker Avatar

Location: Your safe space

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 5:18pm

 Isabeau wrote:

Beaker, you're hilarious! One side has a sentient Homo Sapien the other a serial liar and conspiracy theorist, convicted of rape and several felons. Do you really believe that Hamster Stir fry is taking place in Ohio?

I'm going to bet you are 1. single and 2. haven't had a live woman in your bed in over a decade.    *OMG, gasp, quelle horreur!'  She went there!*
because if you did, you'd damn sure want her to have 1. Access to affordable quality birth control and 2. Choices if they fail. 

I find many male fans of Trump are not truly 'pro-life,' in the sense of caring about babies and children,
but that they are furious that women are having s-e-x,
but not with them. 
So they don't them having it with anybody.

Ignore, post a joke, site a far right rant or squirrel point, sweetheart. I expect nothing less.  

Jesus, you've lost the plot.

 Isabeau wrote:

All of us, so many different personalities, political perspectives and values ...have been drawn here by MUSIC.   
That's pretty doggone sacred. And no matter the differences here, I want that sentiment to remain a priority in my heart.

I'm sorry I made you cry. 

Steely_D Avatar

Location: Biscayne Bay
Gender: Male

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 4:54pm

 Beaker wrote:
 Learn something new every day.

You?  That would be something.

Beaker Avatar

Location: Your safe space

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 4:49pm

 islander wrote:

Yeah, she's not the best, but let's not forget that Trump:

There's more, but I think most people (not you) will get the point.

ackkkkshully ... it's pretty clear you missed my point.  Though to understand, you'd have to kinda try and find a intellectually neutral spot for a few minutes.

And I never figured you for a massive cut'n'paster, unlike some others here.  Learn something new every day.


islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 4:30pm

 Beaker wrote:

I'm astonished that a) Kamala's still a viable option for a large number of people, and b) the democrats can't find anyone better to step up and bring some sanity to their party.

A two party system does have its drawbacks.

Yeah, she's not the best, but let's not forget that Trump:

Greeted predecessor at White House; left wife in car. Made up to wife by allowing wife to add references to jewellery line to official White House first lady bio. Did not convince wife to move into White House; eventually convinced wife to move into White House; did not convince wife to move into White House bedroom. Maintained ownership of companies; doubled membership fees for Mar-a-Lago beach resort. Warned inauguration crowd of foreign attempts to “ravage” United States. Told first lie in office, described modestly sized inauguration crowd as largest in history; saw photographs of predecessor’s larger crowd; deployed press secretary to repeat crowd description as history’s largest; deployed senior adviser to describe inaccurate crowd description as “alternative fact.” Did not release tax returns.
Was subject of historic event on day after inauguration, with largest protests in nation’s history organized against him by members of sex about which he had previously advised grabbing “by the pussy.” Asked, “Why didn’t these people vote?” Learned he did not win majority of votes; requested investigation into voter fraud.
Signed order to build wall between Mexico and United States that he claimed Mexico would pay for; learned Mexican president cancelled meeting with him, would not pay for wall. Had phone call with president of U.S. ally Mexico, threatened to invade U.S. ally Mexico. Had phone call with prime minister of U.S. ally Australia, hung up on prime minister of U.S. ally Australia. Had phone call with president of U.S. adversary Russia, promised to have “fantastic relationship” with president of U.S. adversary Russia. Signed order banning refugees on security grounds. Signed order banning travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries on security grounds; said it was not a Muslim ban. Saw Muslim ban cause confusion, panic and chaotic protests worldwide. Saw judge block refugee ban, saw judge block Muslim ban. Learned acting attorney general defied him; fired acting attorney general.
Heard Black reporter ask if he would meet with Congressional Black Caucus, asked her, “You want to set up the meeting? Are they friends of yours?” Declared free press “the enemy of the American people.”
Invited his “If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father” daughter to sit in Oval Office chair. Learned Nordstrom dropped fashion line by daughter; tweeted attack on Nordstrom. Tweeted would not attack court; attacked court as “political.” Learned top aide was promoting fashion line by daughter. Greeted U.S. ally/Japanese prime minister, shook hand for 19 seconds. Tweeted would bring border-wall price “WAY DOWN.” Did not get Mexico to pay any price for wall.
Told FBI director “I hope you can let this go” about investigation into national security adviser lying about communication with Russian ambassador. Had national security adviser resign; saw leak that national security adviser had resigned; called leak “criminal.” Held rally; attacked “dishonest media.” Gave speech; threatened to “do something” about media. Blocked press members from press briefings; skipped press dinner.
Heard reports attorney general communicated with Russians during Trump campaign; also, that vice-president used private emails as governor; also, that vice-president said his private emails were nothing like election rival’s private emails. Tweeted that predecessor tapped his phone. Attacked judge for “unprecedented overreach” for blocking travel ban. Heard GOP congressman call on him to release tax returns. Did not release tax returns.
Used State Department website to advertise Mar-a-Lago resort. Allowed daughter to meet with president of China, heard her company had won trademarks from government of China; heard public outrage, allowed “perhaps I’d be dating her” daughter to sit in on meeting with German Chancellor. Learned FBI was investigating campaign links with Russia and election interference. Gave “You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody?” daughter official White House role. Saw former adviser offer to testify about Trump campaign dealings with Russia in exchange for immunity from prosecution.
Tweeted media should not investigate his campaign’s links with Russia, should investigate predecessor tapping his phone. Planned shift to centre. Tweeted North Korea was “looking for trouble”; tweeted Russia relationship “will work out fine.”
Heard tens of thousands of protesters demand he release tax returns. Tweeted protests were small. Tweeted media should investigate who paid protesters. Did not release tax returns. Had wife prompt him to put hand over heart during national anthem at Easter event. Tweeted if wall was not built “the drug situation” would “NEVER be fixed.” Saw disapproval numbers rise; saw “what a beauty” daughter booed at W20 summit; heard German minister say “the mix of politics with family and business reminds us of nepotism.” Called president of Philippines, congratulated him for policy of shooting drug suspects on sight in streets, praised “unbelievable job.” Held rally, accused media of “failing,” being “fake,” working from “very ugly” office building, praised crowd for being large.
Did not get money from Congress for border wall. Did make plans with Russian leader for meeting. Tweeted predecessor’s health-care act was a “lie” and “dead.” Fired FBI director. Saw report he asked independent FBI director to pledge him loyalty. Tweeted fired FBI director “better hope there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations!”
Passed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister. Heard national security adviser say releasing classified information to Russia was not “inappropriate.” Heard reports he asked fired FBI director to drop investigation. Called fired FBI director “a real nut job.” Heard Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates pledged $100 million to fund backed by “she’s hot, right?” daughter. Said Saudi Arabia is fighting “barbaric criminals.” Recalled loss of popular vote; created commission to investigate voter fraud; never found evidence of voter fraud. Announced via Twitter new security policy of compromising intelligence sources by sharing “facts pertaining to terrorism and airline safety” with American adversaries such as Russia.
Had hand swatted by wife on tarmac. Shoved Prime Minister of Montenegro out of way during photo op, obtained better position. Learned FBI was scrutinizing son-in-law for proposing secret communications channel with Russia. Called leaks “troubling.”
Tweeted about “constant negative press covfefe.” Tweeted people should not be “politically correct.” Did not release tax returns. Said he would speak under oath about conversations with fired FBI director. Did not speak under oath about conversations with FBI director. Said other people leaking about fired FBI director are “cowardly.”
Learned appeals court ruled against travel ban. Tweeted “the real story” was predecessor allowing Russian election meddling. Tweeted about rejecting “poorly rated” and “psycho” journalist; also journalist “bleeding badly from a facelift” and “low IQ crazy.”
Met Russian president at G20, wife tried to break it up, failed, met Russian president secretly, daughter took empty chair. Tweeted daughter holding seat is “very standard.” Heard reports son set up meeting with suspected Kremlin lawyer, stated son is “high-quality person.” Heard son-in-law deny he colluded with Russia. Tweeted attorney general is “beleaguered,” should investigate election rival’s relationship with Russia.

Instructed police officers to refrain from being “too nice” when making arrests. Again, fired senior staff, communications director. Held rally; again, yelled about former election campaign rival. Threatened North Korea with “fire and fury,” something, something.
Learned woman murdered in Charlottesville, Va., amid marches by racists masquerading as golf caddies with tiki torches yelling about blood and soil; condemned violence “on many sides, on many sides,” praised “very fine people on both sides.” Retweeted cartoon of train killing journalist. Received thanks from former leader of Ku Klux Klan. Received accolades from chief strategist, former executive chairman of racist news site. Fired chief strategist. Complimented former chief strategist. Pardoned racist sheriff.
Watched eclipse, looked directly at sun.
Heard media report Trump Organization contacted Kremlin about Moscow deal during election; heard campaign manager’s lawyer was subpoenaed by the special counsel investigation. Rescinded DACA. Tweeted attack on people “writing books and major articles about me.” Heard “is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?” daughter complain of liberal critics’ “unrealistic expectations.” Instructed ESPN via Twitter to “Apologize for untruth!” Tweeted travel ban should be “far larger” but political correctness prohibited it. Shook wife’s hand, told her to “go sit down,” pushed her off stage. Called North Korean dictator “rocket man.” Called kneeling NFL player “son of a bitch,” requested team owners remove from field. Heard journalists report secretary of state nearly resigned over president’s stupidity after calling president a “moron”; instructed journalists via Twitter to “issue an apology to AMERICA!”; declared members of free press should have broadcast licenses “challenge.”
Heard Puerto Rico mayor beg for hurricane assistance; attacked mayor. Said hurricane not “real catastrophe.” Threw paper towels at hurricane victims. Informed hurricane victims, “You’ve thrown our budget a little out of whack.” Heard his “every guy in the country wants to go out with” daughter and eldest son almost indicted for fraud. Asked CIA director to meet with conspiracy theorist who could explain how Democrats, not Russia, hacked Democrats. Defended throwing paper towels at hurricane victims.
Tweeted instructions at unknown persons to “change tax law!” in retaliation for NFL players kneeling. Did not release tax returns. Appointed gold-level Trump Hotel member ambassador to Canada. Requested secretary of state compare IQ scores with him. Stated, incorrectly and disapprovingly, predecessor never made calls to military families.
Told widow that dead soldier husband “knew what he signed up for.” Tweeted Republican chairman of Senate foreign relations committee “didn’t have the guts” to run for re-election, wouldn’t have endorsed him anyway. Learned campaign manager charged with conspiracy against United States.
Requested judge give someone death penalty. Told Japan’s prime minister he would allow Japan’s economy to come second after America’s. Told North Korea, “Do not try us.” Cancelled visit to DMZ due to fog, not guns. Shook hands with Russian president at dinner, not for 19 seconds.Spoke favourably of poll showing majority disapproval. Called major media outlet “Loser!” Struggled to locate, open and drink from water bottle. Claimed to turn down offer to be “person of the year.”Heard media reports chief of staff discussed “great, great beauty” daughter and son-in-law leaving West Wing. Heard media reports wife did not wish to be first lady. Referred to senator as “Pocahontas,” NFL as “weak and out of control!” Retweeted anti-Muslim videos. Suggested journalist be investigated for murder.Said female senator “would do anything for” campaign contributions. Learned women who accused him of groping requested congressional probe into more than one dozen sexual harassment and assault allegations. Saw photos of himself with new accuser he claimed to have never met. Dispatched lawyer to claim presidents “cannot obstruct justice.”Wished Happy New Year to even the very dishonest fake news media.” Announced Justice Department is part of “deep state” conspiracy against him. Announced he, too, has big button, bigger than button of North Korean dictator. Assured public he is “very stable genius.” Compressed workday to prioritize TV, Twitter. Mouthed wrong words to national anthem.
Posed query regarding American policy of accepting immigration from “s–thole countries.” Clarified, “I am not a racist.” Heard reports his lawyer bribed porn star with hush money after he slept with her, compared her to “she’s actually always been very voluptuous” daughter, after wife gave birth. Tweeted, “Trump wins again.” Heard wife would not attend Davos. Clarified, “No, I wouldn’t say I’m a feminist.”Gave speech, noted lack of clapping, accused non-clappers of being “treasonous.” Attacked FBI, DOJ, NFL. Advocated for shutdown of government he leads; had lawyer claim he, not president, paid president’s porn star girlfriend with own money, just because; sent “Did she look a little more stacked?” daughter to winter Olympics. Required memo to appear empathetic toward shooting victims; proposed giving school teachers guns; advocated for importance of strong mental health.Congratulated Chinese president for eliminating term limits, announced “maybe we’ll give that a shot someday.” Reiterated claim he “never met” sexual assault accuser. Reiterated call for investigation into predecessor. Said deputy who did not shoot gunman “certainly did a poor job.” Learned communications director was resigning. Learned ex-chief of staff called him “an idiot.” Fired personal assistant. Fired secretary of state. Learned special counsel subpoenaed company. Learned porn star passed lie detector test. Fired national security adviser. Issued zero-tolerance policy of parents caring for children at border. Tweeted attack on “cheatin’ ” predecessor. Tweeted attack on “untruthful slimeball” former FBI director. Said he did not get wife a birthday gift, praised supportive Black rap artist.Learned porn star’s lawyer said Russian oligarch put $500,000 in president’s lawyer’s account. Called undocumented immigrants “animals.” Called FBI investigation “witch hunt.” Planned to pardon criminal who pled guilty for breaking campaign finance laws. Issued unprejudiced legal opinion, “I have the absolute right to pardon myself.” Opted not to prepare for his meeting with North Korean dictator. Noted when North Korean dictator speaks, “his people sit up at attention.” Said, “I want my people to do the same.”Saw photographic evidence his policies separated families at border; denied policies separated families at border; stated, “You have to take the children away.”
Nominated accused sexual assailant to Supreme Court. Defended accused sexual assault assailant as Supreme Court nominee, criticized Democrats’ “meanness.” Heard reports he tore up memos and documents, aides had to tape back together. Met U.S. allies, called prime minister of neighbour and ally Canada “meek,” also “very dishonest and weak.” Kept Queen of England waiting, did not bow, said they had great “chemistry.”Welcomed national security threat, telecommunications firm from U.S. adversary China, to do business with U.S. Met privately with president of U.S. adversary Russia, held joint news conference with president of U.S. adversary Russia, declared if leader of U.S. adversary Russia said they didn’t do what American intelligence agencies said they did, he had to believe leader of U.S. adversary Russia. Tweeted, “no president has been tougher on Russia than me.” Tweeted, media “hate the fact that I’ll probably have a good relationship with Putin.” Tweeted DOJ and FBI investigations are “witch hunt rigged, a scam!”Tweeted request attorney general stop investigating his campaign, called investigation a “TOTAL HOAX.” Said son’s campaign behaviour was “totally legal.” Told critics to “be cool.”Tweeted attack on kneeling Black NFL players. Called critical Black congresswoman “extraordinarily low IQ person,” critical former Black staff woman “dog,” critical Black interviewer stupid. Dispatched white spokesman to clarify he isn’t racist. Tweeted thanks to supportive Black rap artist. Welcomed supportive white biker gang to golf club, complimented “beautiful bikes,” mocked journalists for getting wet in rain. Supported firing FBI agent who had criticized him. Revoked security clearance of former CIA director who had criticized him. Complained of “ridiculously” high cost of military parades. Complained of social media companies “closing down the opinions of many people on the right.” Complained media outlets did not recognize “I have nothing to hide.” Praised Latino border guard for speaking “perfect English.”Informed former campaign chairman was convicted on eight counts. Informed former lawyer pleaded guilty to paying hush money to porn star on his behalf. Launched petition against ESPN’s national anthem policy, gave himself “A-plus” compared to all predecessors. Signalled desire to pardon former campaign chairman. Announced White House lawyer leaving after accused sexual assault assailant sworn in as Supreme Court justice. Said he would “get involved” with independent agencies DOJ and FBI. Said Google was rigged to shut out conservatives. Said TV cameras were faking technical difficulties to shut out his speeches. Said he had successfully made America great again. Tweeted attack on Canada. Did not get Mexico to pay for wall.
Skipped Republican senator’s funeral; golfed. Learned anonymous administration official penned op-ed claiming they and others were resisting the president’s worst impulses; called op-ed treason; instructed media outlet to hand traitor “over to government at once!” Claimed to fall asleep during predecessor’s speech. Requested attorney general investigate author of op-ed criticizing him. Tweeted attack on NFL. Complained Puerto Rico storm response was underappreciated. Called storm death toll a Democratic hoax. Described banker as unintelligent, poor public speaker, nervous mess, but “otherwise he is wonderful.” Announced, “No collusion!” Announced, “I don’t have an attorney general.” Announced, FBI is “cancer in our country.” Tweeted query, “I want to know, where is the money for border security and the WALL in this ridiculous spending bill?” Did not get Mexico to pay for wall.Asked sexual assault accuser to bring forward unspecified “filings” against Supreme Court nominee. Declared sexual assault accusation to possibly be greatest injustice suffered by any candidate of any kind in all of history. Declared wealthy Jewish man paid for protesters against accused sexual assailant. Was laughed at during UN speech, claimed was in on joke. Held rally, laughed at sexual assault accuser. Apologized to Supreme Court nominee “on behalf of our nation.” Saw U.S. ambassador to UN leave. Told by wife to put his phone down. Said #MeToo prevents him from saying what he really wants.Threatened “severe punishment” against Saudi Arabia for disappearance of journalist. Defended Saudi Arabia for disappearance of journalist. Accused Saudi Arabia of staging “worst cover up ever” in killing of journalist, attributed to their “very bad original concept.” Stated Republican Speaker of the House knew nothing of birthright citizenship. Praised barbed wire along border. Praised man who body-slammed journalist. Did not get Mexico to pay for wall. Lost midterms, boasted of “big victory.” Saw White House reporter have mic wrestled away by staffer, had White House revoke reporter’s credentials, had White House release altered video of mic wrestling. Pretended not to know appointee he had met more than one dozen times. Accused French president of insulting him, criticized general who led Osama bin Laden raid, expressed anger with California foresters, suggested raking to prevent fires. Defended Saudi prince for murder of journalist.Tweeted attack on judges, who “must not legislate security and safety at the border” or “there will be only bedlam, chaos, injury and death.” Gave thanks for himself on Thanksgiving. Learned House would investigate “she does have a very nice figure” daughter’s emails, defended daughter’s “very innocent” use of private emails. Interviewed administrative candidates at Mar-a-Lago. Appreciated senator’s lynching remarks as joke. Threatened to shut down United States government if Congress did not pay for wall. Did not get Mexico to pay for wall. Tweeted attack on General Motors. Tweeted attack on former lawyer. Announced business dealings during campaign were “very legal,” “very cool.” Did not release tax returns. Nominated former host of favourite Fox News TV show as U.S. ambassador to UN. Fired chief of staff. Learned child died in custody of U.S. border agents. Threatened to shut down U.S. government if Congress did not pay for wall. Did not get Congress to pay for wall. Heard former lawyer say he directed him to pay hush money to porn star, calls former lawyer “a rat.” Tweeted that “real scandal” is negative media coverage of him, query as to whether media outlets are guilty of “collusion?” Lost defence secretary. Tweeted that wall is “like the wheel, there is nothing better.” Did not get Mexico to pay for wall. Triggered partial government shutdown for longest time in nation’s history. Learned second child died in same month in custody of U.S. border agents, celebrated Christmas. Became unhappy with new chief of staff. Hinted at firing Federal Reserve chairman. Claimed Democrats secretly love border walls. Claimed only Olympic champion could scale new border wall. Lodged complaint against congressional Democrats via Twitter for “presidential harassment,” asked Congress to pay for wall, did not get Mexico to pay for wall. Blamed Democrats for dead migrant children. Heard chief of staff say of wall, “To be honest, it’s not a wall.” Wished Happy New Year to “the haters.”

There's more, but I think most people (not you) will get the point.


Isabeau Avatar

Location: sou' tex
Gender: Female

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 4:18pm

 Beaker wrote:

I'm astonished that a) Kamala's still a viable option for a large number of people, and b) the democrats can't find anyone better to step up and bring some sanity to their party.
A two party system does have its drawbacks.

Beaker, you're hilarious! One side has a sentient Homo Sapien the other a serial liar and conspiracy theorist, convicted of rape and several felons. Do you really believe that Hamster Stir fry is taking place in Ohio?

I'm going to bet you are 1. single and 2. haven't had a live woman in your bed in over a decade.    *OMG, gasp, quelle horreur!'  She went there!*
because if you did, you'd damn sure want her to have 1. Access to affordable quality birth control and 2. Choices if they fail. 

I find many male fans of Trump are not truly 'pro-life,' in the sense of caring about babies and children,
but that they are furious that women are having s-e-x,
but not with them. 
So they don't them having it with anybody.

Ignore, post a joke, site a far right rant or squirrel point, sweetheart. I expect nothing less.  


Th1nk1ngTh1ng Avatar

Location: existence

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 4:08pm

 islander wrote:

I'm astonished that a) he's still a viable option for a large number of people, and b) the republicans can't find anyone better to step up and bring some sanity to their party.

What I think makes this cycle interesting is that this is the first time Trump has run against a candidate that has net positive favorability rating (per the polling averages on 538). Clinton was less favorable than Trump.  In 2020 Biden was about the same as Trump iirc.  But, Harris has a net positive favorability rating, which is a disadvantage for Trump.

Beaker Avatar

Location: Your safe space

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 2:22pm

 islander wrote:

I'm astonished that a) he's still a viable option for a large number of people, and b) the republicans can't find anyone better to step up and bring some sanity to their party.

I'm astonished that a) Kamala's still a viable option for a large number of people, and b) the democrats can't find anyone better to step up and bring some sanity to their party.

A two party system does have its drawbacks.

kcar Avatar

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 11:43am

They're made of silver but they reek of desperation: 


islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 8:15am

 Steely_D wrote:

"...and I'll unveil my plan for that in two weeks - along with my plans for repealing and replacing your healthcare coverage, and making Mexico pay for a big beautiful wall, and incarcerating anyone who works against me in the polling places, and rounding up and dealing with everyone who's not white, and passing tax breaks that no one's ever seen before."

BTW: "execution of a baby after birth" is just murder, and it's already illegal. 
And, frankly, I'm more depressed than four years ago - because then I was glad to see Biden come in to office. Now I have to think about that senile un-bleached orange sphincter possibly being put back in an office he can't handle. Yes, I'm more unhappy now.

I'm astonished that a) he's still a viable option for a large number of people, and b) the republicans can't find anyone better to step up and bring some sanity to their party.

Steely_D Avatar

Location: Biscayne Bay
Gender: Male

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 7:56am

 Red_Dragon wrote:

"...and I'll unveil my plan for that in two weeks - along with my plans for repealing and replacing your healthcare coverage, and making Mexico pay for a big beautiful wall, and incarcerating anyone who works against me in the polling places, and rounding up and dealing with everyone who's not white, and passing tax breaks that no one's ever seen before."

BTW: "execution of a baby after birth" is just murder, and it's already illegal. 
And, frankly, I'm more depressed than four years ago - because then I was glad to see Biden come in to office. Now I have to think about that senile un-bleached orange sphincter possibly being put back in an office he can't handle. Yes, I'm more unhappy now.


Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 6:32am


Steely_D Avatar

Location: Biscayne Bay
Gender: Male

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 6:04am

 Isabeau wrote:

Elaborate paragraphs to say how great Springfield is ... yet he's still backing the rapist and felon. 

His point and the takeaway: The community that's ostracizing their Haitian neighbors are wrong and it shouldn't be happening. 
That means that what Trump said was wrong and he's doing his job properly to say it publicly. Let's not miss the point of his article.

Isabeau Avatar

Location: sou' tex
Gender: Female

Posted: Sep 21, 2024 - 4:44am

 Steely_D wrote:
Elaborate paragraphs to say how great Springfield is ... yet he's still backing the rapist and felon. 

Steely_D Avatar

Location: Biscayne Bay
Gender: Male

Posted: Sep 20, 2024 - 10:11am

I’m the Republican Governor of Ohio. Here Is the Truth About Springfield.

gift article. no paywall or subscription


Steely_D Avatar

Location: Biscayne Bay
Gender: Male

Posted: Sep 19, 2024 - 7:29pm

Jewish? According to him the Jews will be to blame if he loses.

Bill_J Avatar

Posted: Sep 19, 2024 - 7:03pm

 haresfur wrote:

tbf, there should have been a laugh-track

Its not funny 

Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: Sep 19, 2024 - 6:08pm

 haresfur wrote:

tbf, there should have been a laugh-track

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